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All Muslims are not terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims, a myth or a media hype


Oct 1, 2009
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Benito Mussolini – Italy (killed 400,000 human beings)
Benito Mussolini killer file

Mao Tse-Tung – China (Killed 14-20 million human beings)
Mao Tse-Tung killer file

Adolf Hitler – Germany (do I need to mention the number of people killed by him….????)

Joseph Stalin – Russia (killed 20 million human beings)
Joseph Stalin killer file

Harry S. Truman – USA (On 25 July, 1945 President Truman authorizes the use of atomic bombs against the Japanese, killed about 120,000 people outright and fatally injure over 100,000 more.)

Richard M. Nixon – USA (1969, up to 600,000 Cambodians die by 539,129 tons dropped mostly by B-52)

Richard M. Nixon – USA (1973, The toll of Vietnamese dead from war exceeds three million, including two million civilians, over 1.3 million North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops and about 224,000 South Vietnamese military personnel. The spread of the conflict into neighboring Cambodia and Laos has resulted in the loss of another 950,000 lives and led to the rise of the genocidal dictator Pol Pot and the deaths of a further one to three million).

Ronald Reagan – USA (1982, President Reagan is reported as saying that Guatemalan dictator General Jose Efrain Rios Montt is "a man of great personal integrity" who is "getting a bum rap on human rights." It is later estimated that during the period of Ríos Montt's rule (March 1982 to August 1983) about 70,000 Guatemalan civilians are killed or "disappeared". During the period 1981 to 1983 about 100,000 are killed or "disappeared" and between 500,000 and 1.5 million displaced, fleeing to other regions within the country or seeking safety abroad.

George Bush Sr. – USA (1991, “Operation Desert Storm”)

George W. Bush – USA (War against Terrorism)

(The acts of US sponsored terrorism cannot be summarized in one post, you guys can visit this site)
United States presidents and their advisers killer file

World War II killed 60 million (estimated) in total…..!!! How many Muslims were involved in that violent war…???

Terrorism: "The use of violent actions in order to achieve political aims or to force a government to act" – Oxford Dictionary

Could these following acts be labeled as terrorism…!!!

1. Dropping of H Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, millions of civilians were killed.

2. Iraq invaded on false charges of WMD and Al-Qaeda and a million killed in the process.

3. US & UN embargo killed half a million Iraqi children. Reason, Iraq was researching on WMD.

Where as next door a tiny terrorist state named Israel has a stock pile of hundreds of WMD….!! Any UN resolution against it vetoed y US….!! It has kicked UN resolutions in dozens and no action…..Radio active amour piercing shells used by US forces in Iraq which will spread cancer and tumor in Iraq for hundreds of years to come.

4. State sponsored Gujarat Carnage.

5. Recent Ghaza seize and non stop bombardment.

6. For last fifty plus years Palestinians driven out of their homes forcefully. Their children, women killed, women raped in public by Israel military. Stone throwing kids arrested and tortured to death.

Lets take a look at the record of terrorism around the world (few notable incidents)

1. 1881 in the streets of St. Petersburg Tsar Alexander – II of Russia was traveling in a bullet proof car. An anarchist set off a bomb which killed 21 by standers. When the Tsar stepped out of car; next bomb killed him.

2. In 1886, a Bomb Blast took place Haymarket in Chicago during a labor rally. 8 anarchists were involved, all non-Muslims. Dozens killed in that violence.

3. 6th Sept 1901, US President William Mcknley was assassinated. He was shot twice by an anarchist Leon Czolgosz an anarchist a non-Muslim.

4. 1st of October Bomb blast done by two Christians James and Joseph.

5. 28th June 1914 Archduke of Austria and his wife assassinated by members of Young Bosnia who were Non-Muslim Serbs, this incidence lead to world war.

6. 16th April 1925, bomb blast in St. Nedeliya Church; Sofia; Bulgaria was done by communists who were not Muslims.

7. 9th October 1934, King Alexander-I of Yugoslavia was assassinated by a gunman.

8. 1st May 1961, the first US aircraft was hijacked to Cuba by Ramerez Oriz a non-Muslim.

9. 28th August 1968, the US Ambassador to Guatemala was assassinated by a non-Muslim.

10. 30th July 1969, US Ambassador to Japan was knifed by a Japanese.

11. 3rd September 1969, US Ambassador to Brazil was kidnapped by non-Muslims.

12. 19th April 1995, Federal Building was bombed in Oklahoma City by two Christians Timothy and Terry. 166 killed and hundreds injured.

