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An open letter to Hamas

The Israeli retaliation is excessive, the response disproportionate.
If India fired rockets at Lahore...would you count them...then tell your army..."they fired 43 rockets, you can only return fire with 43 shells, and maybe ten times that in bullets....don't wanna be unfair...."
source : Hamas wants end to blockade in cease-fire talks, official says - CNN.com

In my opinion, an end to the blockade is useless/unacceptable until Hamas and all the other Palestinian Jihadist groups commit to non-violent resistance and stop stockpiling weapons for the next round of violence with the Israelis.

The west bank that is a majority rule under Palestine authority that got thrown out in a illegal coup in gaza by hamas- is going about it the right way. Asking for statehood in the UN. it is by no error that west bank also happens to be more richer , growing middle class and a gdp 6-7% growth. Gaza is made into a slum by Hamas, an internationally terrorist designated group and supported by Iran, sudan and the such ilks alike.
@ peacefan

A remarkable formal inquiry was filed in the Folketinget (Danish parliament) today regarding recent events in Kokkedal, a village outside of Copenhagen. The reason: the community council's Muslim majority had denied the neighbourhood a traditional Christmas tree, refusing to grant the Christians in the neighbourhood about 6.000 Kroner (805 EUR/ 1025 USD) required for the purchase. The councillors turned down another request even when residents offered to ante up the money themselves. Oddly enough the councillors did grant expenditures of 60.000 Kroner for this years Islamic Eid al-Fitr celebrations. Against this background a bewildered group of residents launched a signature campaign - which was cut short when Muslim neighbours hurled stones at a TV crew reporting about the campaign.

Juletræssagen: Tumult efter fredagsbøn - Danmark | www.bt.dk
TV 2-ansatte truet: Fik smadret deres bil - TV 2 Nyhederne

Why don't you try to fix problems closer to home?
They get administerial right in a village they have the majority in and enclose it hermetically? Do you see with what a mindset you are dealing here? And these are the ones that have been exposed to some degree of westernization, nevermind the Gaza mob.
Talking with someone about solutions is only good if that someone has the mental capacity to grasp what you are proposing. If not, you will just get doublecrossed.

Loving the apologetic behaviour and damage control from the usual mullah's in this thread. Iz epic!

The west bank that is a majority rule under Palestine authority that got thrown out in a illegal coup in gaza by hamas- is going about it the right way. Asking for statehood in the UN. it is by no error that west bank also happens to be more richer , growing middle class and a gdp 6-7% growth. Gaza is made into a slum by Hamas, an internationally terrorist designated group and supported by Iran, sudan and the such ilks alike.

30% of gdp is aid. Though i guess its commendable that they made conditions in which getting aid is actually possible. Plus additional financing below.....

Fayyad seeks $5 billion to develop new Palestinian state infrastructure

It's sweet when you get this aid, you distribute it as welfare, watch the retail sector boom and say you made a miracle afterwards.

Would be great if Peon commented on this and how we are subservient to Zionists. You know who you are. ;)
Cart before the horse.

Israel was created to assuage Western guilt over the Holocaust and past wrongs to Jews. While the motivation was noble, the execution left something to be desired, since the Europeans decided that the Palestinians, not they, should pay the price for this atonement for European sins.

In short it was a European problem dumped onto Middle East. Just like they dump their dangerous and lethal waste on the shores of developing countries and then lecture them on human rights, freedom, democracy blah blah blah...
Please understand that I meant no disrespect to Gandhi by my statements. I believe he was a very noble and well-intentioned person and there's no doubt that his actions hastened the British departure from India.

My point was that the Brits would have left anyway, perhaps later rather than sooner. They left their other colonies, as did the French, Spaniards and the Dutch. The age of colonialism was over and almost everybody got their freedom without a Gandhi. In fact, some countries like Algeria paid a heavy price.

Perhaps it was the example that Gandhi made that eased the transition away from colonialism elsewhere too?

As to Algeria;

source : Algerian War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algerian_War said:
An important decolonization war, it was a complex conflict characterized by guerrilla warfare, maquis fighting, terrorism against civilians, the use of torture on both sides, and counter-terrorism operations by the French Army.

So not really a surprise that western media was not able to help free the Algerians. Good for them that they did it by themselves. An example of winning in the end. Please don't say "that's how we Palestinians will win too". I remain of the opinion you will not be allowed to create the weapons tech you need for that.

