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A Muslim majority Indus Valley Civilization?


Mar 23, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
Asad Badruddin​
22 June 2012​

A Muslim majority Indus Valley Civilization?

Who are we? For most of our history we have been caught between competing ideas about Pakistan. Is it a land for Muslims? What does an Islamic identity mean for the indigenous cultures of Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan, Gilgit–Baltistan and the people who migrated to India?

Greatness is created through synthesis, and when old ideas are challenged by new paradigms. The decade of the 1940s saw the North East states of British India challenged by secular Muslim nationalism. What does that mean to us? We are still in the process of understanding it. But in doing so, we have relied on too many easy answers. Our national identity is based on repudiation; we choose to identify ourselves in the negative: we are not India. Our inability to step forward is because we have failed to create any synthesis from the social and political currents available to us. Let us then challenge our paralysis and press forward with our inquiry — let us seek to imagine who we are, and who we could be.

Our history does not start with 1947, nor with Muhammed bin Qasim’s (in)famous and glorified conquest of Sindh. Those events are important but form an incomplete story of our past. Our heritage goes back to the Indus Valley Civilization, one of the first people to build the great cities of Moenjadaro and Harappa, a complex language and mathematical system, and centers of commerce in Asia. The source of this great civilization was the Indus River whose mighty banks nourished and fed its people. Today it is not nuclear weapons that protect our country but the Indus, whose artery and tributaries provide the life flow of our country. By remembering that we are the heirs of the Indus Valley Civilization, we can shift our focus from the anti to the river itself. We can concentrate on protecting our environment and saving the river that is literally the lifeblood of the country, and the source of our food and electricity. We are a natural nation bound by the Indus, if the Indus dries out the country will collapse.

This doesn’t mean that we completely ignore the advent of the Mughals, the conquest of the British, the height of Hindu-Muslim unity during the war of independence and its subsequent breakdown, despite the best efforts of members of the leadership class. And of course, the bloodshed in the years leading to Partition – events which concluded that religion was going to play a role, however so undefined, in the consciousness of the masses of Pakistan.

While religion comes from the same source, it is up to different countries and peoples on how to interpret it to enrich their lives. That is why the Islam practiced in Saudi Arabia is different from the one practiced in most of Pakistan. The role of religion (in all of its cultural, spiritual, non-denominational and ritual manifestations) will remain in society. What is important is for thinkers to channel it into a force that is creative and not destructive, inclusive and pluralistic, not one that imposes its will on the unwilling. One that is large enough to include free thinkers and conservative clerics. One that encourages selfishness and a spirit of citizenship. One that convinces individuals that they have greater aims than their everyday jobs, but does not encourage utopian personalities or apocalyptic thinking.

What is the relationship between the pre-Islamic, pre-Christian Indus Valley Civilization to today’s Islamic Republic of Pakistan? These two strands of the secular and religious deliberately create a powerful contradiction. Contradictions are good because they deny any single understanding of morality and create a vibrant society through debate and compromise.

Embracing our Indus past will enable us to reject Arab cultural imperialism in the name of religion, and will help us discard the Two-Nation Theory. We will be focused not on fighting wars with India, but in making the greatest cities in the world. Cities like those of the past, which valued trade and commerce and became the hub of Indo-Persian-Chinese commerce. Let our market places be flooded by people from all over the world and be a blend of cultures. We will be a country that celebrates diversity; ethnic diversity of the many languages and cultures around the ecosystem of the great river, and religious diversity, for it will be a country for (all types of) Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs who can respect this ecosystem. It will be a country that empowers its minorities. And once religion is prevented from being abused we can truly reconcile it with modernity and our legacy of British constitutionalism.

Once our conscious awakens to this idea, we will be a renewed nation. On the crumbling edifices of Moenjadaro and Harappa we will once more build great cities, and build a great country.

Asad Badruddin is from Karachi and holds a Bachelors in Quantitative Economics and International Relations from Tufts University, Boston. He blogs at octagonaltangents.blogspot.com and tweets @sasadb.

The views expressed by this blogger and in the following reader comments do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Dawn Media Group.


