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A practical look at the Kashmir issue

No offense you are still living in the fools paradise lol open your eyes or more Kashmir are going to get martyred. Now India intention are clear it is going to apply Israel-palestine model on the Kashmir.

india is not Israel, they lack what it takes to be as cunning as zionists, they are just small part trouble creators until they get owned and subjugated by a foreign power as has always been the case.
And Kashmiris are not Palestinians, not arabs nor abandoned by arabs.
Dude, this shows you don't know anything about the rest of India( remaining 99 percent of the population leaving out J and K ) . As far as the kashmir issue is concerned , upto 70-80 percent of the opposition will rally behind Modi. By next week today, check Modi's ratings, they will go through the roof ...Even the southern liberal states like TN and kerala will support Modi on this
its too funny to see peolpe enjoying or angry . only thing india did it forced even modrate kashmiris to think against india . there was no fight in LEH alreay it was same as GB of pakistan . we already did it what india did today .BTW velly will remain same fight will be always as it is and issue will remain same .
Exactly.. I don't know why Pakistanis are worried.. I don't care about Indians.. they jump, raise their hands, or raise their legs, or bend showing their tooi, the only difference today's step will make.. that even pro Indian lobby will join hands with pro Independence mujahideen. Prime examples and Mehbooba Mufti and Umar Abdullah..
India will continue to violate ceasefire and will kill our people in azad kashmir if we become silent and in future they will try to invade our kashmir once resistance in iok is controlled as their army will be free to do this due to decrease in engagement within iok
India will continue to violate ceasefire and will kill our people in azad kashmir if we become silent and in future they will try to invade our kashmir once resistance in iok is controlled as their army will be free to do this due to decrease in engagement within iok
Don't worry, in a few months, you will see Indians getting extremely busy within borders.. they will forget about across the border happenings..
india is not Israel, they lack what it takes to be as cunning as zionists, they are just small part trouble creators until they get owned and subjugated by a foreign power as has always been the case.
And Kashmiris are not Palestinians, not arabs nor abandoned by arabs.

Don't compare india with israel... Israel is in another league... Pagan indians are worthless. We even have respect for israeliz but indians are very very primitive..
Tweet of Mehbooba Mufti:

Worms have already started coming out of the Pandora's Box, which Modi has opened today.:p::p::p:
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