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Amnesty International describes Israel as an apartheid state in new report


Aug 19, 2014
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Amnesty International describes Israel as an apartheid state in new report​

Jacob KornbluhJanuary 30, 2022

Amnesty International, a widely respected human rights group, plans to release a report on Tuesday accusing Israel of committing apartheid and describing its existence as a Jewish state as a deprivation of Palestinians’ basic rights. Israeli officials on Sunday denounced the report as “antisemitism.”
In a 211-page report set for publication on Tuesday and obtained by the Forward, Amnesty alleges that Israel is involved in a “widespread attack directed” against Palestinians that amounts to “the crime against humanity of apartheid.”
Amnesty, which won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1977, has previously condemned Israeli policies in the occupied West Bank and accused it of committing war crimes during the 2014 conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. But this report is the first time the group is officially using the term “apartheid” to describe it.
The Amnesty report follows a similar report from Human Rights Watch last April; that report came after two leading Israeli human-rights groups began using the term apartheid.
Human Rights Watch, which won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997, issued its own lengthy report detailing its rationale for using the term “apartheid” to describe Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians in a report about Israel. The Israeli group Yesh Din had begun using the term in 2020 and B’Tselem, another Israeli group, had adopted it in January 2021.
But while the HRW report accused Israel of discriminating against Palestinians in all areas under its control but of practicing apartheid only in the areas beyond its original 1948 borders, the Amnesty report applies the term “apartheid” to the state’s internal operations as well.
“Since its establishment in 1948, Israel has pursued an explicit policy of establishing and maintaining a Jewish demographic hegemony,” the report states, “and maximizing its control over land to benefit Jewish Israelis while minimizing the number of Palestinians and restricting their rights and obstructing their ability to challenge this dispossession.”
It also argues that “almost all of Israel’s civilian administration and military authorities” are involved “in the enforcement of the system of apartheid against Palestinians across Israel” and in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as well as “against Palestinian refugees and their descendants outside the territory.”
A spokesperson for Israel’s foreign ministry called the report “pure antisemitism” that “legitimizes attacks against Jews” and accused Amnesty International of a double standard.
“The purpose of this report is to eliminate the State of Israel as a nation-state of the Jewish people and the solution they give is for Israel to cease to exist,” said the spokesperson, Lior Haiat.
Major Jewish American groups condemned the report, calling it baseless and one-sided.
“The report commits a double injustice: It fuels those antisemites around the world who seek to undermine the only Jewish country on earth, while simultaneously cheapening and downplaying the horrific suffering that was a result of apartheid in South Africa,” the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations said in a joint statement with the Anti-Defamation League, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the Jewish Federations of North America and other groups.
But while they labeled it an “ideologically-driven polemic” document, the pro-Israel groups refrained from describing the report as antisemitic. An AIPAC spokesperson demurred when asked if the lobby group agreed with Israel’s foreign ministry’s conclusion, saying their “views are represented” in the joint statement they issued on Sunday.
Get the Forward delivered to your inbox. Sign up here to receive our essential morning briefing of American Jewish news and conversation, the afternoon’s top headlines and best reads, and a weekly letter from our editor-in-chief.
Haiat said the current makeup of the Israeli coalition government, which for the first time includes an Arab Islamist party, reflects the diversity of Israeli society and its respect for Israel’s citizens no matter their religion or cultural background.

How the report came together​

Amnesty said the report is the result of four years of research on Israeli law, zoning plans, government, military directives and statements by Israeli diplomatic and evidence of violations of international human rights over past decades. It said it also engaged with Israeli and Palestinian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and sought legal advice from experts on international law. Requests to meet with Israel’s Foreign Minister Yair Lapid last year were not answered, according to the report.
This is not the first time Amnesty has concluded a state is practicing apartheid. In 2017 it released a reportthat said Myanmar’s treatment of the Rohingya minority “amounts to apartheid.”
The report alleges that since Israel’s 1948 founding, its efforts to grow its Jewish population and expand control over land trampled Palestinian rights. It posits that while South Africa’s fallen apartheid regime — in which white citizens enjoyed legal protections withheld from non-whites — is not comparable to Israel’s treatment of Palestinians, “the framework of apartheid allows a comprehensive understanding, grounded in international law, of a situation of segregation, oppression and domination by one racial group over another.”
The report also holds that Arab citizens of Israel — about 20 percent of Israel’s population — are denied a nationality and face a limited ability to “participate in the political and social life of Israel.” The 120-member Knesset currently includes 14 Arab lawmakers and the cabinet includes two Arab ministers.
The report comes at a time of rising antisemitism globally, and ahead of a report expected in June from a United Nations Human Rights Council Commission of Inquiry into Israel’s treatment of Palestinians.