I thought this would be an interesting article to share & discuss on PDF. The discussion should be held in a civilized manner with tolerance for opposing views.

There are some parts of the article I disagree with, but I will be giving my personal views later on because it's getting late here & I need to sleep.
Nice article. But on a closer look one cannot help but wonder why just embrace a civilization of antiquity and leave everything in between. One has to be open minded and embrace one's history irrespective of your neighbor's history. For all we know, IVC wasn't even discovered till the early 20th century. There isn't a lot known about the civilization to embrace it.
Only the last two paragraphs need be read.

Embracing our Indus past will enable us to reject Arab cultural imperialism in the name of religion, and will help us discard the Two-Nation Theory.

The Arab cultural imperialism is due to the Saudi-Wahabi funded madrassas, most Pakistanis acknowledge "our Indus past" and follow our own form of Islam. The solution is close them down. The author must justify his opposition to the "Two-Nation Theory".

We will be focused not on fighting wars with India, but in making the greatest cities in the world.

In contradiction to the previous statement; the "Arab culture" which is being criticized here has built more cities and artificial Islands in the last 60 years then the rest of the world. The "wars with India" were due to the a terretorial disputes not ideological ones.

Cities like those of the past, which valued trade and commerce and became the hub of Indo-Persian-Chinese commerce. Let our market places be flooded by people from all over the world and be a blend of cultures. We will be a country that celebrates diversity; ethnic diversity of the many languages and cultures around the ecosystem of the great river, and religious diversity, for it will be a country for (all types of) Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs who can respect this ecosystem. It will be a country that empowers its minorities. And once religion is prevented from being abused we can truly reconcile it with modernity and our legacy of British constitutionalism.

Once our conscious awakens to this idea, we will be a renewed nation. On the crumbling edifices of Moenjadaro and Harappa we will once more build great cities, and build a great country.

Overall the article presents really simplistic conclusions to arguments which have no premise.
I think the whole emphasis on IVC comes from the fact that most of it was largely located where today's Pakistan is and hence possible to claim no contact with India, ignoring what scholars say about the civilization.

In any case that was 5000 years ago. Where are the next 5000 years???

Basically a new artificial polemic to replace another artificial polemic. Come on guys, its all too plain to see.
Only the last two paragraphs need be read.

Embracing our Indus past will enable us to reject Arab cultural imperialism in the name of religion, and will help us discard the Two-Nation Theory.

The Arab cultural imperialism is due to the Saudi-Wahabi funded madrassas, most Pakistanis acknowledge "our Indus past" and follow our own form of Islam. The solution is close them down. The author must justify his opposition to the "Two-Nation Theory".

We will be focused not on fighting wars with India, but in making the greatest cities in the world.

In contradiction to the previous statement; the "Arab culture" which is being criticized here has built more cities and artificial Islands in the last 60 years then the rest of the world. The "wars with India" were due to the a terretorial disputes not ideological ones.

Cities like those of the past, which valued trade and commerce and became the hub of Indo-Persian-Chinese commerce. Let our market places be flooded by people from all over the world and be a blend of cultures. We will be a country that celebrates diversity; ethnic diversity of the many languages and cultures around the ecosystem of the great river, and religious diversity, for it will be a country for (all types of) Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs who can respect this ecosystem. It will be a country that empowers its minorities. And once religion is prevented from being abused we can truly reconcile it with modernity and our legacy of British constitutionalism.

Once our conscious awakens to this idea, we will be a renewed nation. On the crumbling edifices of Moenjadaro and Harappa we will once more build great cities, and build a great country.

Overall the article presents really simplistic conclusions to arguments which have no premise.

Could not have said it better myself.
The wars with India are due to India's desire to dominate South Asia at any cost.
And Pakistan will always have a special spot for any and all Muslims, be they Arabs or Indonesians.

We Identify more with people Morocco then from India because we both have similar value structure and we have a common religion. This does not mean we are some how slaves to Arab imperialism.
Could not have said it better myself.
The wars with India are due to India's desire to dominate South Asia at any cost.
And Pakistan will always have a special spot for any and all Muslims, be they Arabs or Indonesians.

