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Army only for relatives?

one of my coursemate's father was a serving Air Cdr (in fact base commander Chaklala base) in PAF and that coursemate of mine was rejected in ISSB .There might be favouratism in a few odd cases but generally they r looking for some different set of skills and mentality ... their rejection doesn't make someone a lessor human its just that the skills r not suitable for the army. Alot of my coursemates who were rejected are doing very good in civi life.
well i have bad humor. How ever the thing you mention is theoretically possible after army have upgraded to cluster servers. So it was not joke for me. It was part of fun. However i definitely wont try that :D
I am a programmer by profession that,s why post was interesting for me )) Well 100% cyber security cannot be achieved so i hope the programmers for our army are well aware of the threats and mal wares.
I am a programmer by profession that,s why post was interesting for me )) Well 100% cyber security cannot be achieved so i hope the programmers for our army are well aware of the threats and mal wares.
your body language told me that.;)
Anyhow i know nothing. I dont want bell ringing at 3am. And few men in black looking for robotsyntex :p
i am just an idiot guy.
By the way u r right. there is never 100% security. I believe that ispr should develop their own site. I believe that defence.pk is collocation of few open source boards. What do u say?

Standing out in a group interview

Also please don't posts nonsense like that link on PDF, unless you have fought in combat you don't know the stresses that come with it.
i know if Allah wills one day i will be combating against evil. I pray that we both be together.
your body language told me that.;)
Anyhow i know nothing. I dont want bell ringing at 3am. And few men in black looking for robotsyntex :p
i am just an idiot guy.
By the way u r right. there is never 100% security. I believe that ispr should develop their own site. I believe that defence.pk is collocation of few open source boards. What do u say?

i know if Allah wills one day i will be combating against evil. I pray that we both be together.
Well i think hacking and defacing a website is just a temporary threat.I am more concerned with the security of our data centres where secret info is hidden.
Unfortunately I have many stories like that, my paternal cousin, me, my brother, my neighbor friend and some more.
I belong to Karachi and I heard some very bad stories...
But move on is a good thing and we should do our best in other field.
Okay let me be all out loud over here and just say that mate you have issues deep unsetling issues and you need to address them before you go for ISSB and blame it on "Sifarish". First of all let's address your main problem. Being too expressive, I mean it doesn't hurt to be expressive but being TOO expressive is a problem.
Too expressive/Jazbati people are rejected in ISSB because somewhere in the not so late future that Jazbati person may decide to make a decision based on "Jazbaats" that will cost the lives of his under commands. So try to stand out but not be jazbati and please take criticism in a positive way.
Acute Schizophrenia, or multiple personality disorder, since you said that you have many personalities than I come to the conclussion that you suffer from a disorder. Having Multiple personalities is a big problem and if you have it, I advise you not to apply AT ALL not for your sake but for the sake of your under commands!
Being Proud of something wrong: And if you do decide to apply any way then please don't brag about hacking government websites. I know at the age of 15 you would have mistakenly logged into an apache database server and thought it was some sort of loop hole but please, don't brag about it in the interview.
If you want I can give you my personal example but it wouldn't be appropriate to do it in a public forum.
I hope this helped mate!
I am a PAF enthusiast and I don't wanna believe this but this happened to my bro, it was like 5-6 years ago, in his interview during ISSB, the interviewer just asked "Your father's name, which school did you go to" and and 2 or 3 more questions like this and said "you can go now", he said it felt like interviewer wasn't even serious since he knew that I didn't have any army background, one of his friend whose father belonged to army was selected, don't know if this still happens or it happened just with my brother.

It really doesn't happen, one thing I can make out is that your brother must not have done well in Tests prior to interview and the officer who took interview must not have liked to waste much of time.
Gen. Mushraf reached Gen. Rank on safirash we all know that now its part of history. So i believe that safarish and connections do matter if there are 50 to 60 seats for tcc or amc cadet. I bet that they all would be on safarish.
I am amazed how this works out even in prestige organization of Pakistan.

I didn't know that . Please let me know what was safarish.
i was also not recommende even with my uncle as Psych in issb...

Pak military selection has a habbit of taking it a little too far. What rejection means is that you are not suitable for them----but it also mean that they may not be capable to train you or they lack confidence in their training.

As there is no shortage of volunteers for the military----they supposedly show how difficult is it to get in the military.

Trust me on this---in time of need----all you REJECTS will be selected and will do much better than those who came ahead of you.

Rejection is to create a hype for the job---. That is all. Other than a total imbecile---everybody can be trained.

Pak military selection has a habbit of taking it a little too far. What rejection means is that you are not suitable for them----but it also mean that they may not be capable to train you or they lack confidence in their training.

As there is no shortage of volunteers for the military----they supposedly show how difficult is it to get in the military.

Trust me on this---in time of need----all you REJECTS will be selected and will do much better than those who came ahead of you.

Rejection is to create a hype for the job---. That is all. Other than a total imbecile---everybody can be trained.

US Air National Guard recruits and trains pilot even up till the age of 27 I know it, I applied but unfortunately I am not US citizen I checked all info but in the end it was for US nationals so got reply.

So I think the selection in Pak Army since 95 is really stupid it is like the guy sitting if he doesn't like your face he would just say Next....2 of my cousins got rejected i also know a guy from my brother's 92nd long course he was thrown into Supply branch well many reasons one of it he was 5.2 barely. My cousin was 6ft lived in Army environment 25 years as his father was Major but bad luck. Here there is a bad habit that over 22 men are useless i know men over 25 age in gulf war recruited and done well.
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There are no guarantees for anyone. Having a father in the Army means nothing at the end of the day. Similarly, one cannot entirely rule out the fact that connections do help. However in the annual intake of 300+ cadets joining the PMA and other services academies, sifaarish is not the norm.

There is a certain aptitude they are looking for, on top of that your personality has to match. Its like any other selection process. You will not find out where you fell short. Try your best and move on if it does not happen. At the end of the day, it all works out.
I wish it was like that
Sifarish works if u r son of base commander or general
Have seen it first hand

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