Jinnah was right all along. There is no need to recognize Israel before it ends apartheid against Palestinians

@Horus @waz @Trench Broom @Trango Towers @sammuel @dani191 @Abu Dhabi @Falcon26 @Falcon34 @HRK @Dariush the Great

Amnesty International describes Israel as an apartheid state in new report​

Jacob KornbluhJanuary 30, 2022

Amnesty International, a widely respected human rights group, plans to release a report on Tuesday accusing Israel of committing apartheid and describing its existence as a Jewish state as a deprivation of Palestinians’ basic rights. Israeli officials on Sunday denounced the report as “antisemitism.”
In a 211-page report set for publication on Tuesday and obtained by the Forward, Amnesty alleges that Israel is involved in a “widespread attack directed” against Palestinians that amounts to “the crime against humanity of apartheid.”
Amnesty, which won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1977, has previously condemned Israeli policies in the occupied West Bank and accused it of committing war crimes during the 2014 conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. But this report is the first time the group is officially using the term “apartheid” to describe it.
The Amnesty report follows a similar report from Human Rights Watch last April; that report came after two leading Israeli human-rights groups began using the term apartheid.
Human Rights Watch, which won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997, issued its own lengthy report detailing its rationale for using the term “apartheid” to describe Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians in a report about Israel. The Israeli group Yesh Din had begun using the term in 2020 and B’Tselem, another Israeli group, had adopted it in January 2021.
But while the HRW report accused Israel of discriminating against Palestinians in all areas under its control but of practicing apartheid only in the areas beyond its original 1948 borders, the Amnesty report applies the term “apartheid” to the state’s internal operations as well.
“Since its establishment in 1948, Israel has pursued an explicit policy of establishing and maintaining a Jewish demographic hegemony,” the report states, “and maximizing its control over land to benefit Jewish Israelis while minimizing the number of Palestinians and restricting their rights and obstructing their ability to challenge this dispossession.”
It also argues that “almost all of Israel’s civilian administration and military authorities” are involved “in the enforcement of the system of apartheid against Palestinians across Israel” and in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as well as “against Palestinian refugees and their descendants outside the territory.”
A spokesperson for Israel’s foreign ministry called the report “pure antisemitism” that “legitimizes attacks against Jews” and accused Amnesty International of a double standard.
“The purpose of this report is to eliminate the State of Israel as a nation-state of the Jewish people and the solution they give is for Israel to cease to exist,” said the spokesperson, Lior Haiat.
Major Jewish American groups condemned the report, calling it baseless and one-sided.
“The report commits a double injustice: It fuels those antisemites around the world who seek to undermine the only Jewish country on earth, while simultaneously cheapening and downplaying the horrific suffering that was a result of apartheid in South Africa,” the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations said in a joint statement with the Anti-Defamation League, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the Jewish Federations of North America and other groups.
But while they labeled it an “ideologically-driven polemic” document, the pro-Israel groups refrained from describing the report as antisemitic. An AIPAC spokesperson demurred when asked if the lobby group agreed with Israel’s foreign ministry’s conclusion, saying their “views are represented” in the joint statement they issued on Sunday.
Get the Forward delivered to your inbox. Sign up here to receive our essential morning briefing of American Jewish news and conversation, the afternoon’s top headlines and best reads, and a weekly letter from our editor-in-chief.
Haiat said the current makeup of the Israeli coalition government, which for the first time includes an Arab Islamist party, reflects the diversity of Israeli society and its respect for Israel’s citizens no matter their religion or cultural background.

How the report came together​

Amnesty said the report is the result of four years of research on Israeli law, zoning plans, government, military directives and statements by Israeli diplomatic and evidence of violations of international human rights over past decades. It said it also engaged with Israeli and Palestinian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and sought legal advice from experts on international law. Requests to meet with Israel’s Foreign Minister Yair Lapid last year were not answered, according to the report.
This is not the first time Amnesty has concluded a state is practicing apartheid. In 2017 it released a reportthat said Myanmar’s treatment of the Rohingya minority “amounts to apartheid.”
The report alleges that since Israel’s 1948 founding, its efforts to grow its Jewish population and expand control over land trampled Palestinian rights. It posits that while South Africa’s fallen apartheid regime — in which white citizens enjoyed legal protections withheld from non-whites — is not comparable to Israel’s treatment of Palestinians, “the framework of apartheid allows a comprehensive understanding, grounded in international law, of a situation of segregation, oppression and domination by one racial group over another.”
The report also holds that Arab citizens of Israel — about 20 percent of Israel’s population — are denied a nationality and face a limited ability to “participate in the political and social life of Israel.” The 120-member Knesset currently includes 14 Arab lawmakers and the cabinet includes two Arab ministers.
The report comes at a time of rising antisemitism globally, and ahead of a report expected in June from a United Nations Human Rights Council Commission of Inquiry into Israel’s treatment of Palestinians.

