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5 common myths about Islam Propagated by Media

Yes, I follow the same and trust me at the end of the day, they all talk about the same. Spirituality of Islam is exactly same as Advaitvad of Hinduism. They all talk about single god, Never seen, love for humanity and any creature and many more but if you talk about low level part then it is pole apart. :)
hehehe...I dont read Sufi books...Heard they are good...But for me Quran is enough ...If I can absorb that stuff that is more than enough for my deen :)

What low level?
hehehe...I dont read Sufi books...Heard they are good...But for me Quran is enough ...If I can absorb that stuff that is more than enough for my deen :)
What low level?
As far as we understand the purpose of religion then any book or no book is fine.

I am referring daily chores as per religious guidelines as low level aspect of religion and Spirituality as High level.
As far as we understand the purpose of religion then any book or no book is fine.

I am referring daily chores as per religious guidelines as low level aspect of religion and Spirituality as High level.
What is the use of spirituality alone when it is not accompanied by discipline?

Even the monks use both side by side....
What is the use of spirituality alone when it is not accompanied by discipline?

Even the monks use both side by side....
And what is discipline? Discipline is to control your urges and follow a path and not doing 5 times Namaaz and Doing Morning and evening Pooja when your heart and soul is not there. When we pushes for such disciplines then people lost the faith in spirituality and focus on these things. This is a common problem across the religion happening currently. These disciplines are only path to reach the place and not the destination in itself.
And what is discipline? Discipline is to control your urges and follow a path and not doing 5 times Namaaz and Doing Morning and evening Pooja when your heart and soul is not there.
I said both side by side...not 1 leaving the other...
Let's go back to the OP, and assume that its explanations are good enough to accept - that Jihad mainly has a defensive context, that FGM is a cultural and not a religious phenomenon, that stoning is part of all Abrahamic faiths, not just Islam, that suicide bombing has been used by others, and finally that Islam has a glorious scientific past with many valuable contributions.

Good, let us accept all that, as is.

Now where does it leave most of the Muslim countries and where are they headed? Even after explaining all that, they are still in deep trouble, are they not?
Now where does it leave most of the Muslim countries and where are they headed? Even after explaining all that, they are still in deep trouble, are they not?

The silence is answer enough to the question posed above. :D
If I were to use your language: "Only an evil person with negative mindset would think that someone would rejoice when someone else's raw nerve is touched".
You sure? Under the these circumstances?

"fairer sex
What the hell is a fairer sex?

You are beating around the bush for answering a simple question with a 'yes' or 'no'. Actually, you did say 'yes' before the direct question was put forth. But after the direct question, you are trying to deflect in not so intelligent a manner.
If it was a matter of yes or no one wouldnt be bothered to giving you a FULL explanation! Which of course is meaningless when you didnt read it! Instead of being grateful you ungrateful soul keep being like spoilt child with your I want a yes or no not a whole explanation of how the Yes or No can be derived!

You having your own opinion & interpretation is fine but thinking that everyone should have the same line of thought, is illogical and not so intelligent.
Likewise when you just think that it falls in yes and no..

[A 'complete code of life' cannot exclude enemies from 'how to treat' list anyway. Otherwise, it will not be complete.]
A complete code of life not of spoon feeding...If spoon feeding was needed one would be bothered to maintain a brain!

Two different people considering their own interpretation as right while being mentally incapable of knowing that there are other possible interpretations.
Or 1 stubborn person wanting to hear only a specific word or someone agreeing to him but isnt hearing it hence twists, whines and stamps his foot where he has no argument left!

When a verse (or instruction) is interpreted differently by different people, it is not entirely the people's fault.
It is esp when there is already a verse stating ask ALLAH for help and Prophet said when you are lost go to the people of knowledge not your backyard Mullah whom everyone knows was appointed coz his dad too was a Mullah and before that his dad and so on....In fact in the Quran it is said people prefer that which their forefathers did (appoint the backyard Mullah and his generations)

Why are they not adhering to the warning? If they did adhere to the warning and then their life screwed up then maybe you CAN NOT blame the people

If the scholars had said "it is forbidden to mistreat any human being", there was no scope for different interpretations.
But when they said "it is forbidden to mistreat A & B", they have obviously left the treatment of C & D to interpretation.
1st it is more serious than mistreating: It has been said to kill 1 SOUL/ MAN (irrespective of religion, race, colour, or whatever you want to add) is like killing the whole of mankind.....Yet people kill ...Even when the verse covers A-Z and everything else....You tell me is D enough if it was written until D, then next someone starts worshiping the sea monster, and there isnt a name yet given to such people then your question would be why were they excluded?

Man's nature to find keeray where they are not even present! Anything so that they dont have to agree with the other person! Anything and everything looks faulty!