Again, my point is that, if the Western media had focused on the violent aspects of the black resistance -- and there were violent members -- and portrayed them as a bunch of savages then the sympathy card would have played out differently. If, for whatever reason, the European whites had decided that they wanted to maintain a white power structure in South Africa, the media narrative would have been different and global pressure would not have been applied.

Now you're saying western media is corrupt to the point of picking on orders from some hidden transnational leadership, which side in any conflict must be portrayed as having the moral highground (and with that the moral right to be victorious in a conflict). That is not the case, certainly not in the case of AlJazeera (which is allowed to operate a 24/7 English channel), CNN-US or CNN-International (which are quite evenhanded in their recent-days reporting of the current Gaza conflict I'd say), or many of the other international TV stations.

The calls for a cease-fire are manyfold on western media right now. Israelis are quoted as giving only 30% support for a ground invasion of Gaza by Israeli forces btw. The Israelis are really and publicly catching on to the fact that they can not create too many civilian causalties. The 2008 Gaza war taught them that in the end after all it seems.
Let's hope the Israelis (can) stay on that track, that Hamas or some other Jihadist group doesn't add fuel of violence to this fire that is Gaza these days, based on "encouragement" from Muslim leaders elsewhere who still claim that futile violence is useful and can get the job done.

But to get back to your argument of the western mass media now being jew-controlled, that is only true to a certain extent. On Fox News USA you might (I don't watch that channel) get Israeli supporters who are truely unreasonable and too hawkish. But most of the western mass media is AGAINST innocent Palestinian lives lost, and are putting considerable pressure RIGHT NOW on the Israeli leadership and people NOT to use state-terror on the Palestinians like they did previously.

And then there's my added argument, that the democratically-built laptops, cameras, phones, twitter, facebook, youtube, forums like this, and demonstrations where organisations like Hamas keep a lid on rioters instead of being the rioters, can be used BY MUSLIMS (preferably in English; learn English, muslim kids, not how to make bombs) to further release the western media from "the grip" of those "evil" jews in the media industry, banking industry, and government bureaucracies.

You have been given all this tech (and a lot of medicine-tech as well) as good as for free by the western nations you so distrust and hate. Yet you use it to cling to terrorism as the way to free yourselves from oppression. The problem is, we westerners seriously fear Muslims would be dominating western cultures (as revenge and to do to westerners what they had done to you for, what, a little over a hundred years), if we allow you to win by terrorism.

Play smart. Don't strike back. Take that line from our Bible, "turn the other cheek". Become the meek.

MLK was not the first. Doesn't the Bible say to turn the other cheek and the meek shall inherit the Earth?

The meek need the assertive ;) I'd love this to be a world in which I CAN be meek :bunny:

Once again, the reason MLK achieved anything is because the white media projected the narrative that it was time for America to move forward. It was a tumultuous time for American society: summer of love, MLK, Vietnam war. All sorts of social issues were in the forefront and the timing was right to address social ills.

And it was western students and citizens who forced their own mass media to put pressure on the official western diplomats and government bureacracies to get more justice and real freedom injected into the world.

But as Obama recently said in Myanmar; (paraphrasing: ) large change in a nation's social fabric doesn't happen over night. It takes many years.

If the white media had decided to ignore MLK, he would have sunk into oblivion and nothing would have changed for African-Americans as it hadn't changed for decades previously.

Western media won't ignore anyone with a just cause. We westerners love not only our own freedom, we love yours too.

The taliban were created to get the Russians out of Afghanistan. At the time, the proxified "cold" war, it served our purpose. But we westerners did help get rid of the oppression by asymmetrical warfare that the russians were waging on the Afghan people. Then the taliban decide that America must die too, for what reasons I still don't fully understand (maybe a Muslim here can enlighten me on that point), and they do 9/11.

But I'd say the Americans have been a lot less harsh against the Afghan people than the Russians ever were. Obama decides to leave, and the Taliban are kicking him in their media statements as he leaves their home land.

Muslim Jihadists can learn a thing or two from Hollywood's movie about honor in warfare.
At least, I like western honor values a LOT better than Jihadists honor values.

It's far more insidious than that. For domestic matters where there the media is mostly neutral, your statement applies. However, when the media is dominated by people with a bias towards one side, then the reporting is very skewed.

