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73 killed as Maoists ambush CRPF team

I see you have a valid point...But then tell me where lies the accountability??? As you are from software domain you very well know how accountability drives work....So if he do not sack the people responsible for this negligence and do not resign on moral grounds then what makes you think people across the board will get message "Do Or Perish"???

It not like we should replace Chidambaram with some moron but sometimes we do need to send the message across board that even your boss is accountable so is you...Karan here we are not talking about 5-10 CRPF people getting ambushed and killed....Here we are talking about 73 people killed...How many such examples you can quote in our history of Naxalism??? Don't you think drastic situations need drastic measures....Didn't we learn anything from our previous home minister ineffectiveness??? Let me make it more apparent to you...Why do you think Chidambaran was not given Home Minister job earlier if he is so effective and that moron Shivraj Patil was choosen??? Trust me my friend when public pressure is on and your entity is on stake it brings out the best from you...Do you or I need another such attack to write off Chidambaram or we should carry on giving the same logic "close to war"????

The way Shivraj Patil was ineffective in dealing with terrorism...I am afraid Chidambaram is ineffective in dealing with Moists....I might be wrong but can you or someone more informed can share some achievements of your Home Minister in regards to Moists????

Chidabaram is the appple of some of our IT-vity boys.Whatever he does is always explained and justified.Sad
Taking your analogy then a defence minister who sends his soldiers in a war at a time of his choosing doesnt provide bullet proof jackets, radars, drones , UAv's, intelligence in a jungle where the soldiers are prone to be ambushed , would u like such a defence minister leading the country even though he is a smooth talker?

Still waiting for an answer?

Still waiting for an answer?[/:disagree:
why are we all stuck at the question of sacking chidambaram??Is he the only one involved?? Isnt the prime minister and his cabinet responsible ?? arent the state governments responsible themselves?? isnt the opposition responsible for never taking the issue to prime level?? and what about intelligence??why dont we discuss whether do we even have any intelligence wing working in those affected areas??

Also, think about the moral of security men at ground Zero??those whos friends hv vanished?? those who are waiting to charge at one go ahead!!

If any1 has an idea what alternatives to using brutal force with guaranteed success in the quickest possible time,pls bring forward...

Edited: TOI is reporting death of 75
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any of the political parties of India is not capable of settling these insurgencies,we need military rule to handle these so plz don't fight about which party is better.
Still waiting for an answer?[/:disagree:

I do think that he is a smart guy, but then again he has started something that he most likely has no counter for. I seriously don't understand what this guy is thinking, why is he not sending in the Military. For Fucks sake I mean what on Earth are we waiting for? Another Massacre.

Its only when **** hits the ceiling we are caught finding ways for damage control. Why can we not have a well thought out strategy to ******* fight these @ssholes. 26/11 happened so we got patrol boats and bullet proof jackets for MAHA police, why not a uniform spending on all states.

Now that they are caught like a deer in headlights, they want to step up the CRPF training in Jungle Warfare....YYYYY???? Why not use the guys we have already and in the meantime get the CRPF jawans trained enough to minimize casualties. WTF is wrong with our government!

any of the political parties of India is not capable of settling these insurgencies,we need military rule to handle these so plz don't fight about which party is better.

OH totally - I second that - The corruption has ******* inflitrated their blood - all they can see is just mullah.
I do think that he is a smart guy, but then again he has started something that he most likely has no counter for. I seriously don't understand what this guy is thinking, why is he not sending in the Military. For Fucks sake I mean what on Earth are we waiting for? Another Massacre.

Its only when **** hits the ceiling we are caught finding ways for damage control. Why can we not have a well thought out strategy to ******* fight these @ssholes. 26/11 happened so we got patrol boats and bullet proof jackets for MAHA police, why not a uniform spending on all states.

Now that they are caught like a deer in headlights, they want to step up the CRPF training in Jungle Warfare....YYYYY???? Why not use the guys we have already and in the meantime get the CRPF jawans trained enough to minimize casualties. WTF is wrong with our government!


The congress leaders are a bunch of sixers, all talk and no walk.What happened to honor and integrity?The jawans did not have even radio sets, forget something as basic as mobile pager Etc..Even animals take care of their own.How low has the kongressi gone today...The fact that our poor soldiers were caught in the ambush PROBABLY meant that they didn't have the time to fight back, hence a death trap for these souls!R.I.P
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I think this is the second time I have said, get your facts cleared and do some research before making your own claims about others being emotional! It was naxals who have always bought time to re-group and re-organize in the pretext of talks and peace not the GOI.
They have broken all the deals and GOI especially Congress have been very lenient from past 10 yrs.

