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60+ civilians massacred in bombing on Kunduz seminary’

Will the surviving children be given global publicity? Will they be handed the opportunity to go to oxford? Will they get a nobel peace prize?
Guess what? no long march and protests for these poor chaps

I am not sure if i get your point but , Dude. Why would Pakistani Pashtoon community march for Afghanistan issues ? And should Afghanistan's verbal support for PTM effect our way of looking at it ?

But we have to remember that this is a country where We (Pakistani citizens) protest for Syria, Indian muslims, palestanians, iraq, kashmir, and against terrorist attacks in france, U.K, germany etc.

So why can't some people protest for their own issues ? Don't think too much into it. Just listen to your citizens. And everyone will be ok at the end of day. Stop the "nds agent, raw agent" voices. We are disowning our own kind. We shouldn't do that.
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Everytime they blame Pakistan somehow they are red-faced.

Will the surviving children be given global publicity? Will they be handed the opportunity to go to oxford? Will they get a nobel peace prize?

Another Malala in the making?
I bet PTM is somehow blaming Pakistan for Kunduz. You never know but I doubt they will say anything against puppet Afghan gov after this massacre.

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Wierd feeling of sadness and frustration. A nation who can't tell the source of all evil among them, the forigen occupation forces, yet keep on talking non sense against Pakistan.
Air bombardment by useless Afghan Air Force. Killing over 150 innocent children. the Images are so sickening. :(
thats messed, up what platform did they use to kill the children? i only recall them operating mil-35s for attacks
May ALLAH TAALA tear the oppressors apart.... Fallen angels/

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