13. From 1941 to 1948, in total 259 severely violent terrorists attacks were committed by Jewish terrorists.

14. 22nd July 1946, bombing of King David Hotel was done by Menachem Begin. His team of gangsters was dressed as Arabs to pass the blame to Palestinians. 91 innocent killed. UK declared him as the deadliest terrorist. He became the Prime Minister of Israel and finally received Nobel Prize for Peace…!!!.

15. In Germany from 1968 to 1992 Baader Meinhoff Gang killed several innocent people. They were Christians.

16. In Italy Red Brigade kidnapped Aldo More former Prime Minister of Italy and killed several innocent human beings.

17. 20th March 1996, Aum Shirikyo a Buddhist cult used nerve gas in a Tokyo subway.

18. In UK since hundred years IRA has been conducting worst possible violent terrorist acts. Where as a handful of Muslims who reacted to British participation to unjust Iraq war, immediately British media called it Islamic terrorism. Tony Blair found Muslims are the worst danger to UK. In 100 years of violence IRA was never called as Christian or Catholic terrorists.

19. 1972, IRA conducted three bomb blasts.

20. 1974, IRA bombed Gulf Ford Pub.

21. 1972, IRA bombed Birmingham Pub killed 21 and injured 182.

22. 1996, London Bombing by IRA killed 2 injured more than 100.

23. 1996, IRA Manchester Shopping Center 200 injured.

24. IRA, planted 500 pound car bomb 35 people injured.

25. 15th August 1998, one 500 pound car bomb killed dozens.

26. 4th March 2001, car bomb explodes in front of the BBC Television Centre in London by IRA.

27. In Spain & France, ETA conducted 36 major terrorists’ attacks.

28. Lords Salvation Army of Uganda is the most dreaded terror organization of Africa. They have wipe out a lot of people from that continent.

29. LTTE most innovative and specialized in suicide bombing and cyanide capsules...!!!...Now dreaming of Maha Elam spreading from Sri Lanka to Tamil Nadu…!!

30. Sikhs had their Khalistan movement; until ruthlessly suppressed by Indian army and Punjab police.

31. 31st October 1984, Indian serving Prime Minister was assassinated by her two Sikh body guards who were definitely not Muslims.

32. There is not a single Muslims in ATTF (All Tripura Tiger Force) who strikes terror since ages in the North East, all Christians.

33. National Liberation Front of Tripura has no Muslim in their ranks, all Christians.

34. 2nd October 2004, Christian terrorists killed 44 Hindus.

35. ULFA had committed from 1990 to 2006 in 16 years 740 numbers of violent terrorist acts. They are all Hindus. Their list of effective & successful attacks will put Kashmiri militants at shame….!!!

36. Maoists in Nepal committed 99 acts of terror in Nepal in seven years' time.

37. Out of 600 districts of India Maoists are active in 150 with all latest weaponry and are on a killing spree. How many Muslims are among their ranks….NIL, no one calls them Hindus terrorists. More killing done by Maoists than years of violence by Kashmiries.

This proves one thing: This profession is never a Muslim monopoly, not even a Muslim specialty…..!!!!

That shows the power of media. It can change the world opinion in any direction.

PS: Absolutely no means of being offensive to any country or nationality.
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Terrorism is pure inhuman crime and criminals are born in every culture and every religion alike. The sooner that the myth in article above is accepted as a false and disgusting notion by all players in the WOT, the better it is because then they will have the true support of all religions in the world in this fight.
Terrorism ???

What is that , Muslims - lol I don't think so

Last time I checked it was F16 planes bombing whole cities and launching missiles at neighbourhoods where ppl had no armies - I think UN was given 1.6 million dollar to shut up and close the case.

Al Qaida / Nato are same snake with two faces - they both engage and kill civilias openly - while one hides behind the veil of media , the other hides in caves they both use force , and weapons to achive their agendas -

May be Taliban don't give out 2-3 million dollar , payouts after they kill so they are called terrorist

No one cares about the innocent that die

Sometimes I wonder may be terrorist are the people who sell the weapons to the people who commit the crime ?

If they never did .. how can a terrorist kill anyone
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Times are changing or we can say its evolution of human intelligence that the era of nazism,fascism,communism has gone and that part of world now became heaven of peace(europe,japan etc.) but an apparent threat that still remains to world peace is religious intolerance and extremism added with state sponsor terrorism....and world knows that better.
Benito Mussolini – Italy (killed 400,000 human beings)
Benito Mussolini killer file

Mao Tse-Tung – China (Killed 14-20 million human beings)
Mao Tse-Tung killer file

Adolf Hitler – Germany (do I need to mention the number of people killed by him….????)