Secondly, if this present Govt. at the center has any intention to reign in on Naxals, they can do it in a weeks time. But they need them for fighting Marxists in Bengal and other political parties in south, so if you have no clue about a subject its better not to comment or walk the slippery slope as a crusader!

:sniper: :sick: all Communists or maoists or what every crapy ideology they folllow

Let me get this correct with you as confusion seems to be part of your life...

The CRPF is a paramilitary force........what is a paramilitary force

A paramilitary is a force whose function and organization are similar to those of a professional military force

Justlike the BSF, Rashtriya Rifles, Defence Security Corps, Rapid Action Force.

The CRPF functions under the aegis of Ministry of Home Affairs(MHA), Government of India.

Call it what you will, it is a fancy term for India to use in terrorism, insurgency and behaves exactly as a military force, only so that it does not appear that the Military is doing it on its own soil. SIMPLE

However, my point being,...........Indian forces are conducting Operations against the Maoists for the last month or so, especially these last 4 days.......now what is the point of talking when you are conducting these operations and then blaming the Naxals/Maoists.
why are we all stuck at the question of sacking chidambaram??Is he the only one involved?? Isnt the prime minister and his cabinet responsible ?? arent the state governments responsible themselves?? isnt the opposition responsible for never taking the issue to prime level?? and what about intelligence??why dont we discuss whether do we even have any intelligence wing working in those affected areas??

Also, think about the moral of security men at ground Zero??those whos friends hv vanished?? those who are waiting to charge at one go ahead!!

If any1 has an idea what alternatives to using brutal force with guaranteed success in the quickest possible time,pls bring forward...


The Maoists have been training for years and now are getting aid and training and here we were caught sleeping yet again.No new training for the GUYS and GO BOYS GO AND FIGHT JUNGLE GUERILLA WARFARE




You also hope for another Gujrat-type genocide? :blink:
IMO, it not the brutal Mumbai attack.

Unlike civilians, Soldiers fight wars, kill and be killed

On one hand, CRPF is indian soldier fighting for their course, on the other hand Maoists is also indian soldier fighting for their own india.

Therefore, you can mourn for your side for your ideology, when you reluctant to think the potential positive force from competition and struggle.

At the same time, I am also justified to honor the other side for my ideology, for commuist revolution do stand on the bases of violence and blood shed, which requires the victory of fighting in the first place.

The reason I provoke the topic is trying to make you understand that, CRPF is not necessarily the good guy-- which depends on your political prospect.

several young comrades with their ideal also sacrificed for their course and find victory in death.

Interesting post ever4244, I can respect that. You support Communism and it is the way of life in China. Hey, if you guys are happy with it, then fair do's. I think people on this forum should respect this and other persons views, if that is what they are and not be told to F off as this is not their thread or forum and ever4244 has every right to participate.
Let me get this correct with you as confusion seems to be part of your life...

The CRPF is a paramilitary force........what is a paramilitary force

A paramilitary is a force whose function and organization are similar to those of a professional military force

Justlike the BSF, Rashtriya Rifles, Defence Security Corps, Rapid Action Force.

The CRPF functions under the aegis of Ministry of Home Affairs(MHA), Government of India.

Call it what you will, it is a fancy term for India to use in terrorism, insurgency and behaves exactly as a military force, only so that it does not appear that the Military is doing it on its own soil. SIMPLE

However, my point being,...........Indian forces are conducting Operations against the Maoists for the last month or so, especially these last 4 days.......now what is the point of talking when you are conducting these operations and then blaming the Naxals/Maoists.

The Parailitary forces on Kashmir border have trained for ages. They are trained in mountain warfare. They have no JUNGLE WARFARE training like regular MILITARY does. So if you say they are as good as military then you are wrong!

There are differences in training methods and weapons usage. Diff Paramilitary forces are designed to carry out different tasks!

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You also hope for another Gujrat-type genocide? :blink:

DONT WORRY - I THINK THE SIT committee has cleared up the man's brains!


And please stop dragging yourself in because this has nothing to do with MUSLIMS!

I BET THERE WERE SOME IN THOSE 75 killed so please stop your useless rant!


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