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Anti Armour Systems

Zarbe Momin

Mar 17, 2009
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In last three decads indian militray strategy planers made a comprehensive plan to use desert terrain for offensive in thar and cholistan to capture a large area and after war to use as a plus point in dialogue.

India operates around 700 T-90S tanks and 1000 to be manufactured localy under license from Russia. India is expected to operate over 1,700 T-90S tanks by 2020.

T-90 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If india uses this plan in future with infantary and aromur (mechanised infantary, Tanks) how pakistan can stop this?

Pakistan has RPG-29, Bakter-Shikan ATGM and american made system as anti armour role.

RPG-29 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
HJ-8 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Isn't these system less to stop a bigger invasion and pakistan should add more RPG 29 with night vision systems and home made Bakter-Shikan ATGM and numbers should be more than 5000.
The claim of PA having RPG-29 is kind of disputed as i have not seen any other source claiming it, no military website or forum confirms it. I may be wrong, a more inside source can confirm it. But in my opinion RPG-29 has been confused with the SPG-9 that PA has.
the Al-Khalids can take good care of T90, moreover an upgraded version will be comming soon and will surely turn the advantage in PA favour,,

1. The most audacious system as anti armour, Pakistan has is Cobra helicopters. The TOWs have a range of 3.75 km. In plains and moderate weather conditions, a single Cobra helicopter can be loaded with upto 8 TOWs and each one can be guided onto target with precision, using its old but highly relaible guidance system.

2. Then Pakistan hav TOW mounted M113s. These vehicles are designated as M901 ITV (Improved Tow Vehicles). I think the same are now retrofitted wth Baktar Shikans.

3. Then Army fields, TOW/BS mounted on 4x4 Defender Jeeps, again providing element of fire and rapid movement.

4. Infantary battalions are now equipped with TOW/BS system with a scale of 8 per unit. so these foot soldiers also offer formidable challanges to advancing enemy columns.

5. 106 mm Reciolless Rifles are vintage anti tank weapon firing HEAT rounds. These are available to static as well as mobile (jeep mounted) units.

6. 105 mm howitzers can be emplyed in direct firing roles, while adjusting elevation to zero. (however, not recommended as they will easilly give position)

7. RPG-7/ SPG-9 and anti tank mines are the anti armour wepons of todays infantary soldiers.

8. And last but not the least, is PAF. F-16 can rain down AGM-65 Mavericks, which is a specialized anti armour weapon.

So quite a wellcome party for Indians.
In present situation i think 320 AK-Is and 320 T-80s
are enough to stop indian armor corp consists of some 700 T-90s.....
but in any case i think baktar-shikan(HJ-8) can easily penatrate the some weak spot in T-90's armor
1. The most audacious system as anti armour, Pakistan has is Cobra helicopters. The TOWs have a range of 3.75 km. In plains and moderate weather conditions, a single Cobra helicopter can be loaded with upto 8 TOWs and each one can be guided onto target with precision, using its old but highly relaible guidance system.

2. Then Pakistan hav TOW mounted M113s. These vehicles are designated as M901 ITV (Improved Tow Vehicles). I think the same are now retrofitted wth Baktar Shikans.

3. Then Army fields, TOW/BS mounted on 4x4 Defender Jeeps, again providing element of fire and rapid movement.

4. Infantary battalions are now equipped with TOW/BS system with a scale of 8 per unit. so these foot soldiers also offer formidable challanges to advancing enemy columns.

5. 106 mm Reciolless Rifles are vintage anti tank weapon firing HEAT rounds. These are available to static as well as mobile (jeep mounted) units.

6. 105 mm howitzers can be emplyed in direct firing roles, while adjusting elevation to zero. (however, not recommended as they will easilly give position)

7. RPG-7/ SPG-9 and anti tank mines are the anti armour wepons of todays infantary soldiers.

8. And last but not the least, is PAF. F-16 can rain down AGM-65 Mavericks, which is a specialized anti armour weapon.

So quite a wellcome party for Indians.

Any Indian offensive is going to come under an umbrella of Indian aircraft. The important part of the battle at the frontier and canal will thus be fought under contested skies at best, possibly under Indian dominance.

if such is the case, Pakistan might not be able to mass enough tanks in the right spot to make a difference. The real fight is going to be fought by the border troops and artillery. M-109's firign FASCAM and the new A-100 MLRS are going to be the infantryman's best weapon, not the TOW or HJ-8 which are not really capable vs modern ERA equipped tanks.

If they can hold, then international pressure can be brought to bear. If they fail, well then Katie bar the doors.
In present situation i think 320 AK-Is and 320 T-80s
are enough to stop indian armor corp consists of some 700 T-90s.....
but in any case i think baktar-shikan(HJ-8) can easily penatrate the some weak spot in T-90's armor

more over as the indian talk of additional 100 T90 by 2020 PA will also be having there AK II by then. but yes as Sir. zraver stated the Indo-pak conflict will happen with AF plying the most crucial role. in this case positioning tanks against tanks may not be a favourable option so the anti-tank missiles such as the Biktar-Shikan will come into play.
as far as the army in concrned for me all they need in a good SAM system and then they will be able to face any enemy as army is well equipped in all other fields, if not well equipped in its true sense but still reletaively have more to offer then other sister forces!

indians have no more then 300 t90,45 arjunksies AND the backbone of there cavalry is old crappy t72s and ww2 vijayanta tanks
we on the other side have almost 600AKs or more 325 0r 320 T80UD/84UD almost 500 ALZARRARs and other tanks TC
From the article OP quoted.

India operates around 300 T-90S tanks and 1000 to be manufactured localy under license from Russia, with 91 being built from knock-down kits to enter service soon. India is expected to operate over 1,300 T-90S tanks by 2020
The best weapon against tanks is not another tank or an ATGM,

the best weapon against tanks is attack-helicopters

if pakistan can get around 100 attack helicopters be it the super-cobra ,the longbow apache, the rooijivaak , the wz-10 or the turkish T-129 attack helicopter it will be more than sufficient for around 1000 T-90s

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Anti Armour Missile: Don't want to be in the tank if this is coming at you.

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