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May 16, 2013
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NAB ‘falls in line’ after PM’s criticism



MULTAN: National Accountability Bureau Chairman Qamar Zaman Chaudhry presiding over a meeting during his visit to the bureau’s regional office here to review its performance on the basis of the annual inspection conducted by an inspection and monitoring team.—APP
ISLAMABAD: Following the prime minister’s criticism of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB), the anti-corruption watchdog regretted that it had “inherited some problems that hampered its investigation process”.

In addition, the interior minister has offered to constitute a judicial commission to look into former president Asif Ali Zardari’s claim that the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) also was exceeding its mandate.

Leader of Opposition in the National Assembly Syed Khursheed Shah also endorsed the PM’s views on NAB, but others, including the PTI, called for greater transparency and said his remarks were tantamount to ‘interference’ in the process of accountability.

On Wednesday, NAB spokesperson Nawazish Ali Asim issued an official statement that vowed to improve the accountability process in line with the PM’s criticism and directives.

Nisar offers Zardari judicial commission to examine FIA’s performance
The statement claimed that the government was not interfering with NAB’s work and that the bureau would act upon the PM’s advice. “The non-interference policy of the government has helped NAB become an independent organisation and it respects the opinion of Prime Minister Mohammad Nawaz Sharif,” the spokesperson said.

“The organisation inherited some problems and it [is quickly] taking necessary measures to resolve them,” he added.

The PM had lashed out at NAB on Tuesday and threatened to clip its powers over what he termed “harassment of government officers”. He had said that bureaucrats were afraid of taking decisions because they were fearful of NAB harassment.

NAB terrifies government officers and hinders them from performing their duties, while NAB officials enter the houses and offices of ‘innocent people’ without verifying the authenticity of the charges against them, he had said.

These views were echoed by Syed Khursheed Shah who said on Wednesday, “I agree that NAB’s modus operandi is not correct.”

Mr Shah told reporters that the PM had personally decided to appoint Qamar Zaman Chaudhry as chairman of the bureau. He said he had hoped that NAB would hold all people equally accountable, but many political parties had complained that unlike Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan, the bureau was doing nothing in Punjab, which was run by the ruling PML-N.

But PTI members rushed to NAB’s support in the National Assembly.

“NAB will definitely conduct inquiries if the Sharifs continue to plunder national wealth,” PTI leader Sarwar Khan said on the floor of the house, adding that the PM should make accountability institutions more powerful, instead of threatening them.

The Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency also expressed concern over PM’s warning to NAB, saying that Mr Sharif had gone out of the way to threaten the bureau.

The institute warned that any effort to roll back the ‘independence and effectiveness’ of NAB would only ‘dilute democracy’ and invite ‘non-institutional accountability’ by institutions which did not have legal mandate, but the muscle, to undertake such actions.

Judicial commission for FIA

Also on Wednesday, Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan offered to form a judicial commission to look into the role and performance of the Federal Investigation Agency over the last two and a half years.

In a rejoinder to former president and PPP co-chairperson Asif Ali Zardari’s statement that the FIA was following in the footprints of NAB in exceeding its mandate, the minister assured that the FIA would not be used against political opponents or innocent people as long as he held office.

He, however, said the FIA would act with full force against the corrupt and not show any leniency. “In this respect we are ready for judicial scrutiny of all FIA cases”, he remarked.

He claimed that he had not used the FIA for any personal, political or illegal purpose, not had he allowed it to succumb to any external pressure or interference during the term of the current government.

Saying he did not want to go into details of how the FIA had been used in the past, the minister claimed he was trying to transform it into an apolitical but completely professional investigation agency. However, he admitted that there was still a lot to be done before the agency could be purged of corruption.

Published in Dawn, February 20th, 2016
The most corrupt institution of Pakistan, I wont even wish my enemies should ever have to deal with that "Institution"


If pursuing cases against politicians is "exceeding their mandate," then WTF are these institutions made for anyways??