That's usually when those people deserve scrutiny because of their moral choices. To win the support of western media, then western ordinary citizens, then the support of our governments and diplomats... your moral choices, what weapons and tools you pick for your struggle for freedom, determines how much support you get.

We westerners are bound by a strict honor code, which is advertised in all Hollywood movies that portray Americans in tough military times, and can these days be gotten for free on the internet (********.eu, ********.com).

Once again, you Musims would be so much better off if you'd study our culture better and learn the ways of western political and media dominance. And by political dominance I mean having something wiser, more efficient or nicer to say back, not "threaten effectively".

If you have been in a protest rally, then you know that every rally contains all sorts of people. You have mostly genuine protesters, but you also have random homeless, jobless people who tag along, you have college boys who are there just to show off to their date, and you have troublemakers who figure they can use the anonymity to 'indulge' themselves.

Have your Jihadists provide anti-rioter security at all mass demonstrations. Then have one mass demonstration every week, for at least 100 years. Your children will grow up without mutilations then.

Depending on the media's agenda, they can focus on the genuine protesters, or they can zero in on the troublemakers and make them the story instead.

Greek troublemakers earlier in the year were not demonized by western media, were they?
The austerity measures were pushed through yes, but the thing is; these protesters had a good relatively friendly brawl with the police anti-rioters, throwing a few small stones while running through teargas fields.. And then they DID NOT TRY TO KILL Merkel as she visited Greece to finalize demands from the EU countries who still had their finances reasonably well in order.

And you gotta admit, Greece and Spain and all the EU nations were warned to curtail spending for years and years and years before austerity measures were imposed by the rest of the EU and the IMF.

To put it bluntly, I do not share your optimism in the neutrality of Western media. As I stated, much of Western media has a very strong pro-Israeli bias.

I'll bite; which channels are so biased? I'll check 'm out and twitter 'm to frustration for you ;)

I also gave you an example of what happens when Arabs follow non-violence. In East Jerusalem and the West Bank, Jewish encroachment continues unabated.

Westerners like me can not really start to help you Muslims until you stay away from terrorism completely and forever. After that, we can start putting the thumb screws on the Israelis if they don't give you considerable concessions in negotiations. Some of these settlements can have the jews in 'm evicted, and the homes GIVEN to the Palestinian people. Re-decorate as you please ;)
But that is going to take years and years of patience, taking a bloody nose or a single loss of innocent lives (wrong people at the wrong place at the wrong time) regularly during those initial years when the new and better fruits grow to ripeness.

Cart before the horse.

Israel was created to assuage Western guilt over the Holocaust and past wrongs to Jews. While the motivation was noble, the execution left something to be desired, since the Europeans decided that the Palestinians, not they, should pay the price for this atonement for European sins.

Actually, they had their own Holy book that said it had to be that very specific piece of land.

If you want your Holy Book to be respected, you gotta respect the other Holy Books on this planet.

Yes, Muslim societies have a lot of ills that need to be corrected. No one is denying that, but I don't see how all that relates to this particular topic.

You used the same phrasing to call the Israeli religion a bunch of religious fanatics.

But the world has plenty of religious fanatics, none of whom I want to harm. That said, as sane secular or spiritual people, you're best off giving them some of what they want, but definately not all of what they want. That goes for the Taliban, but certainly also for the Jews and Christians.

Once again, Muslims, I'd like to extend an offer to help mobilize enough western idealogical support in getting your wishes granted by the Israelis and other western powers, if YOU Jihadists are willing to consider switching to, and enforcing amongst yourselves, non-violent resistance.

Please translate this entire thread onto Arabic and Persian and other Jihadist forums. I cannot do that myself, I've tried learning Persian but I have very little talent for other character sets besides the Latin character set :(
@ peacefan

30% of gdp is aid. Though i guess its commendable that they made conditions in which getting aid is actually possible. Plus additional financing below.....

Fayyad seeks $5 billion to develop new Palestinian state infrastructure

It's sweet when you get this aid, you distribute it as welfare, watch the retail sector boom and say you made a miracle afterwards.

Would be great if Peon commented on this and how we are subservient to Zionists. You know who you are. ;)

what the hell is that gibberish above... lol. Aid is given to those to help uplift themselves and it is given to non terrorists. Some get seed money to start a business , some get aid to start one.. either which way they got an investment and they made choices to uplift themselves over buying rockets and suicide jackets.
Once again, you Musims would be so much better off if you'd study our culture better and learn the ways of western political and media dominance. And by political dominance I mean having something wiser, more efficient or nicer to say back, not "threaten effectively".