Joseph Stalin – Russia (killed 20 million human beings)
Joseph Stalin killer file

Harry S. Truman – USA (On 25 July, 1945 President Truman authorizes the use of atomic bombs against the Japanese, killed about 120,000 people outright and fatally injure over 100,000 more.)

Richard M. Nixon – USA (1969, up to 600,000 Cambodians die by 539,129 tons dropped mostly by B-52)

Richard M. Nixon – USA (1973, The toll of Vietnamese dead from war exceeds three million, including two million civilians, over 1.3 million North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops and about 224,000 South Vietnamese military personnel. The spread of the conflict into neighboring Cambodia and Laos has resulted in the loss of another 950,000 lives and led to the rise of the genocidal dictator Pol Pot and the deaths of a further one to three million).

Ronald Reagan – USA (1982, President Reagan is reported as saying that Guatemalan dictator General Jose Efrain Rios Montt is "a man of great personal integrity" who is "getting a bum rap on human rights." It is later estimated that during the period of Ríos Montt's rule (March 1982 to August 1983) about 70,000 Guatemalan civilians are killed or "disappeared". During the period 1981 to 1983 about 100,000 are killed or "disappeared" and between 500,000 and 1.5 million displaced, fleeing to other regions within the country or seeking safety abroad.

George Bush Sr. – USA (1991, “Operation Desert Storm”)

George W. Bush – USA (War against Terrorism)

(The acts of US sponsored terrorism cannot be summarized in one post, you guys can visit this site)
United States presidents and their advisers killer file

World War II killed 60 million (estimated) in total…..!!! How many Muslims were involved in that violent war…???

Terrorism: "The use of violent actions in order to achieve political aims or to force a government to act" – Oxford Dictionary

Could these following acts be labeled as terrorism…!!!

1. Dropping of H Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, millions of civilians were killed.

2. Iraq invaded on false charges of WMD and Al-Qaeda and a million killed in the process.

3. US & UN embargo killed half a million Iraqi children. Reason, Iraq was researching on WMD.

Where as next door a tiny terrorist state named Israel has a stock pile of hundreds of WMD….!! Any UN resolution against it vetoed y US….!! It has kicked UN resolutions in dozens and no action…..Radio active amour piercing shells used by US forces in Iraq which will spread cancer and tumor in Iraq for hundreds of years to come.

4. State sponsored Gujarat Carnage.

5. Recent Ghaza seize and non stop bombardment.

6. For last fifty plus years Palestinians driven out of their homes forcefully. Their children, women killed, women raped in public by Israel military. Stone throwing kids arrested and tortured to death.

Lets take a look at the record of terrorism around the world (few notable incidents)

1. 1881 in the streets of St. Petersburg Tsar Alexander – II of Russia was traveling in a bullet proof car. An anarchist set off a bomb which killed 21 by standers. When the Tsar stepped out of car; next bomb killed him.

2. In 1886, a Bomb Blast took place Haymarket in Chicago during a labor rally. 8 anarchists were involved, all non-Muslims. Dozens killed in that violence.

3. 6th Sept 1901, US President William Mcknley was assassinated. He was shot twice by an anarchist Leon Czolgosz an anarchist a non-Muslim.

4. 1st of October Bomb blast done by two Christians James and Joseph.

5. 28th June 1914 Archduke of Austria and his wife assassinated by members of Young Bosnia who were Non-Muslim Serbs, this incidence lead to world war.

6. 16th April 1925, bomb blast in St. Nedeliya Church; Sofia; Bulgaria was done by communists who were not Muslims.

7. 9th October 1934, King Alexander-I of Yugoslavia was assassinated by a gunman.

8. 1st May 1961, the first US aircraft was hijacked to Cuba by Ramerez Oriz a non-Muslim.

9. 28th August 1968, the US Ambassador to Guatemala was assassinated by a non-Muslim.

10. 30th July 1969, US Ambassador to Japan was knifed by a Japanese.

11. 3rd September 1969, US Ambassador to Brazil was kidnapped by non-Muslims.

12. 19th April 1995, Federal Building was bombed in Oklahoma City by two Christians Timothy and Terry. 166 killed and hundreds injured.

13. From 1941 to 1948, in total 259 severely violent terrorists attacks were committed by Jewish terrorists.

14. 22nd July 1946, bombing of King David Hotel was done by Menachem Begin. His team of gangsters was dressed as Arabs to pass the blame to Palestinians. 91 innocent killed. UK declared him as the deadliest terrorist. He became the Prime Minister of Israel and finally received Nobel Prize for Peace…!!!.