The whole NA needs to be demolished with this poltical mafia under it.
What do you expect, PML-N the most corrupt political party in Pakistan has robbed the country left, right and centre. Any mega project that has been initiated by PML-N is filled with corruption and kickbacks. NAB on the other hand has acted a Laundry Machine for our corrupt politicians. Washing them off their dirty corrupt deeds and giving them a clean chit to go and rob the country further. It's very obvious that investigations were headed towards Mega Projects that were completed by PML-N, and extreme corruption was going to be uncovered. Our PM, being the smart crook that he is, pre-empted this move and blocked NAB before they could act.
All the NAB cases have made a lot of headlines but very little substance as to date no one ..literally no one..in Pakistan has been ordered to refund stolen money....nor a rock solid proof which could coherence banks into submission where this wealth is stashed..NAB together should be dissolved and a bearu is needed which is less political and more practical...also its activities should be censored from coverage in press as complete confidentiality is needed for investigating corruption cases...NAB has become a celebrity institute where by its each move is announced in the press which gives it very strong black mailing power at the same time alerts potential culprits to run awaay...
NAB ‘falls in line’ after PM’s criticism



MULTAN: National Accountability Bureau Chairman Qamar Zaman Chaudhry presiding over a meeting during his visit to the bureau’s regional office here to review its performance on the basis of the annual inspection conducted by an inspection and monitoring team.—APP
ISLAMABAD: Following the prime minister’s criticism of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB), the anti-corruption watchdog regretted that it had “inherited some problems that hampered its investigation process”.

In addition, the interior minister has offered to constitute a judicial commission to look into former president Asif Ali Zardari’s claim that the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) also was exceeding its mandate.

Leader of Opposition in the National Assembly Syed Khursheed Shah also endorsed the PM’s views on NAB, but others, including the PTI, called for greater transparency and said his remarks were tantamount to ‘interference’ in the process of accountability.

On Wednesday, NAB spokesperson Nawazish Ali Asim issued an official statement that vowed to improve the accountability process in line with the PM’s criticism and directives.

Nisar offers Zardari judicial commission to examine FIA’s performance
The statement claimed that the government was not interfering with NAB’s work and that the bureau would act upon the PM’s advice. “The non-interference policy of the government has helped NAB become an independent organisation and it respects the opinion of Prime Minister Mohammad Nawaz Sharif,” the spokesperson said.

“The organisation inherited some problems and it [is quickly] taking necessary measures to resolve them,” he added.

The PM had lashed out at NAB on Tuesday and threatened to clip its powers over what he termed “harassment of government officers”. He had said that bureaucrats were afraid of taking decisions because they were fearful of NAB harassment.

NAB terrifies government officers and hinders them from performing their duties, while NAB officials enter the houses and offices of ‘innocent people’ without verifying the authenticity of the charges against them, he had said.

These views were echoed by Syed Khursheed Shah who said on Wednesday, “I agree that NAB’s modus operandi is not correct.”

Mr Shah told reporters that the PM had personally decided to appoint Qamar Zaman Chaudhry as chairman of the bureau. He said he had hoped that NAB would hold all people equally accountable, but many political parties had complained that unlike Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan, the bureau was doing nothing in Punjab, which was run by the ruling PML-N.

But PTI members rushed to NAB’s support in the National Assembly.

“NAB will definitely conduct inquiries if the Sharifs continue to plunder national wealth,” PTI leader Sarwar Khan said on the floor of the house, adding that the PM should make accountability institutions more powerful, instead of threatening them.

The Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency also expressed concern over PM’s warning to NAB, saying that Mr Sharif had gone out of the way to threaten the bureau.

The institute warned that any effort to roll back the ‘independence and effectiveness’ of NAB would only ‘dilute democracy’ and invite ‘non-institutional accountability’ by institutions which did not have legal mandate, but the muscle, to undertake such actions.

Judicial commission for FIA

Also on Wednesday, Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan offered to form a judicial commission to look into the role and performance of the Federal Investigation Agency over the last two and a half years.

In a rejoinder to former president and PPP co-chairperson Asif Ali Zardari’s statement that the FIA was following in the footprints of NAB in exceeding its mandate, the minister assured that the FIA would not be used against political opponents or innocent people as long as he held office.

He, however, said the FIA would act with full force against the corrupt and not show any leniency. “In this respect we are ready for judicial scrutiny of all FIA cases”, he remarked.

He claimed that he had not used the FIA for any personal, political or illegal purpose, not had he allowed it to succumb to any external pressure or interference during the term of the current government.

Saying he did not want to go into details of how the FIA had been used in the past, the minister claimed he was trying to transform it into an apolitical but completely professional investigation agency. However, he admitted that there was still a lot to be done before the agency could be purged of corruption.

Published in Dawn, February 20th, 2016
LOL..When NAB talks about opening cases against PML-N Leaders then these idiots wake up but when they target PPP Then as usual silence...NAwaz when you are opening swiss case ?? Muk mukaa hp gaya ha PPP + PML-N ka..

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