Those who live here are appreciative of your societies, respect for rule of law and other good things. But we also understand the shallowness of your slogans, the duplicity and hypocrisy of the policies of these countries towards the rest of the world.

Problem in Middle East between Palestine and Israel is not a religious problem. Its a problem of foreigners occupying the lands of the locals, evicting them from their homes and penning them down in a strictly controlled piece of land. This is Palestine of today. Its a problem of land, of a people right to exist in their own country. This is the right that your nations dont accept. They accept the right of Israel to exist only, not Palestinians.

In your posts, you link terrorism with Muslims. Is there a bigger terrorist that Israel in the world? Is there a bigger supporter of terrorism than USA which created Al-Qaeda to begin with? You and your countries use terrorism as a state weapon. You use this subjugate other nations and conveniently switch sides when it suits you.

Wasn't Libya a case openly aiding and abetting terrorists to topple a government. No matter how despicable that government was, the lecturers of virtue of human rights, women rights and freedom must not have indulged in such lowly acts.

Your posts are becoming more and more idiotic as we scroll through the pages. You are losing temper and your attitude is condescending and degrading. In short you are extremely racist and bigoted. On any western forum, you cant use this type of language.

I would recommend you read a book 'The Shock Doctrine'. Its not written by a Muslim M
Jihadist/terrorist. It was written by a person of your ilk. It gives a good insight of how western governments exploit the developing countries. What CIA did to South America, how big pharmas use the population of developing world as guinea pigs. It has a lot more.
Perhaps it was the example that Gandhi made that eased the transition away from colonialism elsewhere too?

Uh, no.

Do you really think the French, Spanish and Dutch colonial masters looked at British India and said, "Ah!"?

So not really a surprise that western media was not able to help free the Algerians.

The point here was not about the Western media, but the fact that peaceful resistance had given bupkis to the Algerians.

Now you're saying western media is corrupt to the point of picking on orders from some hidden transnational leadership

Not at all. I am saying that many Western media outlets, especially mainstream American ones, are heavily infested with people who are ideologically pro-Israel. It is an accepted fact that media outlets exhibit bias: NewsCorp is not the same as NBC is not the same as PBS. Each of these media houses has a demonstrated bias, so why is it so hard to accept that they have a pro-Israeli bias?

Coming to Europe, Springer Verlag, one of Europe's largest media houses and perhaps Germany's largest, has a clause in its contract that requires all its journalists to be pro-Israel. I am not making this up; it is in their very contract.

But to get back to your argument of the western mass media now being jew-controlled

Care to tell me where I wrote that?

You make the mistake, perhaps subconsciously, of equating the phrase 'pro-Israel' with 'Jewish'. Most of the pro-Israeli Zionists in America are fundamentalist Christians who support it because of biblical prophesies. There are people who support Israel, not because they like Jews, but because they hate Arabs and Muslims, and supporting Israel is a good cover for them.

Finally, and this is really strange, there are Jewish Israelis who believe that European support for Israel is motivated by anti-Semitism! Their logic is that Europe supported the creation of Israel as a way to 'cleanse' Europe of Jews and send them all somewhere else where they would be someone else's problem.

So, there are a variety of reasons why different people support Israel; Jews are only one part of the picture.

And then there's my added argument, that the democratically-built laptops, cameras, phones, twitter, facebook, youtube, forums like this, and demonstrations where organisations like Hamas keep a lid on rioters instead of being the rioters, can be used BY MUSLIMS (preferably in English; learn English, muslim kids, not how to make bombs) to further release the western media from "the grip" of those "evil" jews in the media industry, banking industry, and government bureaucracies.

Very simplistic analysis. Your insight is neither new, nor groundbreaking. The non-Western world is well aware that Western media is the crown jewel of Western domination -- even more so that the military might -- and, as such, its turf is jealously guarded and furiously defended. Neither the Chinese, nor the Russians or Indians, nor even the Arab Petro-dollars could as much as make a dent in the juggernaut of Western media domination.

Western media is the propaganda tool par excellence, and Israel is a heavy beneficiary of its power.

You have been given all this tech (and a lot of medicine-tech as well) as good as for free by the western nations you so distrust and hate. Yet you use it to cling to terrorism as the way to free yourselves from oppression. The problem is, we westerners seriously fear Muslims would be dominating western cultures (as revenge and to do to westerners what they had done to you for, what, a little over a hundred years), if we allow you to win by terrorism.