You can equate C & D to grandparents but be aware that it is your own interpretation. And there are other interpretations possible.
THAT is your problem ALONE!
6th myth: Islam means peace and Islam is a religion of peace.... FALSE
I would like to ask only one question from you my friend... Can you plaese tell us who started Crusades, WW1, WW2.... Because the World thinks that Islam was spread through swords. So please tell us about crusades :D
There is zero freedom in Islam. You do as told in the book.

There is a Mob who is looking after you all the time. If you want to do one thing (based on your judgement/wish and which may contradict the book), then the Mob will come looking for you. The Mob fear ensures compliance.

Other religions also have Mobs (so called protectors of religion). But the Muslim Mobs are the most powerful, as they have the biggest ammo in their hands to control/blackmail people to follow them.

Gita/Mahabharat/Bible give guidelines for life - Be good, love everyone, respect elders, pray to God etc. But they don't assign specific acts.

Quran gives guidelines like others but it goes deeper. It guides your specific acts. Examples below:

1) Believe in God. Good. Those who do not beleive what for them?

specific act: Those who do not believe, kill them. or impose tax on them.

2) Eat good and healthy food.

specific act: Do not eat pork or do not drink alcohol.

If Geeta/Bible/Mahabharat are the principles of aviation, Quran tells you how exactly to build the plane.

Followers of other books can build their own planes in different imaginative ways (the principles remain same). But those who follow Islam can build their plane in only one way. There is no freedom to change even the seat colors.

I have heard many tell me Islam is a way of life. I agree but does it allow anyone the right to live his/her own life? I feel Islam has too much interference in a person's normal life.

Just my frank opinions about Islam. Not intended to hurt anyone.

I do agree that Islam does preach good things like be a good human being, and respect others. My only grudge is that being too specific in how one should act in daily life, Quran gives the right wing too much ammunition to meddle in other's life.

Like we have non believers mentioned in any religious book. But being a Hindu I don't know what to do when I encounter a non religious person/non believer. But if I was a Muslim I would find the answer to what to do when I meet a non religious person/non believer.

Being a hindu I know its good to pray. But I dont know how many times to pray. I can pray 1 time, 5 times, 0 time everyday/month/year. But if I was a Muslim I would find the answer that I need to pray 5 times daily.

being a Hindu I know its good to respect women. Women should dress moderately. what should they wea exactly I dont know. Anything respectful is fine. If I was a Muslim I would find the answer that she should cover from top to bottom and should wear abbaya.

I find Islam is a mix of two things. Guiding principles + specific acts. I am fine with the Guiding principles, but I find the specifics as a problem which not only curtail my freedom, but also gives the right wing too much ammo to dominate the general public.

I only want to follow the guidelines. But I want to decide myself on the implementation.
5 Common Myths about Islam Propagated by the Media


Female Genital Mutilation


Suicide Bombing

Islam and Science

Jihad : The ISIS, Taliban dictate Jihad as holy work of Islam. It may be possible that there interpretation of Jihad is correct. We need ISIS/Taliban/TTP/SIMI/LeT representative to know there views on Jihad.

Female Genital Mutilation : Everything in Islam is either borrowed or copied from old Arabic tradition. Old Arabic/African ritual like men pen*s cutting, polygamy, Skull Cap, Al-aha(the Moon God), Beard, Jihad, Halal copied by Islam..

Stoning : Old Arabic/African barbaric ritual, borrowd/carried by Islam...

Suicide Bombing : Need Taliban representative. They can tell better. After all its all about 72 Virgins.. A Muslim must not afraid of death --Taliban View .

Islam and Science : There was a time when Arabs learnt from east (China and India) and propagated to west. Muslims are brainwashed and taught that these scientific work was done by Muslims. Muslims just act as a bridge between east and west.. (in propagating they add some value though)

The Arabic number system (0 to 9) is actually Indian Number system, it was in India much before Islam was born. Magnet and Navigation is chinese Invention , Islam spread it to west , It was in China much before Islam was born..

So open ur brain and think logically. Don't act like brainwashed Madarsa educated person...
This video says Muslims invented Chess, Algebra and some other pre-islamic inventions. BTW a board game which is the ancestor of Chess was already found during excavation of Mohenjodaro and Lothal.
I have not made this video. It has been researched and made in Europe. Do you think they will give undue credit to someone else. Anyways, its not the board game one should boast about. It is the knowledge of flying, education and science which should be a point to ponder.
I have not made this video. It has been researched and made in Europe. Do you think they will give undue credit to someone else. Anyways, its not the board game one should boast about. It is the knowledge of flying, education and science which should be a point to ponder.

What I heard that documentary was funded by Arabs and many claims of it was factually incorrect. Chess was invented at the time of Gupta empire but it was claimed as to discovered by Muslims, lots of civilizations worked on Algebra, but Al Khwarizmi given credit for that. Similarly there was another false claim about first university by Muslims, you perhaps forgetting Taxila that exists in your backyard.

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