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Afzal Guru hanged

Mocking people is not wise and a death is not to be celebrated.
Really? Hafiz Saeed and his LeT yahoos celebrated the murder of the six security personnel in the Parliament attack in which Afzal Guru was involved as well as the 166 innocent people murdered by his terrorists in Mumbai.

I think you need to advise these murderous bozos residing in Pakistan who celebrate every suicide bombing and killing of innocents instead of preaching us Indians whether a terrorist death is to be celebrated or not. We don't need unsolicited advice from people like you who've never faced terror, living a million miles away in Canada.

I'm off to have some beer to celebrate this happy occasion.

---This is propaganda of India and false accusation, just to hide their torturer cells, rape on civilians and brutal killing in Kashmir.---

Sir only 1 question, have watched Afzal interview?
Sir, I understand what you are saying and agree in principle. I have great respect for Canada's secular, welafare oriented, humanitarian inclusive policies.

But let me just say, India is not Canada. When we become a developed country like Canada, we might think differently. For now we have shed too much of our blood in Kashmir, and if one has to consider the religious angle, then by joe hindus have spilled too much blood in kashmir over the last seven centuries. Two can and will play this game. India is not Canada, no sir.

Interesting point however what you mentioned is a commonpitfall as they its known in economics associated with opportunity cost. However this can be a double edge sword to economic development of inde and sentiments are changing in west, go through cbc comment or radio francais and you can clearly see public views shifting towards the other side with respect to issues like palestine,armenian genocide and kashmir. To pakistans credit, they are right behind israel in lobbying at washington take note , i am skeptic whats their current reason but it was reported in the media, :coffee: , though inde is in a difficult position because nationlism does not run deep enough yet to overcome certain identities though i am curious about the state of this union in a 100 years if i am alive :)

Remember the public has a very short memory span. In a few days time, Afzal Guru will be relegated to an insignificant footnote in history only to be remembered as being involved in the attack on Indian Parliament building. Kasab's atrocity and hanging had more staying power, yet his memory fizzled out within days.

In all the four reasons mentioned in the article, Congress lags woefully behind BJP, at the moment ofcourse. If BJP unites behind one or two strong, nationally appealing prime ministerial candidates and maintains the momentum, then Congress stands no chance.

Oh, on Topic: Good riddance!!
@nuclearpak , My apology for the post earlier, couldve chose a better selection of words
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Remember the public has a very short memory span. In a few days time, Afzal Guru will be relegated to an insignificant footnote in history only to be remembered as being involved in the attack on Indian Parliament building. Kasab's atrocity and hanging had more staying power, yet his memory fizzled out within weeks.

In all the four reasons mentioned in the article, Congress lags woefully behind BJP, at the moment ofcourse. If BJP unites behind one or two strong, nationally appealing prime ministerial candidates and maintains the momentum, then Congress stands no chance.

I think BJP's greatest weapon is not Narendra Modi BUT Rahul Gandhi. Even Modi's detractors (not the hard core, but the floating votes) when they see the bumbling prince and his antics, turn towards modi as a result of the TINA factor.
An excellent news. Finally after getting all the bashing the govt is getting some spine.
Another terrorist to hell.
I dont rejoice death. Some say he did not get proper legal help during trial otherwise he might have been acquitted like his mates. Hope thats not true.
Just heard the news .......tonight its time to Party...May his soul rot with lot of Distress:partay:
I think BJP's greatest weapon is not Narendra Modi BUT Rahul Gandhi. Even Modi's detractors (not the hard core, but the floating votes) when they see the bumbling prince and his antics, turn towards modi as a result of the TINA factor.
IMHO, Nah. Congress doesnt run on Rahul Gandhi. It has many a seasoned politician who can hold their own and carry the party to a considerable number of seats in the parliament. If Congress gets routed in the upcoming elections, it would be a combination of the anti-incumbency factor and Modi and team's able administrative capabilities as seen with the success that is Gujarat today.
If it were for the TINA factor, the public would vote for the Third Front creating chaos like the one we experienced in the early and mid 90's!!

Oh and BJP SHOULD make Modi (with an able wingman) their greatest weapon!!
Doesn't look like an election stunt, I think this will be the general SOP henceforth. After the president rejects the mercy plea couple of times.....it's straight to the gallows.
Interesting point however what you mentioned is a commonpitfall as they its known in economics associated with opportunity cost. However this can be a double edge sword to economic development of inde and sentiments are changing in west, go through cbc comment or radio francais and you can clearly see public views shifting towards the other side with respect to issues like palestine,armenian genocide and kashmir. To pakistans credit, they are right behind israel in lobbying at washington take note , i am skeptic whats their current reason but it was reported in the media, :coffee: , though inde is in a difficult position because nationlism does not run deep enough yet to overcome certain identities though i am curious about the state of this union in a 100 years if i am alive :)

325 years ago my ancestors put up a 27 year war for self rule against a very very powerful ruler and won. The same time A Sikh Guru gave his life away to protect the Hindu Pundits in Kashmir. 23 years ago the Pundits were kicked put of kashmir by religious bigots.

100 years may be a long time frame in Canada, in India its much shorter. Please revisit this thread after 300 years and we will talk :)

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