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After Pakistani Eminem Abid Brohi, Meet This 12 Year Old Singing Superstar From Sukkur


Nov 3, 2016
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Last week, Abid Brohi made the news with the burst of fresh new talent in “The Sibbi Song“. Collaborating with SomeWhatSuper and Powered by Patari for their Patari Tabeer series, Abid was quickly dubbed the next Pakistani Eminem. This time around, let us introduce another star in the making, the 12-year old boy wonder and singer named Jahangir.

Hailing from the small town of Rohri in Sukkur, Jahangir already has already had a taste of internet virality.

Talking about Jahangir’s background and how he was finally discovered, Khalid Bajwa, Patari’s CEO tells MangoBaaz, “Jahangir was working as a peon in Sukkur when a video of him singing a songwent viral. It made rounds on social media for quite a while, however, nothing more ever became of that.”


“When we first kicked off the Patari Tabeer project, we aggressively started looking for talent across Pakistan within the team to identify and possibly assist raw talent from certain socio-economic strata that are usually neglected in Pakistan. This is where we came across Jahangir and his video recording.”

Team Patari went through several channels to track Jahangir down and were eventually able to do so with the help of politician and activist, Jibran Nasir.

Sharing how this discovery finally came about, Ahmer Naqvi, Chief Operating Officer at Patari tells MangoBaaz:

“Living in a small town with one phone between them and owing to the crippling load-shedding, the family seldom found time to even charge their phone. It took me a month of calling every single day to finally get through to them. Jahangir and his family had an idea that his previous video had gone viral due to it being featured on television but they weren’t exactly sure what it was that we wanted to do with him”.

It took the team several months to establish with the family what we wanted to do with Jahangir and how they wanted to record a song with him.

“When we finally got around it, we asked Jahangir to come to Karachi to record a song but his family had huge reservations since they had never been outside Sukkur”, adds Ahmer Naqvi.

“After they had agreed to do so, we paid for Jahangir to be accompanied by his father and brother to come to Karachi along with two of their relatives who had been to the city before. I picked them up myself and we accommodated them in a hotel in Saddar. The next day, we took them to the studio to get recorded. I could sense an air of mixed emotions at this point; he was excited but equally scared.”

Jahangir was somewhat of a table maestro, he was used to tapping furniture to accompany his singing which is why it was hard for him to initially sing without that tune.

“They got him to sing along to the metronome but had trouble getting him in sync. To make him more comfortable, Abbas Ali Khan made a loop of table tapping for him to sing along to. That instantly got him going”, recounts Ahmer Naqvi.

Sharing an endearing memory with the singer, Naqvi narrates their first trip to Karachi, “they were all really excited to be in Karachi. It sounds a bit cliche but they were really taken by the big city lights, the crowds of people and the high-rise buildings. They were in total awe of it all. I asked him how he was feeling and he said they were all a bit scared when they first got on the train but now, they’re really quite dazed.”

After the recording was done, a camera crew was sent to Sukkur to shoot the video and interview his after-thoughts.

When asked what plans Patari has for the singers they identify and equip with the opportunity, Ahmer Naqvi mentioned how the journey doesn’t end with every recording.

“Patari Tabeer is determined to help him achieve a sustainable future, both personally and professionally. We’re looking for opportunities for each one of singers we feature in the series. However, since Jahangir is still a minor, there’s a different approach for him altogether, one that allows him to acquire a stable education along with further training and networking.”

The search for a school for Jahangir to attend is currently underway as TCF Sukkur cannot accommodate any further admissions but the team is doing their absolute best to ensure that he gets an education.
As part of Patari Tabeer series, Abid and Jahangir’s stories bear witness to the multitude of unsung voices in Pakistan just waiting to be discovered.

Tabeer will be focusing on bringing these voices to the forefront allowing Pakistani music enthusiasts to indulge in homegrown talent. Every play of the song will bring royalties their way and ensure that many others like him have a platform that supports and harnesses their dreams.

And that’s the thing about music. It’s the most powerful language of all.

Listen to the full song here and make sure you share it with everyone you know because it helps Jahangir.


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