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Are you in favor of more provinces in Pakistan?

A big yes.
India created many many provinces, and it increased their productivity.
In Pakistan Punjab Sindh and Balochistan need more provinces to be made out of.
No, need for new provinces. Just abolish the provincial assemblies - only National Assembly should legislate uniform laws for whole country and act as monitory body over local governments. Delegate administrative and budgetary powers to current divisions within provinces Provincial executive/Mayor/Chief is directly elected by people, also the courts. Provinces should be symbolic (with only Governor designation) to keep the relevance of acronym PAKISTAN, and to avoid unnecessary trouble of emotional people who are against division of their "Dharti Maa".
Pakistan should have at least 11 or 12 provinces.
Outside of Northern Sindh, Lahore and Rawalpindi, every Pakistani wants more provinces. Situation is so dire. Karachi has been destroyed by peoples party, it looks close to Sub-Saharan Africa after 11 years of PPP feudal rule due to their corruption and mismanagement.
From food to water supply everything in Karachi is finished. PPP has pushed in mafias, its really unfortunate.
When and if resources permit every pre 1980 division should be elevated to the level of a province.
Pakistan should have at least 11 or 12 provinces.

already discussed too many times.

We first need local body system in which Mayor is selected by popular vote, and this system must be implemented in the whole country including FATA.

Second, we need to do feasibility study to see if we can run the government directly from Division and districts government. If this study is successful then Provincial governments can be eliminated. If the study is not successful then we can start with North and South Punjab province, South and North Sindh province. KPK can be split into 2 administration units. Makran should made a province. North and south Balochistan. Northern area should be split into 2 provinces. Total between 10 to 15 provinces but can eventually go to 18 to 20 province.

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