You need to ease up on the 'We Westerners' v/s 'You Muslim jihadis' rhetoric. This polarized world view is shared by fanatics on both sides, not be reasonable people. If you truly buy into this divide, then its time for you personally to do some soul searching on your own part.

There are fanatics and peaceniks on both sides. Both sides have their 'Bubbas' and their intellectuals; their hawks and doves. A little less grandstanding, and a little more down to earth view will go a long way.

And it was western students and citizens who forced their own mass media to put pressure on the official western diplomats and government bureaucracies to get more justice and real freedom injected into the world.

Again, you are putting the cart before the horse. The students and citizens would not have 'forced' anything from their media, if they were given the narrative that American blacks were savages bent on death and destruction. Ordinary citizens only know a little bit from direct word of mouth; it is the media that forms perceptions and corrals national debate. Things have changed a bit with the internet, but most people still trust the official media more than random content on the internet, with good reason.

We westerners love not only our own freedom, we love yours too.

That may be true of you, personally, as an individual, but governments, Western and others, are paid to serve their nationals interests at all costs. Freedom and democracy in other lands has nothing to do with it.

Then the taliban decide that America must die too, for what reasons I still don't fully understand

The anti-Soviet resistance was fueled on the justification that the Soviets were harming Muslims and it was righteous to defend Muslim rights against the oppressor (USSR). Later, when the Taliban decided that America, too, was involved in crimes against Muslims, then the previous logic was applied again, and this time the culprit was USA.

Muslim Jihadists can learn a thing or two from Hollywood's movie about honor in warfare.
At least, I like western honor values a LOT better than Jihadists honor values.

You would be well served to form a world view based on real life rather than Hollywood movies.

We westerners are bound by a strict honor code, which is advertised in all Hollywood movies that portray Americans in tough military times, and can these days be gotten for free on the internet (********.eu, ********.com).

If you truly believe what you wrote above, I won't even bother commenting...

I'll bite; which channels are so biased? I'll check 'm out and twitter 'm to frustration for you ;)

I already gave examples above. To be fair, European media tends to be fairer than their American counterparts. However, it is the American media, not European (except BBC), which is globally dominant.

Actually, they had their own Holy book that said it had to be that very specific piece of land.

If you want your Holy Book to be respected, you gotta respect the other Holy Books on this planet.

Holy books do not provide de jure license to build colonial outposts and evict people from their homes.

You used the same phrasing to call the Israeli religion a bunch of religious fanatics.

The actions of Israeli religious fanatics would be analogous to Muslim extremists who want to establish a Muslim caliphate in the West. These Muslim extremists are rightfully censured, but the Israeli religious fanatics are celebrated as heroes for establishing their religious colony.

(Before the usual suspects jump in, this is NOT analogous to Pakistan which was established to encompass people already living on the land, not shipped in ex post facto.)

Once again, Muslims, I'd like to extend an offer to help mobilize enough western idealogical support in getting your wishes granted by the Israelis and other western powers, if YOU Jihadists are willing to consider switching to, and enforcing amongst yourselves, non-violent resistance.

Please translate this entire thread onto Arabic and Persian and other Jihadist forums. I cannot do that myself, I've tried learning Persian but I have very little talent for other character sets besides the Latin character set :(

I am intrigued by your offer. What capabilities do you possess to 'mobilize' large scale Western support? Are you related to another member here, Hello_10, who claims to be lunch and dinner buddies with the likes of Putin, European royalty, and others?
Ok, I'm going to take your criticisms seriously, and do that soul-searching you requested me to do.

And I don't claim to be in the halls of power or go to dinner parties with world leaders, not at all.

I was hoping I could advise Muslims in how to deal with the hurdles of convincing western media to make your grievances heard by western audiences.
Ok, I've considered your viewpoints now.. It didn't take me as long as I had thought it would.

Your replies, airmarshal and developereo, make it clear you don't believe the non-violent resistance tactic will have any chance of being succesful. Let's stop the name-calling, but recognize that there are those who feel violence is useful (winning by war), and those who feel that any violence is counter-productive (winning by patience, negotiations, artistic and commercial interactions, and eventually even tourism)

Assuming you read all of what I wrote, I had said that it would take a few years (say up to 10 years) of non-violence and patience before you'd start to see fruits of that tactic. In the meanwhile you'd be saving your common people in Palestine from probably at least 2 punishment-wars by the Israelis. The Israelis have claimed not to attack you if you don't attack them, and you can prove if western media and western governments and the Israeli government will support that promise, by renouncing terrorism completely and at least for considerable time (two decades?), right now.