We Identify more with people Morocco then from India because we both have similar value structure and we have a common religion. This does not mean we are some how slaves to Arab imperialism.

War with india based on religion , and still know you fight with india based on religion. Pak run on religion , nothing else...
Could not have said it better myself.
The wars with India are due to India's desire to dominate South Asia at any cost.
And Pakistan will always have a special spot for any and all Muslims, be they Arabs or Indonesians.

We Identify more with people Morocco then from India because we both have similar value structure and we have a common religion. This does not mean we are some how slaves to Arab imperialism.

Morocco people after reading this gem :)


This is a good article.. Pakistan was fine, until it got funding from wahabis from SA !!
Really, a culturally powerfull pakistan was needed to make it a favourable nation, like how the region was in the past ie 5000 years ago !!
Could not have said it better myself.
The wars with India are due to India's desire to dominate South Asia at any cost.
And Pakistan will always have a special spot for any and all Muslims, be they Arabs or Indonesians.

We Identify more with people Morocco then from India because we both have similar value structure and we have a common religion. This does not mean we are some how slaves to Arab imperialism.

dont be an idiot, you are the first one to attack us :P There is nothing like muslim unity . Not even in your country .
lol @ indian trolls

It's nice to see so many Indians can finally afford cheep Chinese computers to get online.
Thank God for China or these same Indian trolls would be sitting had home playing gulli danda
^ they talk about muslim unity after losing half the country.

lol @ indian trolls

It's nice to see so many Indians can finally afford cheep Chinese computers to get online.
Thank God for China or these same Indian trolls would be sitting had home playing gulli danda

alas !!!!! u have to do with north korean ones :)
^ they talk about muslim unity after losing half the country.

alas !!!!! u have to do with north korean ones :)

how is that related to the topic?
Since you people troll so much I would think you would be better at it.

And North korean? How does that even make sense?

but then again, in Brahman India you don't need to make sense. You just need to hate your neighbors.
Could not have said it better myself.
The wars with India are due to India's desire to dominate South Asia at any cost.
And Pakistan will always have a special spot for any and all Muslims, be they Arabs or Indonesians.

We Identify more with people Morocco then from India because we both have similar value structure and we have a common religion. This does not mean we are some how slaves to Arab imperialism.
Your govt really has done a good amount of brainwashing over you!!!
1965 war-
Operation Gibraltar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1971 war-
Operation Chengiz Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1998 war-
Kargil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It was your country that started the war and ended up losing every time...............
If we had wanted to conquer the subcontinent, we would have made BD a state instead of letting it become an independent country............
We wouldn't have pulled IPKF when Premdasa requested..........
We could have easily marched into Bhutan and Nepal also............
BUT WE DIDNT..........
If you don't trust wiki, that's fine cause it has listed a lot of source links at the bottom..........feel free to check them out to verify
Your govt really has done a good amount of brainwashing over you!!!
1965 war-
Operation Gibraltar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1971 war-
Operation Chengiz Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1998 war-
Kargil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It was your country that started the war and ended up losing every time...............
If we had wanted to conquer the subcontinent, we would have made BD a state instead of letting it become an independent country............
We wouldn't have pulled IPKF when Premdasa requested..........
We could have easily marched into Bhutan and Nepal also............
BUT WE DIDNT..........
If you don't trust wiki, that's fine cause it has listed a lot of source links at the bottom..........feel free to check them out to verify

And your government never taught you a thing about History.
Why don't you mention 47?
The root of the problem is that India is an aggressive country that wants to dominate South Asia.

In 47 Congress agreed that Muslims should have their own homeland, and that MUSLIM MAJORITY AREAS would go to Pakistan.

Included in these area was Punjab and Bengal, where Muslims made a small majority. Since Pakistan had no desire to creat hostility, we accepted the partition of Punjab and Benglal. We had no problems allowing the Sikhs and Hindus to go with the country they wanted. But even with India's size, she was not content and she tried to swallow up Kashmir even though it had a Muslim majority and should have gone to Pakistan on the deal India accepted.

The root of our problem is here. India's greed poisoned the atmosphere for the next 60 years and for the foreseeable future.
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