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Amerasians why did we abandon them?

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I don't see why the US had responsibility towards them. They were Vietnamese and Fillipino citizens born in Vietnam and The Phillipines. You can blame the fathers for not taking responsibility but not the country.
I don't see why the US had responsibility towards them. They were Vietnamese and Fillipino citizens born in Vietnam and The Phillipines. You can blame the fathers for not taking responsibility but not the country.
That is true, but with caveats.

If you go to Asia as a tourist and got a gal pregnant, then yes, the complete moral responsibility of the child is yours.

On the other hand, and am speaking as a Viet, the US was not in Viet Nam as tourists but as partner in a dangerous adventure. The US asked Viet Nam for many accommodations, social issues among them. Viet Nam could have acted like Saudi Arabia and demanded all US personnel be either confined to posts/bases or some ways have restricted access to locals. As how the US was involved in Viet Nam, American soldiers were more representative agents of their country than any casual tourist from any country can ever be of his/her country. Look at the current brouhaha over the American Olympics swimmers in Brazil. Speaking now as an American, am not ashamed for the US but am at least embarrassed for her.

The Americans were in VN to fight -- yes. But they were also there with an arrogance that put off many Viets. Yes, we needed help, but that does not mean we are any less of human beings. Young men far away from home in a country whose people did not wanted them there but highly depended on them being there for security, things between men and women will happen and they did. Americans value any attachments to them and the most valuable is blood, and in this case, no blood is more valuable than that of children. Further, children of mixed parentage in Asia at that time, if without their father's protection, most had miserable lives. Now imagine what the brutal communists did to those Amerasian children who thru no efforts of their own became the only physical representatives of America for the communists to vent their anger.

Foreigners impregnating locals are nothing new. But America is unique in that America is desirable in real place and in ideal. The Vietnamese expression for America is 'Hoa Kỳ', essentially 'beautiful flower'. Many peoples looked up, and many still do, to America. They expects America to do the right things as a political state, and an overwhelmingly powerful one it is, and Americans to do the right things as individuals. When they see American men, especially agents of state, did nothing to help the children that the American men produced, the locals are disappointed and the severity of disappointment is proportionate to the level of esteem they have for America.
I don't see why the US had responsibility towards them. They were Vietnamese and Fillipino citizens born in Vietnam and The Phillipines. You can blame the fathers for not taking responsibility but not the country.
If I hit you blame my fist, not me. If my dog bite you blame the dog not me. Wait what?o_O
If I hit you blame my fist, not me. If my dog bite you blame the dog not me. Wait what?o_O
Why does the US have responsibliity towards people born in another country? China doesn't feel resposibility towards Chinese born in San Francisco do you?
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If you go to Asia as a tourist and got a gal pregnant, then yes, the complete moral responsibility of the child is yours.

The US government allows its citizens to file for immigration of any children born overseas to at least one citizen parent, providing paternity can be established according to set procedures. Otherwise, there are set procedures for adoption.

There is no role, or culpability, of USA in this private matter. None.
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Why does the US have responsibliity towards people born in another country? China doesn't feel resposibility towards Chinese born in San Francisco do you?
The Chinese kuli went to San Francisco on their own to build the railroads. The American solders were sent by their government. See the difference there?
Phi Nhung
Accountability and responsibility is expensive, tedious and also an admission of wrongdoing.

A lot of shit went down in Vietnam. Napalm, My Lai masscre, Hue, agent orange..... the list goes on and on.

Do people expect the Americans to pay for their crimes on the Vietnamese people? This Amerasian abandonment is just another drop in a brimming bucket. Its so much easier to just let time pass and crimes be left in the hazy memories of yesteryear.

The heavens laugh at the trouble world.

Phi Nhung

Blue doesnt suit her.

Why does the US have responsibliity towards people born in another country? China doesn't feel resposibility towards Chinese born in San Francisco do you?

This is not so much a macro or political matter, it is thousands of individual cases of fathers abandoning their children, their flesh and blood.

Any dumb shithead can father children, real and proper men raise their own through thick and thin.
Not our finest moment. I saw this when I was in the PI in June. Gentlemen may I have your inputs here?

@gambit , @C130 , @Providence , @Sliver , @Olaf One-Brow , @Syed.Ali.Haider , @F-22Raptor , @Hamartia Antidote , @jhungary

The story of my mother.

My mother met my dad during the summer of 69 in Vietnam. They have a relationship, then he got rotate back to the States in the fall of 72, back when, my mother have had my brother and he does not even know that. And since my father is a servicemen (an enlist) he cannot get married to a Foreign Woman without his superior authorization, and he did not have it, so, as much as my father want to bring my mother back to the states, he can't, as their relationship is not recognized by the US military.

Fast forward 6 years, when my mother was raising a kid as a single mother, the Vietnam government force them out of Vietnam. And my mother was in a way in a very bad shape, at that point, my father went back to Vietnam in 79' only to find out that my mother left, and if not he keep trying to track her down, all the way to Australia a year later.

Problem for all these is, servicemen go on leave, and they have fun, granted, they should have used a government issue condom, but in the end, law and society aside, you cannot just claim this is my child and grant him/her citizenship that way. More likely than not, these type of children are born out of wedlock and may even be out of one night stand. The question is, they cannot be trace back to any particular person responsible. And hence, in the eyes of law, nobody is responsible.

Morally, it is wrong, if you love someone, you should keep track and keep tab on their move, and you can actually do it if you are willing to (A la my father case) And if you don't do it, then in the eye of a society, you are an arsehole. But running off a family is not a crime(yet), hence, in the eyes of law, the US have no responsibility to take care of these people. This would be the same as a father run out of their mother and 2 sons, would the government should take responsibility for this irresponsible father?
I really can feel for those refugees in HK without fathers and proper education...
HK is famous for racism against dark skin people from Southeast Asia....u can imagine how hard those kids were in HK, they would be judged by their nationality uncertainty, their skin colour, the cloth they wore, the way they talked....scolded, bullied, hit, tortured...terrible memory for them:cry:

Such torture and mistreatment they received in HK
would lead to huge psychological problems when they are adults now.
You can imagine how miserable their adult life is no matter in which country. :cry:
What's more amusing, many of those refugees hate HK people more than Americans who fc*ked the things up and treated their mother like h**kers even they were given food, water and entrance permit in HK instead of being massacred by vietcong.
Let's not make generalizations.

I know of some people who comes from more difficult background but they are relatively well adjusted and are valuable members of society. However, there is a small minority who fell by the wayside and is bitter towards society.

It's true that a lot of HK people are racists and discriminate darker skin people and worst of all they also look down on their own kind from the mainland. Now, they are suffering from an identity crisis as Shenzhen is doing so much better than Hong Kong. It must have hurt the HK ego tremendously. I will say "serve them right".

If Hong Kong is not careful, it will be overtaken by Shanghai as a financial center.

This is just my 2-cents. I am sure some may disagree, so be it.
look like someone (jhungary) deleted your post

What post are you referring to?

Mine is there, so I am confused. It not my intention to put down the people of Hong Kong. I said some (majority) of them have some racist tendency. What the heck, all of us do even if we don't acknowledge it.

By the way, can I ask what was in the deleted post?

Was it something inflammatory and hurt some people's feelings. I hope it was not my post.

If it is, my apologies.
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