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Afghan Taliban in Kabul; Amnesty announced and Interim setup rumored

Literally the past month or so of villifying Pakistan hasn't worked. No matter how much disinformation, blame they can spread will change the reality. To be honest they have exposed their hatred, most Pakistanis that were unaware of the this , now are fully aware. All of them have been exposed.

Alhamdulillah for Pakistan.

I will thank the US/NATO, India and Northern Alliance for showing their true colors for the past 20 years. We know who our enemies are and what hate they harbor against us. We will take the appropriate measures to protect our interests at all cost. This is only the beginning.
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The triumphant news of 15 August is coming to us from Kabul. Today Allah fulfill the wording of Mallah Omar R.A, God bless his soul, give him space in Janatul firdous. Today Allah rules again and Afghanistan is just a beginning to His reign on this earth.

ALLAH Akhbar

A (South) Vietnamese here. To be honest, we (both North & South) don't like China.
Yes, I know.
Because Vietnamese have too many Chinese lineages and cultures, the Vietnamese government must be hostile to China in culture and history, or you will lose your independence.
And the Vietnamese government can not deny the Chinese government, because both countries are communist countries with similar political and economic systems.
And the Vietnamese government is very smart and pragmatic. They understand that Vietnam's economic development needs China. They want to get the low-end manufacturing industry transferred from China, so they must maintain friendship with the Chinese government. Vietnam's economic development。proves that Vietnamese and Bangladeshis have won India.

I guess the Vietnamese attitude towards the Chinese must be very tangled. Some Vietnamese admire and like it, and some Vietnamese are jealous and afraid.
Considering the complex history of the two countries, no matter what you do, you have a reason.
I understand the Vietnamese approach. Vietnam can actually belong to East Asian countries. You know Chinese too well

But do you want to deny the historical and cultural ties between the two countries?
For example, the first Indochina war. Well, you're from South Vietnam. This example is not appropriate.
For example The black flag army of the Qing Dynasty helped Vietnam fight the French army. Yes, the war failed, but the Qing Dynasty at least tried. They didn't abandon you. The Chinese have fulfilled their obligations to Vietnam.
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When America invaded Afghanistan I was young and there weren't many news channels, I used to read in news papers of American Advances, seeing the fall of Kabul within weeks looks so weird. There will be bloodshed and many countries will try to harm and stage attacks, I hope everyone who has evil intensions may their faces be blacken by Allah.

Lets Pray for Peace.
More than half an hour has passed since this thread was posted. I guess we need to wait another hour & a half to conclude this thread. That would be a record of sorts for PDF - kudos to Zarvan bhai for managing the feat.
Thanks for renaming the thread, whoever did it.

Edit: Thanks @LeGenD
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The US plan of pitching Afghans, the ANA and the locals against the Afghans (Talibans) has failed. The much awaited civil war and destruction didn't happen.

Syria was not that lucky, so was Iraq, Afghans are smarter than Arabs it seems.

India is not happy with civil war not taking place and Muslims killing Muslims.
Please pray to Allah subhana tallla that this scenario continues and Muslim brother hood continues and we won't fall in the proxy wars of followers of evil, more than that Muslim brotherhood is more like human brotherhood where everyone is safe respected and equal,

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