15. In Germany from 1968 to 1992 Baader Meinhoff Gang killed several innocent people. They were Christians.

16. In Italy Red Brigade kidnapped Aldo More former Prime Minister of Italy and killed several innocent human beings.

17. 20th March 1996, Aum Shirikyo a Buddhist cult used nerve gas in a Tokyo subway.

18. In UK since hundred years IRA has been conducting worst possible violent terrorist acts. Where as a handful of Muslims who reacted to British participation to unjust Iraq war, immediately British media called it Islamic terrorism. Tony Blair found Muslims are the worst danger to UK. In 100 years of violence IRA was never called as Christian or Catholic terrorists.

19. 1972, IRA conducted three bomb blasts.

20. 1974, IRA bombed Gulf Ford Pub.

21. 1972, IRA bombed Birmingham Pub killed 21 and injured 182.

22. 1996, London Bombing by IRA killed 2 injured more than 100.

23. 1996, IRA Manchester Shopping Center 200 injured.

24. IRA, planted 500 pound car bomb 35 people injured.

25. 15th August 1998, one 500 pound car bomb killed dozens.

26. 4th March 2001, car bomb explodes in front of the BBC Television Centre in London by IRA.

27. In Spain & France, ETA conducted 36 major terrorists’ attacks.

28. Lords Salvation Army of Uganda is the most dreaded terror organization of Africa. They have wipe out a lot of people from that continent.

29. LTTE most innovative and specialized in suicide bombing and cyanide capsules...!!!...Now dreaming of Maha Elam spreading from Sri Lanka to Tamil Nadu…!!

30. Sikhs had their Khalistan movement; until ruthlessly suppressed by Indian army and Punjab police.

31. 31st October 1984, Indian serving Prime Minister was assassinated by her two Sikh body guards who were definitely not Muslims.

32. There is not a single Muslims in ATTF (All Tripura Tiger Force) who strikes terror since ages in the North East, all Christians.

33. National Liberation Front of Tripura has no Muslim in their ranks, all Christians.

34. 2nd October 2004, Christian terrorists killed 44 Hindus.

35. ULFA had committed from 1990 to 2006 in 16 years 740 numbers of violent terrorist acts. They are all Hindus. Their list of effective & successful attacks will put Kashmiri militants at shame….!!!

36. Maoists in Nepal committed 99 acts of terror in Nepal in seven years' time.

37. Out of 600 districts of India Maoists are active in 150 with all latest weaponry and are on a killing spree. How many Muslims are among their ranks….NIL, no one calls them Hindus terrorists. More killing done by Maoists than years of violence by Kashmiries.

This proves one thing: This profession is never a Muslim monopoly, not even a Muslim specialty…..!!!!

That shows the power of media. It can change the world opinion in any direction.

PS: Absolutely no means of being offensive to any country or nationality.

Where is taliban and LET? where is 9/11 and 26/11? where 1000's died. where is afghanistan and pakistan blasts happening every day where thousands have died? Leave them just becoz they are muslims?
1971 where millions of bangladeshis were killed , womens raped children beaten up by Pakistani army gone? forgotten in history?
Where is taliban and LET? where is 9/11 and 26/11? where 1000's died. where is afghanistan and pakistan blasts happening every day where thousands have died? Leave them just becoz they are muslims?
1971 where millions of bangladeshis were killed , womens raped children beaten up by Pakistani army gone? forgotten in history?

Dude he was pointing out the terrorists who are not muslims ..
my dear friend, 90% facts are from last century/ gone century....and few are related to 1881 1886 incidents...
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my dear friend, 90% facts are from 19th century....

The 19th century (1801-1900)

The 20th century of the Christian Era or Common Era began on January 1, 1901 and ended on December 31, 2000.

So now tell me how come 90% events are from 19th century ???

You seriously need to learn when a century starts and ends.

Maximum events are from 20th century.

You are in 21st century now, starting from 2001.
The 19th century (1801-1900)

The 20th century of the Christian Era or Common Era began on January 1, 1901 and ended on December 31, 2000.

So now tell me how come 90% events are from 19th century ???

You seriously need to learn when a century starts and ends.

Maximum events are from 20th century.

You are in 21st century now, starting from 2001.

sir, I am well aware of what century means and in which century we are,but u were quick to point out my mistake before i edited it.

ok anyhow talk about present 21st century...this posted article does not suit present time.can u append few extra facts irrespective of religion.
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