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Ahsan Iqbal severely condemns Dawn’s CPEC ‘master plan’ article, terms it Dawn Leaks II

what has CPEC got to do with you indians i dont understand

Nothing. I was making a point in general, not because I'm an Indian.

and Kudos to Bharka Dutt for constantly exposing the lies feed to indians by their government time and time again

I agree. Good for her. So what's the problem?

Anti-CPEC propaganda machine will be working overtime now.

And the floodgate of Indian trolls on PDF + social media will open .....

Doubtful. Many Indians have made their opinions clear on CPEC. This revelation by DAWN will change nothing on that score. The impact -- if any --
Does that man even realise that he's doing exactly what the enemies want?

@Verve - he absolutely does know - and relishes it for all the good reasons that a businessman should - not a patriot would!

When you have time please do read this Shahid's piece on Nawaz's love and fascination with certain areas.

It ends with Nawaz's motto .....‘loot and live luxurious, Pakistan can go to hell’.

Nawaz Sharif’s Business Investments with India
– Modi’s Lahore visit


“Undisclosed but planned scripted Bollywood style visit of Indian Prime Minister Modi to Pakistan gave him what he wanted internationally there was nothing for Pakistan in it”, I said in a live program on Al-Jazeera in London on 25 December 2015. See Al-Jazeera Program Video below:

The recent events in India isolated Mr. Modi. He lost elections due to the racist and anti-minorities policies. Moreover, corporate mafia who invested in winning of Mr. Modi elections become nervous when he started escalating tensions with Pakistan and violence in occupied Kashmir. On the other hand, Nawaz Sharif’s personal businesses with India override Pakistan’s international perception and moral of the soldiers and feelings of Kashmiris in occupied Kashmir. His greed and incompetence never changed he is good in scoring his own goals against Pakistan.

The reality is that Indian steel magnet ‘Jindal’ wants access to the NATO’s scrap metals in Afghanistan and route to central Asia. Can you imagine Indian trucks on Pakistani roads? What MMQM-A and its minister Babar Ghauri did to Pakistan with the NATO containers after losing over 22000. It is reported that Ishaq Dar tipped of Babar Ghauri and made his escape possible from Pakistan. Indian nexus is very deep in Pakistan and most of them are ‘bought’. They water bombed Pakistan with the help of ANP-PPP-MQM-A while Nawaz Sharif was having hair transplant and his sons writing letters to Indian Defense minister George Fernandez for help.

They all have price tags. Indian businesses with these people are not actual businesses they are ‘strategic investments. Nawaz Sharif’s role in the insurance of Jamnagar Refinery owned by Ambani Group in his previous government was reported in Indian media but Pakistani media and agencies were obviously sleeping on pills. Jamnagar Refinery is 80 miles from Pakistani border as a result insurance premium was very high and Nawaz Sharif reportedly helped bring down the insurance premium. Nawaz Sharif’s appointed Pakistani ambassador in London Riaz Sami issued 5 years’ visa to Dohru Bhai Ambani who was emissary of BJP Prime Minister Atal Bihari Bajpai as no record of issuance of visa was available.

It is important to understand that the reason India attended heart of Asia conference (Islamabad, 9-10 December 2015) is because it wanted to be in the loop about the matters concerning Afghanistan. Indian foreign minister was blunt in saying ‘I had to attend this event and since I am here I will have to meet PM Nawaz Sharif’. It is a clear statement and there is no reason for the monkeys to dance? However, the most concerning part is the increasing business interests and business deals of the ‘Nawaz Sharif Family’ with India. That is not business but prostitution and profiting from the situation. If Pakistan had normal relations like US-Canada with India Nawaz Sharif wouldn’t be profiting from it?

On the other hand, General Raheel Sharif seems like a virgin among the crooks and cons after the scripted winning of a pro India terrorist group MQM-A in Karachi and almost clipping of Rangers wings at the same time by the elite mafia gang disguised as politicians. All that happened after the street whispering of Prime minister Nawaz Sharif and Indian Prime Minister Modi in Paris. He is fully supported by Asif Zardari and ANP, both partners in crimes against Pakistan. If one analyses the body language of Nawaz Sharif and Narendra Modi it shows that Indians have convinced Nawaz Sharif and he is, that they both have a common enemy ‘Pakistan Army’.

Well pro India ANP damaged Pakistan and got paid is a con and treachery at the same time? ANP, MQM and PPP water bombed Pakistan by sabotaging all the water projects including ‘Kalabagh Dam’ although it is the best location for dam chosen by the British engineers in 1940s. ANP systematically destroyed the Pakistan Railways infrastructure during the ‘Ghulam Ahmed Bilour’ period under PPP government. On the other hand, MQM-A destroyed the economy of Pakistan by creating law and order situation as well as following Indian policy of ‘keep Karachi bleeding’.

