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Army chief, top generals wasted crores, shows defence ministry audit

What's wrong buying Chinese communication system? You term guys buying Chinese goods as spies in India?

No Idea.Issues are most likely based on Nationalism and trust deficit between both countries.
Indian really need to think, if their top brass of military is doing like this what will be in down.:undecided:
This isn't a case of corruption at all. Only the 'quality' of small items that were bought are under scrutiny. All procedures were followed as per the SOPs.

However, the bureaucrats who put out this report know squat about equipment required by the Army. These guys have seen weapons only in films like Border etc. They don't even know where the fu@k Siachen is. Typical babus living a cloistered life in Babudom! These buggers must be sent to the Glacier for a week to see what it's like.
India media renders China as monster......cant believe it.

They are media,they thrive on sensationalism and blows everything out of proportion.Responsible journalism is an unknown concept for Indian Media.
Army generals don't get elected into office. So how exactly do you propose this fundamental change in the army, any ideas beyond lionizing anna hazare?

What does electing Army generals have to do with corruption? He was one of the few ppl on the national stage trying to fundamentally attack corruption. It has seeped so badly in every facet of society. Have you tried to buy property in India recently? Good luck! It requires stringent measures and a fast legal system to process such cases. You assume its a political thing, its not. Congress and BJP are just 2 sides of the same coin. Wake up. Both trying to line their pockets full
What's wrong buying Chinese communication system? You term guys buying Chinese goods as spies in India?

The problem is China says one thing does another. No offence but actions speake louer than words. Every advancement or edge India made over Pakistan, China has helped to close that gap considerably in a myriad of ways. The recent blackout in India was not mechancial failure. There is a media blackout on the subject but it was a hacker attack. India does not want to respond publicly but it has forced its hands to consider all options. Communications is a sensitive matter and If china is clearing its backbone internet system free of malicious software, India too needs to be wary. Its not hard to connect the dots.
buddy calm down....its not corruption but the inefficiency of the system...audit is good for health...
every COTS electronics is from china....pcb to major components ...so we need to take this report with pinch of salt.....we dont have the full report....btw if yu may like pse try assemble a PC without chinneese hardware.....may be taiwanesse, vietnameessee....its a global economy and india does not produce lots of items....hope yu get my point.....

Im not complaining about the audit, in fact I support it. The problem these auditors get harassed by various adminsitrations to cull their reports. Things have changed but more needs to be done. Those inefficiencies you mentioned are not by any accident. Its intentionaly done on purpose to exploit. Think about it, why weren;t these gaps closed decades ago? Its a no brainer why action wasn;t taken a while back. Fundamental reform needs to be taken......just look at one example recently of General Kapoor and t-90 scam/Advarsh scam. Have you heard anything else on those subjects or is it being quietly swept on the rug.
just look at one example recently of General Kapoor and t-90 scam/Advarsh scam. Have you heard anything else on those subjects or is it being quietly swept on the rug.

Maybe the reason you don't hear anything "else" on the subject is because you didn't hear such a thing in the first place before. What is the T-90 scam? Does any allegations of a scam exist even in the media? Many people have criticized the purchase, but there is enough justifications for it too. However the point is that no scam or corruption charges have been leveled on that issue. Except in the minds of PDF members.

Going on ranting directionlessly about everything in India being corrupt beyond redemption is a pointless exercise - but then, to invent scams that don't exist is taking the disservice to another level.

Of the real problems that do exist in our defence procurement policy, a lot needs to be done. But that is not upto any one individual, whether anna hazare or any other prophet who can magically solve all ills. You are right it is not a political issue - so how is anna hazare going to help, since it is not a political issue, and at present anna is not in the military or ministry of defence, and won't be in future? If it is not upto elected representatives (and I agree it isn't), in what capacity can anna hazare help to change the defence procurement policy? Why is he being mentioned in this thread at all, and why all this semi ficitious and gloomy rants?
Maybe the reason you don't hear anything "else" on the subject is because you didn't hear such a thing in the first place before. What is the T-90 scam? Does any allegations of a scam exist even in the media? Many people have criticized the purchase, but there is enough justifications for it too. However the point is that no scam or corruption charges have been leveled on that issue. Except in the minds of PDF members.

Going on ranting directionlessly about everything in India being corrupt beyond redemption is a pointless exercise - but then, to invent scams that don't exist is taking the disservice to another level.

Of the real problems that do exist in our defence procurement policy, a lot needs to be done. But that is not upto any one individual, whether anna hazare or any other prophet who can magically solve all ills. You are right it is not a political issue - so how is anna hazare going to help, since it is not a political issue, and at present anna is not in the military or ministry of defence, and won't be in future? If it is not upto elected representatives (and I agree it isn't), in what capacity can anna hazare help to change the defence procurement policy? Why is he being mentioned in this thread at all, and why all this semi ficitious and gloomy rants?

The problem is that you expect a paper trail when none exists. Whats up with the Swiss banks......our govt has not acted in all these yrs....stilll waiting for BS reason. Come on man, I guess Im the only one that see;s how bad corruption is in India.....never mind the UN stats right?
Listen if you are a f-king general in the Army why would you approve the purchase of more tanks based on obselete tech and substandard equipment. Just put the pieces together. You are too busy just like everyone else, or simply don;t care enough to call it as it is.

Justifications my ***. What about Advarsh Scam? They;re still investigating after how long? The problem is with the Indian ppl, you been so used to these high level of corruption it doesn;t even bother you and others anymore.

You don;t have to military genius to see the BS, the way we were purchasing certain equipment back in the 90's and early 2000's is self explanatory. Doctrines were not clear or quite frankly wrong. I have met individuals of great caliber in our armed forces who can school us all and they themselves tell of the f-king corruption.....I would listen to them over anyone else. They are family and have no incentive to lie. They are quite frankly fed up with this BS in our country. Keep it up and we will a lot of ppl siding with Maoists/naxalites whatever you call it to prove a point.

Anna Hazara isn;t the greatest, hell I learned about him thru the media and this site but if at least he is attempting something more than anyone else all these yrs. Just take the time to look at the laws in India....there are glaring loopholes and its not becuase of ability or ineptitude....its done on purpose to mint cash .....you cant be charged wit hany wrong doing if its not against the law........got it? There was a whole section devoted sometime back to the Anna movement, and the stuff that came out proved beyond a doubt, the inactivity of our govt is done on prupose. Don;t fool yourself.

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