Jinnah was right all along. There is no need to recognize Israel before it ends apartheid against Palestinians

@Horus @waz @Trench Broom @Trango Towers @sammuel @dani191 @Abu Dhabi @Falcon26 @Falcon34 @HRK @Dariush the Great
I thought you're meant to be pro-Israel?

Also this Israel whining is useless, no one is going to do anything and the human rights activist saviours (I.e the west) simply do not care.
I thought you're meant to be pro-Israel?
Israel has a very bad human rights record not only against Palestinians, Arab Israelis but also against Jewish immigrants that came from non White countries. This systematic racism and apartheid should be criticized regardless of how pro Israel your position is. No position is higher than the defense of human rights.

Amnesty International describes Israel as an apartheid state in new report​

Jacob KornbluhJanuary 30, 2022

Amnesty International, a widely respected human rights group, plans to release a report on Tuesday accusing Israel of committing apartheid and describing its existence as a Jewish state as a deprivation of Palestinians’ basic rights. Israeli officials on Sunday denounced the report as “antisemitism.”
In a 211-page report set for publication on Tuesday and obtained by the Forward, Amnesty alleges that Israel is involved in a “widespread attack directed” against Palestinians that amounts to “the crime against humanity of apartheid.”
Amnesty, which won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1977, has previously condemned Israeli policies in the occupied West Bank and accused it of committing war crimes during the 2014 conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. But this report is the first time the group is officially using the term “apartheid” to describe it.
The Amnesty report follows a similar report from Human Rights Watch last April; that report came after two leading Israeli human-rights groups began using the term apartheid.
Human Rights Watch, which won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997, issued its own lengthy report detailing its rationale for using the term “apartheid” to describe Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians in a report about Israel. The Israeli group Yesh Din had begun using the term in 2020 and B’Tselem, another Israeli group, had adopted it in January 2021.
But while the HRW report accused Israel of discriminating against Palestinians in all areas under its control but of practicing apartheid only in the areas beyond its original 1948 borders, the Amnesty report applies the term “apartheid” to the state’s internal operations as well.
“Since its establishment in 1948, Israel has pursued an explicit policy of establishing and maintaining a Jewish demographic hegemony,” the report states, “and maximizing its control over land to benefit Jewish Israelis while minimizing the number of Palestinians and restricting their rights and obstructing their ability to challenge this dispossession.”
It also argues that “almost all of Israel’s civilian administration and military authorities” are involved “in the enforcement of the system of apartheid against Palestinians across Israel” and in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as well as “against Palestinian refugees and their descendants outside the territory.”
A spokesperson for Israel’s foreign ministry called the report “pure antisemitism” that “legitimizes attacks against Jews” and accused Amnesty International of a double standard.
“The purpose of this report is to eliminate the State of Israel as a nation-state of the Jewish people and the solution they give is for Israel to cease to exist,” said the spokesperson, Lior Haiat.
Major Jewish American groups condemned the report, calling it baseless and one-sided.
“The report commits a double injustice: It fuels those antisemites around the world who seek to undermine the only Jewish country on earth, while simultaneously cheapening and downplaying the horrific suffering that was a result of apartheid in South Africa,” the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations said in a joint statement with the Anti-Defamation League, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the Jewish Federations of North America and other groups.
But while they labeled it an “ideologically-driven polemic” document, the pro-Israel groups refrained from describing the report as antisemitic. An AIPAC spokesperson demurred when asked if the lobby group agreed with Israel’s foreign ministry’s conclusion, saying their “views are represented” in the joint statement they issued on Sunday.
Get the Forward delivered to your inbox. Sign up here to receive our essential morning briefing of American Jewish news and conversation, the afternoon’s top headlines and best reads, and a weekly letter from our editor-in-chief.
Haiat said the current makeup of the Israeli coalition government, which for the first time includes an Arab Islamist party, reflects the diversity of Israeli society and its respect for Israel’s citizens no matter their religion or cultural background.