Nawaz Sharif is playing the same game of Zardari as his main target is also armed forces of Pakistan let there be no doubt. Otherwise his part time defence minister would be someone better than the Khawaja Asif abuser of Pakistan Army? When JUI-F leader Fazalur Rehman said: “In the time of war and need people with beards and turbans will be standing with the Pakistan Army and these so called liberals will run off”. He is absolutely right on this occasion. Well they have already moved abroad in Dubai and London lock stock and barrel.

FBI in USA surely has a white collar crime division whose sole responsibility is to catch the cons and crooks sitting in big glassy buildings and living in villas. These people can’t be caught with guns and tanks therefore this area is out General Raheel Sharif’s area of expertise?

Let’s take the example of high class mule Ayan Ali. She was smuggling Pakistani wealth abroad and then after some time money was coming into Pakistan almost tax free as legitimate asset and re- invested. There are hundreds of mules at work in Pakistan who are smuggling out national wealth under the nose of agencies and no one is bothered. Ayan Ali is a ‘Raymond Davis’ of Pakistan’s corrupt elite Mafia which is even supported by US too because it considers Pakistan’s corrupt elite as ‘assets’

Hence MQM-A won the staged local body election with 22%-25% turn out and Pakistan Rangers is in the dock who actually understood for the first time that ‘terrorist financiers’ and financial terrorism is the main cause of killings and murders in Karachi.

Talking about the cons and con artists Asif Zardari is far behind Nawaz Sharif and Malik Riaz. In any decent law abiding country, they all would be in jail for very long time. They all ran successful ‘boiler’, Ponzi, and ‘fake the bake’ scams and got away with it. These scams are far beyond the imagination of Intelligence Bureau, FIA and ISI. By using these scam Indian agency was successful in launching ‘self-financing’ terrorist networks in Karachi and rest of Pakistan. That is why when Rangers increased the heat to catch the ‘scammers’ financiers of terrorists, all the supporters started beeping and glowing from Asif Zardari, Altaf Hussain, Ishaq Dar, Nawaz Sharif and Mahmud Khan Achakzai. That is called ‘barium meal’ ‘good shot’ DG Rangers Sindh Major General Bilal Akbar.

Can one imagine that all the scammers in Sindh are now hiding behind the Parliament to obstruct the extension of legal cover for the Rangers. People think it is about time for the security establishment in Pakistan to think ‘out of the box’ but in the box solution to handle these crooks and criminals cum politicians. They kill investigators, lawyers, judges and then say no case was proved against them in the court of law. How on earth any one trust this ‘mafia system’? Do in Rome as Romans do and teach them a real lesson in the language they understand.

Well on one hand we see India bashing at all international forums but on the other we see Nawaz Sharif’s ‘criers’ like Najam Sethi, Sheryar Khan, Sartaj Aziz and rest literally begging to have a cricket series after their treatment in India. I think Khurshid Kasuri is feeling much better after ‘deep tissue’ treatment in India. One must be thinking why Najam Sethi and Sharyar Khan dying and begging Indians to have cricket series? The real reason is ‘bookmakers’ and betting shops who want to fix the matches and earn billions. It is nothing to do with the diplomacy. I don’t know which part of ‘NO’ Sheryar Khan does not understand?

Nawaz Sharif belongs to the self-harming clan in Pakistan who are very good at scoring their own goals without even putting a fight. His motto is ‘loot and live luxurious Pakistan can go to hell’.

Dr Shahid Qureshi is a senior analyst with BBC and editor of The London Post. He writes on security, terrorism and foreign policy. He also appears as analyst on Al-Jazeera, Press TV, MBC, Kazak TV (Kazakhstan), LBC Radio London. He has been an international election observer for Kazakhstan 2015 and Pakistan 2002. He has authored a book “War on Terror and Siege of Pakistan” published in 2009. He is a PhD and also has studied Law at a British University.
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Lahore - The government has refuted a news story titled “CPEC Master Plan Revealed” that was published in Dawn newspaper on Monday, saying that the article is one-sided and factually incorrect, based on strong angling to malign CPEC by promoting fears.

Minister for Planning, Development and Reform Ahsan Iqbal, who was in Beijing for participating in two-day ‘One Belt, One Road’ Forum, took to sending out tweets hours after the story was published both in print and online, sending the social media into a frenzy.

“I am appalled by Dawn’s article based on working documents to distort final draft taken up with NDRC yesterday in Beijing,” he said in a tweet, terming the article Dawn Leak II.

“Dawn should have taken Ministry of Planning, Development & Reform version as a standard journalistic practice to check for facts in order to not misinform citizens through redundant documents,” Ahsan said in another tweet.

The minister said that China Development Bank (CDB) and National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) study referred to as Long Term Plan was their input for consideration.

