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Army chief warns India on provocation along border

For all those Indians who think Pakistan only talks and never acts, we don't have any interest nor would we feel good by killing innocent civilians on the other side of the border.
Wow, that is the most childish argument I have heard, It is a well known fact that Pakistan provides cover fire to terrorist to infiltrate in Kashmir border... real combat is not some hollywood movie, sleeper cells need years and years of planning. Whereas you own homegrown terror outfits, some of which have now turned on you are the product of your own negligence and tacit complicity are pretty cheap cannon fodder.....

I am sure you do...

So you are accusing your own government of being coward as their assets have carried out terror activities in India, and then onwards have now spilled on your backyard.... Well I agree with you there.

Any how do you know, that you are not arguing with a KID.

Arguing with a kid is just like speaking to a rock.
you do realise that your rhetoric changed to actually accept infiltration across the border... :)
So you will send terrorists to India for muslims in India? and call us cowards when we send those scums 6 feet under... epic logic....

No need to reply him, its perspective problem.
This is military coup grade army chief which will full f**k on India. Be warned Indians.

if we want to infiltrate some one this is not the way to infiltrate, You must be kidding me Grow up ... we would sent them and would make them sleeper sells this is not the proper way that some one would cross the border ... you are inexperienced person ... Get some knowledge .. Pakistan Army is not the Army of Bangladesh where your BSF would kill few people and they wont response .. we know how to silent your guns ...
Only a coward would use other groups to carry Terrorist Activities in Pakistan , only a Coward would Kill innocent people of School and only A coward would kill civlians at the border .

For the entire decade of 90s this was the only way pakistanis sent in infiltrators to Kashmir. Sending terrorists under cover of gunfire. And very great of you to talk about cowardice. What about ISI funding the Mumbai attack, civilians were not killed there? Pakistan is not sheltering dawood ibrahim, maulana masood azhar and hafeez said?

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