How the report came together​

Amnesty said the report is the result of four years of research on Israeli law, zoning plans, government, military directives and statements by Israeli diplomatic and evidence of violations of international human rights over past decades. It said it also engaged with Israeli and Palestinian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and sought legal advice from experts on international law. Requests to meet with Israel’s Foreign Minister Yair Lapid last year were not answered, according to the report.
This is not the first time Amnesty has concluded a state is practicing apartheid. In 2017 it released a reportthat said Myanmar’s treatment of the Rohingya minority “amounts to apartheid.”
The report alleges that since Israel’s 1948 founding, its efforts to grow its Jewish population and expand control over land trampled Palestinian rights. It posits that while South Africa’s fallen apartheid regime — in which white citizens enjoyed legal protections withheld from non-whites — is not comparable to Israel’s treatment of Palestinians, “the framework of apartheid allows a comprehensive understanding, grounded in international law, of a situation of segregation, oppression and domination by one racial group over another.”
The report also holds that Arab citizens of Israel — about 20 percent of Israel’s population — are denied a nationality and face a limited ability to “participate in the political and social life of Israel.” The 120-member Knesset currently includes 14 Arab lawmakers and the cabinet includes two Arab ministers.
The report comes at a time of rising antisemitism globally, and ahead of a report expected in June from a United Nations Human Rights Council Commission of Inquiry into Israel’s treatment of Palestinians.

Jinnah was right all along. There is no need to recognize Israel before it ends apartheid against Palestinians

@Horus @waz @Trench Broom @Trango Towers @sammuel @dani191 @Abu Dhabi @Falcon26 @Falcon34 @HRK @Dariush the Great
This article clearly shows amnesty is anti semitic.
Israel has a very bad human rights record not only against Palestinians, Arab Israelis but also against Jewish immigrants that came from non White countries. This systematic racism and apartheid should be criticized regardless of how pro Israel your position is. No position is higher than the defense of human rights.
But isn't the basis of Israel itself the forceful occupation of land, by subduing those who it belongs to? (the Palestinians) That seems inherently immoral to me, so it's a little contradictory to be pro-Israel but also pro-human-rights in this case, cause they're interconnected.
Israel has a very bad human rights record not only against Palestinians, Arab Israelis but also against Jewish immigrants that came from non White countries. This systematic racism and apartheid should be criticized regardless of how pro Israel your position is. No position is higher than the defense of human rights.
I cannot belive you are speaking the truth. Normally you more pro Israeli than any fascist Israeli I know
But isn't the basis of Israel itself the forceful occupation of land, by subduing those who it belongs to? (the Palestinians) That seems inherently immoral to me, so it's a little contradictory to be pro-Israel but also pro-human-rights in this case, cause they're interconnected.
No, the basis of Israel is older than both Islam and Christianity. Judaism was born in ancient Israel 3000 years ago. Jerusalem is the most holy city to Jews, just like Mecca is to Muslims.

That being said, Israelis / Jews have no right to put Palestinians / Arabs into this systematic regime of apartheid and state oppression. It's impossible to have neighbors as enemies for all eternity. One day this conflict has to end.
This is actually good that Amnesty have done this. It's such an over-the-top outlandish claim, that people are seeing through this.

People can see that Amnesty has been hijacked by the far left and are now engaged with hyperbole.

The funniest thing about this, is that Amnesty did this and presented its findings all from a press conference IN ISRAEL. What country would allow far left anti-semitic activists to besmirch its reputation like this? a democratic one of course.

Totally shot themselves in the foot and if left wing twitter is anything to go by, Israel won the argument without even having to argue LOL

There have also been a bunch of Israeli Arabs coming out and saying this is BS
This is actually good that Amnesty have done this. It's such an over-the-top outlandish claim, that people are seeing through this.

People can see that Amnesty has been hijacked by the far left and are now engaged with hyperbole.

The funniest thing about this, is that Amnesty did this and presented its findings all from a press conference IN ISRAEL. What country would allow far left anti-semitic activists to besmirch its reputation like this? a democratic one of course.

Totally shot themselves in the foot and if left wing twitter is anything to go by, Israel won the argument without even having to argue LOL

There have also been a bunch of Israeli Arabs coming out and saying this is BS
Are you not ashamed to say this? There is a Palestinian holocaust happening and you are denying this? Shame on you. I hope your family and you suffer horrifically in the same manner so u understand.
Truth always prevails.
This is actually good that Amnesty have done this. It's such an over-the-top outlandish claim, that people are seeing through this.

People can see that Amnesty has been hijacked by the far left and are now engaged with hyperbole.

The funniest thing about this, is that Amnesty did this and presented its findings all from a press conference IN ISRAEL. What country would allow far left anti-semitic activists to besmirch its reputation like this? a democratic one of course.

Totally shot themselves in the foot and if left wing twitter is anything to go by, Israel won the argument without even having to argue LOL

There have also been a bunch of Israeli Arabs coming out and saying this is BS
i dont understand why most of you morrocans are pro israeli all the sudden. have you forgot the sacrfices your ancestors did to free palestine? Is it because israel is giving you weapons to fight your brothers for phosphrus in the westren sahara? I hope you return to your senses atleast algerians didnt sell the palestnian case like most of you.

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