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There is no use denying that 9/11 wasn't an inside job.

You could say it was an excuse to massacre Muslims, to grab oil, to make more war to stimulate economy, etc, etc but the truth is that 9/11 was done by extremists.
There is no use denying that 9/11 wasn't an inside job.

You could say it was an excuse to massacre Muslims, to grab oil, to make more war to stimulate economy, etc, etc but the truth is that 9/11 was done by extremists.
Earlier even I used to scoff at such theories.

But now I have seen how much of a liar and conspiring nation U.S. is.

So now, even I have started believing that angle.
Some institutions benefited from 9/11, which is a known fact. Halliburton, Exon, and homeland security to name a new. It gave this corporations to privatize foreign economies as well. But that doesn't mean it was an inside job. These theories are nothng new I haven't heard. Conspiracy theory normally revolved around the few "solid" evidences. No new developments whatsoever.
:rofl:still going did any of the conspiracy theory fanatics get a hint that in the hundreds of thousands of secret documents leaked by assanger that there is not one that even hints about 9/11?
well, i am amazed that the topic of "9-11 an inside job" has never been taken up by any pakistani media. neihter it has ever been taken up by the defense department or other concerned.

if 9-11 is an inside guy then , perhaps, supporting NATO is not a very religious idea. perhaps thats why it was not taken up publically.

its the case of "dont ask , dont tell".... :)
Halliburton was benefiting long before 9/11, the biggest oil tender contracts awarded after the US led Iraq invasion were to China.
As the number of conspiracists rises, the chances of a leak also rise exponentially.

Even a simple drug gang that has a dozen members is almost always taken down by a leak, one with real evidence.

If 9/11 was an inside conspiracy, the numbers involved would be thousands. But no one yet has stepped forward with actual evidence, just theories and finger pointing.

Actually, 9/11 absolutely was a conspiracy. It involved a handful of terrorists + funding. The post facto evidence on this was very clear.
if you go through the recent posts for some time,then you will find out that nobody here is saying that the steel columns actually melted...They became weak....

From next time on,please spend some time on reading the other posts rather than hastily trying to impress your idea upon others.

Why do people like you with Indian flags like to show yourself as brain damage idiots. Don’t you realise this only feed the Pakistanis on this forum with ammunition against you ? or are you trying to tarnish the Indian posters as such and acting as trolls ?
if they are weak they are weak because ................due to heat therefore melted steel.
But I do like that you think my post are very impressive and to be quite frighten of my post ? you coward.

And take note of what you said:

From next time on,please spend some time on reading the other posts rather than hastily trying to impress your idea upon others.

It would help you in the future and you can thank me when you get a proper job instead of relying on money from your parents and start a real life.

Anyone, that is ANY ONE, who believes this 9/11 inside job crap is an idiot, plain and simple. I don't care how much education you have or how many degrees you have, or how many internet articles you can cite. If you believe this crap, you do not possess the common sense of a rice farmer.

then Mr Crackpot Truthspeaker then explain this:

With your crap that you do not possess the common sense of the size of rice grain, (I Really don't understand the hatred you got on rice farmers - maybe its the Racist hatred you got on Brown skin Indians or Chinese ? )
what you have typed is one of the most childish rants ever - just because you can't even fathom the amount of evidence that support an inside job your comments in quote form only proves:

1) 9/11 WAS an Inside job
2) you can't back claims of any sort that it was done by Alkyder against new evidence that it was an inside job
3) you're an inbred idiot and an insult to the American white people
4) an Uneducated ranting, woman-hating, women-beating, anti-semite, Islamophobe nazi bigot, who just trolls around Pakistani forums just to say idiotic things about AMerica ( which is quite typical of you people who go around saying that 9/11 was not an inside job) .

you level of stupidly and shows where you come from you stupid hillbilly.

Its people like you, Chorgy and Nforce have no actual experience or have no actual knowledge, but you don't want to admit that so you throw a childish tantrum and repeat use of words like Liar, Moron, uneducated, idiot or accuse others of trolling when the real facts are represented.
You keep repeating the same old rubbish again and again and again like a broken record hoping that people will start believing the crap that you always retardly display. Like any of us care what you have to say why do we need to believe such crack pot idea that you keep polluting this forum with. You waste your own life just by typing these ridicules claims that it wasn’t an inside job
Kinda sad and pathetic now that Scientist have proven it.
The more you come here and rant your mad philosopher ideas on the thread that 9/11 wasn’t an inside job the more you look like an broken down retard that has lost the battle, SEEING THAT VERY CONFORT ZONE THAT THE US CAN'T DO NO WRONG IS COMING DOWN....and only coming here to troll because ……….. you haven’t got a single claim against them or got anything else better in your life thus.. as such...you are a complete LOOSER.... you SIR FAIL AT LIFE

Not only that, With those silly rants that you guys keep throwing up you have just proved your enemies point of view see below:

I don't care how much education you have or how many degrees you have, or how many internet articles you can cite.

i don't care how much education .....or how many internet articles you cite ?

Are you for real truthspeaker whos the idiot now ? no education means no freedom of speech ! no questioning of the Govt. no freedom I'm sorry CrackpotTruthSpeaker no one wants to be end up being uneducated sheepwho just shunted in to the meat grinder who just want to only follow orders, being brainwashed for a system.
like how the commies did in Russia. Education is the key, knowledge is power. Now I understand why you hate knowledge. without it will make it easy for people to believe in the crap that America can't do no-wrong, be part of the propaganda media-hype Machine
whilst in reality it will go and continues its regien of evil regime on innocent lives, mass murdering people around the world, starving people to death just to make the american dream possible for whites in America.
So you are utterly insane.....

and while you are forming froths around your mouth why don’t give a great Christmas gift to Mr Bush and congratulate him on what a great job he ‘s done on killing 5000 Americans (who are all Jewish, Muslim, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs etc, blacks, whites Arabs or Pakistan, Chinese’s, Japanese, British, Israeli etc- whoever they may be) in WTC on 9/11 / 2001
May God - Allah(swt) forgive their souls.

Another great holocaust that the US has committed, after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Well done !

YOU, Chorgy, Nforces and anyone who believes that 9/11 was not an inside job, are an example of the hysterical neurotic personalities which immerse yourselves in denial as you fight to maintain you ignorance, your ridged weakness, backward and racist views whilst acting like some who suffers from Alzheimer’s disease by repeating the same old rubbish on every post.





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YES! YES! Preach it, Brother! I am an idiot with no intellect! An organization like Al-Quaeda, with an entire decade of vicious attacks on U.S. assets prior to 9/11, couldn't have had ANYTHING to do with it!

In fact, I'll bet the 1993 WTC attack was ALSO AN INSIDE JOB, to set up the real job on 9/11. And the embassy bombings... ALL of them were inside jobs! I'll bet they used HAARP on the WTC towers. And the Pentagon absolutely was a cruise missile. They kidnapped and killed everyone on flight 77! I know those pilots personally. There was something "odd" about them... Pretty sure they had Illuminati ties.

Getting 20,000 pounds of high explosives into the WTC is a snap. All of the thousands of conspiracists are doing a superb job of keeping quiet. I'll bet Skull & Bones was behind it.

How could I have been so blind? :what:


Is it that time of the month again? Pre menstrual syndrome can be hard......stay strong brother! *high five*

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