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A Nation without a Habit of Book Reading.

Danish saleem

Mar 27, 2014
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Dear Members,

Its so unfortunate that as a Pakistani, its so embarrassing to learn that we not have a Habit of reading Books, i just visited a Book store in Dubai, which is full with teenagers, and most of them are from India and China.

Here i would like to write a Quote " A Person not read is like a Person not know how to Read"

Members, our Personalities are made of our Habits, and if we truly concentrate on developing good habits in us, that will not only improve our intellect, ability of understanding, also improve our Personalities.

Today Science proved that , if we our Habits are good, our lifestyle will be improved significantly.

Here i will ask senior Members of this forum to at least suggest one Book for us, and also why we should need to read that book.
You are right. We lack book reading but there is a (one of many) resason. And that is lack of exposure towards books other then course books. We just study our course books, relevant material i.e; notes and thats it. No more study.

I recommend gifting books to such persons. Those who are addicted to book reading should gift a book to a friend and till him to return it when he finish it. When he finish it give him another books (that you think is a good read). 2 years ago one of my friend gifted me “Abdullah Part 1”. After that book i have bought 24 books and finished reading 12 of them. And now i gift books to friends.
You are right. We lack book reading but there is a (one of many) resason. And that is lack of exposure towards books other then course books. We just study our course books, relevant material i.e; notes and thats it. No more study.

I recommend gifting books to such persons. Those who are addicted to book reading should gift a book to a friend and till him to return it when he finish it. When he finish it give him another books (that you think is a good read). 2 years ago one of my friend gifted me “Abdullah Part 1”. After that book i have bought 24 books and finished reading 12 of them. And now i gift books to friends.

agreed, and i gifted few books to my few friends, but the problem is they cant even knew how to read book, and u know one of them asked me, from where i start reading that book!

any ways whats your fav book.
any ways whats your fav book

48 laws of power.

The monk who sold his ferrari.

In urdu

Raja gidh
Pachiswa genta (25th hour)

In novels

Pir e kamil


Books are not always about joy and happiness. Once i bought a book “mahir e mafsiyat ki diary”. And that was the worst book i have ever read. And i have studied calculus. So you know.

P.s : some friend do not return books. I hate such friends. But this is a risk you have to take. Jst like we recommend a movie that we find good, to friends. Only problem is that your friend is not going to buy that book. So you have to gift him.
Your concern is indeed valid. You have touched an important and yet very overlooked subject.
I would say one has to make it appealing for the young generation to read books.
Books reading sessions in person or on popular media could help develop the interest of the people.
An exciting excerpt from the book, read by the author, could also spark the intrigue.
But as long as the "Pocket Devil" is in our hands, all efforts are in vain.

A page from the book “Reasons to stay alive”

How can one opt to “not read” such words ? If i could, i will write these words with gold.
This is a very worthy thread and indeed it's very unfortunate that our younger generation is getting away from reading habit while countries still retain it. I have had discussion with my B.M.B.S teacher over this issue and he said that in india people still discuss different books and their writers in cafe and resturants but in pakistan this trend/culture or activity is very rare to be seen and if so aged people would discuss novels or other books of their time and this is quite alarming but no one cares so i would like to tell my all pdf brothers to atleast recommend reading in their social circle and house so we can move towards progress atleast indiviually if not at central or governmental level. And at the end i am also not a very frequent reader but the book that i am reading currently is "across the flowing river"(various stories in real time of writer that are very ordinary and that of other known personalities are written with very deep message and in a very different perspective which seems quite exotic yet real) by paulo coehlo and "Indus saga" by aitezaz ahsan.
I tend to View Pakistanis as hailing from oral cultures.

Most of the critique and wisdom has been imparted orally. Poets and orators Hold elevated Status in the society.

Quran is the widely read book in the country due to God fearing nature of the People.
Thanks for kind views of all the participants commenting in this thread.

i recommend the Book " The Magic of Thinking Big" by David Shwartz.

what a book that is, and completely change my life. full of success strategies need to be adopted during life course.
Tafheem ul Islam by Maulana Maududi.

Concise and short book detailing Islam’s place in history and the importance of Islam in our daily lives.

It is important because it has influenced leaders, statesmen, scholars from Egypt, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, Malaysia, etc.
Thanks for kind views of all the participants commenting in this thread.

i recommend the Book " The Magic of Thinking Big" by David Shwartz.

what a book that is, and completely change my life. full of success strategies need to be adopted during life course.
definitely going to read it
Finally some one saying which I have been saying for really long time. Yes we need to increase book reading. Leave books alone people mostly haven't read Quran with translation. We need encourage reading culture and for that to happen. From class 1 it should be made compulsory that every student should read at least 5 books in a year and he or she would not get promoted until he or she gives viva on those books. Also teach Quran with translation in Schools. Give them both Islamic books and Novels to read. Until we start this reading culture in schools nothing would change.

@Danish saleem @Path-Finder @django
Finally some one saying which I have been saying for really long time. Yes we need to increase book reading. Leave books alone people mostly haven't read Quran with translation. We need encourage reading culture and for that to happen. From class 1 it should be made compulsory that every student should read at least 5 books in a year and he or she would not get promoted until he or she gives viva on those books. Also teach Quran with translation in Schools. Give them both Islamic books and Novels to read. Until we start this reading culture in schools nothing would change.

@Danish saleem @Path-Finder @django
Hazrat this needs to be compulsory reading for every Pakistani youth "The Indus Saga and the Making of Pakistan".Kudos Hazrat

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