You Muslim supporters of violent-Jihadism claim a different interpretation of history, brush aside all the examples I offer as basically distorted or mis-informed, and almost laugh when I show you where the honor codes that every white kid grows up with (which is the basis of their respect for the authority of their police- and military-forces) can be found.

So please forgive me if I nearly lose my temper. Which I should not. Not with people as desperate and under perhaps indeed draconian population control measures as you Muslim Jihadists and supporters of violent Jihadism are under.
How about "Non-Violent Jihad" as a name for what I'm offering to teach you, Muslims?

In Vietnam these honor codes were broken by US soldiers and commanders, word and pictures of it leaked out through the media, and the soldiers faced ridicule and disgust from many of their own citizens back home, leading to the short age where journalists were kept away from the frontlines, I believe that age to be nearly over now; journalists in warzones are now kept on a shorter leash than in Vietnam, but that leash is growing in length; CNN now has several people reporting from Gaza these very days we're posting this thread in.

I honestly believe that one of the reasons that so little progress towards global peace is made through by virtue of the mass media, is that mass media stations each report the stories they deem worthy for their own specific type of audience. You know, nearly everyone has their own favorite newspaper(s) and TV stations. These stations have a limited number of stories they do per day, and so if you watch only a few channels you get a very limited news view. If you read many different newspapers, you get a more complete view of the world. Unless you think it's *all* lies, and then I guess we're done talking :(

At the moment, I watch mostly CNN-USA and AlJazeera. The two channels are very different indeed. AlJazeera is clearly pro-Palestinian if it comes down to it, but i'd HONESTLY call CNN-USA quite even-handed in their reporting of the Gaza conflict. They too, like me, keep insisting less civilians die, and they keep hoping for a ceasefire in the current Gaza conflict.
So you could form an alliance with CNN-USA. It's a real option for Non-Violent Jihadists.

I'd also like to make a move to the roots of the problem, since you Jihadist supporters here keep claiming Israelis are evil for being land-stealers..

I say; Arabs want the Israelis gone with lethal force if that gets it done, Israelis want to hold on to a tiny strip of Arab land that has been given to them in a Holy Book.

You say tiny-bit-of-land-stealing should not be allowed in a Holy Book, I say "enslaving" (to a lesser or greater degree) of all women should not be allowed in a Holy Book.
Let's go back to : respect your own Holy Book, respect the other Holy Books on Earth as well.

Why were Palestinians not welcome as citizens of the surrounding countries, hey? Why did you Muslims opt for the violent removal of all Jews time and time again?
Perhaps you Jihadist supporters should answer this question first, especially the first part of that question.
Ok, I've considered your viewpoints now.. It didn't take me as long as I had thought it would.

Your replies, airmarshal and developereo, make it clear you don't believe the non-violent resistance tactic will have any chance of being succesful.

Nobody here is advocating violence. We are pointing out the naivete inherent in your "analysis".

Of course, your title of 'peacefan' hadn't fooled anyone here, given the tone of all your posts, but we decided to play along. We know the Israeli apologists are on a cyber campaign of public relations.

The rest of your tirade doesn't merit a response.

I suggest you go back to watching your Hollywood movies -- that is, if you can take time away from your meetings with world leaders.

truth about conflict

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Nobody here is advocating violence. We are pointing out the naivete inherent in your "analysis".

Of course, your title of 'peacefan' hadn't fooled anyone here, given the tone of all your posts, but we decided to play along. We know the Israeli apologists are on a cyber campaign of public relations.

The rest of your tirade doesn't merit a response.

I suggest you go back to watching your Hollywood movies -- that is, if you can take time away from your meetings with world leaders.

You refuse to even properly consider or discuss with your peers my proposals. You remain of the opinion that the violence from Palestinian side is the only real option, don't you? That's veiled support for terrorism, and I still believe it's not OK (in this case of Muslims vs westerners+Israelis).

But let's not become real idealogical enemies. I hope eventually you'll remember my proposals, when you tire of the futility of terrorism.
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