“Afterwards, the two sides mutually developed an agreed version, which was shared with all provinces, concerned ministries and departments and their input on LTP was sought,” he said in another tweet.

The federal minister said that input from the stakeholders was incorporated in the Long Term Plan after an extensive consultative process and final version was shared with the Cabinet and Prime Minister’s Office. Long Term Plan has been approved by the Cabinet and shared with Chinese side for confirmation.

The government sources said that the Long Term Plan is not a project document. Rather, it is a live document and both sides have an understanding to modify it as per the need. Any input document or older version of Long Term Plan prior to the approved version stands redundant and irrelevant.

The sensational ‘exclusive’ news story claimed that it was first ever public disclosure of the long term plan (LTP) of CPEC carrying “details from original documents”.

It said the LTP envisages a deep and broad-based penetration of most sectors of Pakistan’s economy as well as its society by Chinese enterprises and culture.

Citing the document, it said thousands of acres of agricultural land will be leased out to Chinese enterprises to set up “demonstration projects”.

A full system of monitoring and surveillance will be built in cities with 24 hour video recordings on roads and busy marketplaces for law and order.

A national fibreoptic backbone will be built for the country not only for internet traffic, but also terrestrial distribution of broadcast TV, which will cooperate with Chinese media in the “dissemination of Chinese culture”.

The news item claimed that the main thrust of CPEC actually lies in agriculture, contrary to the image of its being a massive industrial and transport undertaking, involving power plants and highways.
Whats the grouse ?

The fact that things have ' leaked' or are the contents of the leak false ?
In the meanwhile the CEO of DAWN was seen with the U.S ambassador David Hale.
That implies nothing. CEO of DAWN is in the business of media and is expected to interact with people of all backgrounds due to nature of this business. People try to make a mountain out of a molehill these days which is unfortunate.
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Someone in PMLN is pissed off with CPEC ... A good sabotage attempt especially at this stage.

Had this been a pure PMLN controlled project, this report would have stayed secret for longer.

A very interesting development. It seems Nawaz wants to go down fighting.
But the question is when we have already set the precendence of compromising on the issues of national security and none gets punished so such leaks will become a daily occurrence. Now the nation should just buckle up and watch these leaks when their military commander has given a cleanchit to the culprits and back the backseat to enjoy his stay in COAS's office.
But the question is when we have already set the precendence of compromising on the issues of national security and none gets punished so such leaks will become a daily occurrence. Now the nation should just buckle up and watch these leaks when their military commander has given a cleanchit to the culprits and back the backseat to enjoy his stay in COAS's office.

I can understand your disappointment but resignation of COAS would be worse for the forces bang in the middle of internal and external battles.

System is crashing and it can't be stopped, compromises or otherwise. Establishment can't stop what has been ordained by The Almighty.
It was Confidential .... and this doc should not have been leaked by anyone in the government. It is the incompetence of PMLN Gov to let this and earlier leak happen.

And Dawn doesn't publish things that damage NS. This is sinister just like the first leak was.
I can understand your disappointment but resignation of COAS would be worse for the forces bang in the middle of internal and external battles.

System is crashing and it can't be stopped, compromises or otherwise. Establishment can't stop what has been ordained by The Almighty.
No, he didn't need to resign. He could have simply arrested the culprits and punished them without the fear of anything since in that case he would be following the sunnah and clear injuctions of the Holy Quran and Hadeeth and divine blessing would have been with him. Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said that the prior nations got destroyed simply because they treated the poor/weak and the rich/powerful differently. But he did and we as a nation did so we shall be ready to face the music.
That implies nothing. CEO of DAWN is in the business of media and is expected to interact with people of all backgrounds due to nature of this business. People try to make a mountain out of a molehill these days which is unfortunate.
And some people still try to ignore the reality even when it dances infront of them wearing bells and proceeds to kick them in thier fat stupid face...
No, he didn't need to resign. He could have simply arrested the culprits and punished them without the fear of anything since in that case he would be following the sunnah and clear injuctions of the Holy Quran and Hadeeth and divine blessing would have been with him. Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said that the prior nations got destroyed simply because they treated the poor/weak and the rich/powerful differently. But he did and we as a nation did so we shall be ready to face the music.

Following any arrests, he would have been fired by NS (that he has legal right to do so), and the probability of martial law would have shot up with a serious unrest in the ranks.

I agree, compromises do not work in long term. Situation will get worse and is.
And some people still try to ignore the reality even when it dances infront of them wearing bells and proceeds to kick them in thier fat stupid face...
Proverb for the wise:

Things are not always as they seem; the first appearance deceives many.
Proverb for the wise:

Things are not always as they seem; the first appearance deceives many.

'Posture' and 'timing of' are something that can't be ignored either ...
These dramas shall continue until all of these people fail fall down the drain with no goals acheived.

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