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American patriot warns about Israel’s control


Sep 19, 2018
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United States

Starts talking about Israel in the middle of the video.

James Traficant is an ex congressman that was jailed and then died in a “mysterious” tractor accident.

Always funny to see media personalities gaslight their guests pretending that they don’t know what they’re talking about.

It is odd to me that the American members here on PDF all seem to pretend that Israel’s stranglehold on American foreign policy doesn’t exist.
$15B a year provided to Israel and not just the $3.8B in military aid. I am sure this $ has gone up.

I'm all for raising awareness but I think you are wasting your time, never expect these people who most likely failed at high school math to have an understanding of what Jews did to their country.


Are you against the Isareli lobby controlling America?
Are you against the Isareli lobby controlling America?

The only reason Israel is supported is because a lot of Israelis are highly intelligent but disgruntled Jews originating from brain drained Russia that the US has leveraged for critical defense/civilian research. The US nightmare scenario is to have those disgruntled suddenly do a 180 and join the Russian side again taking with them all that knowledge. For instance many of Intel's critical chip design centers are in Israel.

Because these ex-Soviet engineers have been extremely helpful in technology the US is looking the other way on the Palestinian issues.

Think of it as leveraging a bunch of Wernher von Brauns.
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Starts talking about Israel in the middle of the video.

James Traficant is an ex congressman that was jailed and then died in a “mysterious” tractor accident.

Always funny to see media personalities gaslight their guests pretending that they don’t know what they’re talking about.

It is odd to me that the American members here on PDF all seem to pretend that Israel’s stranglehold on American foreign policy doesn’t exist.
Jimmy was some character. You don't want to miss some of his floor speeches.
The only reason Israel is supported is because a lot of Israelis are highly intelligent but disgruntled Jews originating from brain drained Russia that the US has leveraged for critical defense/civilian research. The US nightmare scenario is to have those disgruntled suddenly do a 180 and join the Russian side again taking with them all that knowledge. For instance many of Intel's critical chip design centers are in Israel.

That is a very slim possibility, Russia doesn't have as much as US and the western powers have to offer to them financially. By controlling US, they pretty much control the western world, by extension the economy of the world. That's a lot of money.

I don't condone or like Hitler but one of their grievances they had was Jews control everything. I can't help but notice and in this case this ex-senator couldn't help but notice that they control American including it's entire politics, internal and external affairs. If US is the superpower (which it is) it is a superpower because of the work and sacrifices of Americans, they are the ones who should be in control.
That is a very slim possibility, Russia doesn't have as much as US and the western powers have to offer to them financially.


By controlling US, they pretty much control the western world, by extension the economy of the world. That's a lot of money.

Well there's this saying
Man1: I don't like working with that guy because he is an @sshole
Man2: He sure is but unfortunately @ssholes are usually the ones that get things done.

The helmet worn by an F-35 stealth fighter pilot has long been no ordinary helmet, but a personal pilot head system, HMDS, as defined by Israeli manufacturer, Elbit Systems. It is a sophisticated system saturated with technologies, electronics, vision, contracts, audio, accelerometers, cameras, HUD top view - all packed in a helmet that weighs less than 1.5 kg and costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.

I don't condone or like Hitler but one of their grievances they had was Jews control everything. I can't help but notice and in this case this ex-senator couldn't help but notice that they control American including it's entire politics, internal and external affairs. If US is the superpower (which it is) it is a superpower because of the work and sacrifices of Americans, they are the ones who should be in control.

Pick a better group?
View attachment 962470

Well there's this saying
Man1: I don't like working with that guy because he is an @sshole
Man2: He sure is but unfortunately @ssholes are usually the ones that get things done.

Pick a better group?

Man2: He sure is but unfortunately @ssholes are usually the ones that get things done.
Nations for thousands of years got things done without the jews. I am not ready to accept the Americans couldn't have got things done and rise to the superpower status with the Jews.

Pick a better group?
Didn't catch your drift.
Do influential Israelis get hounded and cancelled if they criticize America? Hell No. Usually they are making more demands.

Do influential Americans get hounded and cancelled if they criticize Israel? Hell Yes.

Israel wants unconditional support from America and they get it. Much of it has to do with theology that sees Jews as the chosen race and any criticism of them, no matter how true and valid, is an affront to God. It is basically human idolatry.
This guy accused Mandela of being amoral for not criticizing Libya and Cuba over human rights. But, won't apply the same to Palestinians who live in the worst form of apartheid the world has ever known. If anyone does, they are accused of being anti-Semitic. Palestinians are Semites, so who are the anti-Semites.
These patriots are ready to bring lunched, anytime, anywhere, to kill the browns.
Muricaaaaa, hell yeah!
The only reason Israel is supported is because a lot of Israelis are highly intelligent but disgruntled Jews originating from brain drained Russia that the US has leveraged for critical defense/civilian research. The US nightmare scenario is to have those disgruntled suddenly do a 180 and join the Russian side again taking with them all that knowledge. For instance many of Intel's critical chip design centers are in Israel.

Because these ex-Soviet engineers have been extremely helpful in technology the US is looking the other way on the Palestinian issues.

Think of it as leveraging a bunch of Wernher von Brauns.

You are gaslighting the issue here using racism (assuming jewish intelligent is superior than your own), the amount of damage that Israel has done to America by controlling it's foreign and domestic geo-politics is incomparable to whatever mediocre advantage they might be providing to you guys.
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