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Do you think the credit goes to Israel !:no:
Here few statstics:

When Israel entered Gaza in 1967:
Population - 390 K
Life expectancy - 45 years
Infant mortality - 179 per 1000
No. of universities and colleges - 0

When Israel left Gaza in 2005:
Population - 1400 K
Life expectancy - 72 years
Infant mortality - 21 per 1000
No. of universities and colleges - 7

* During 20 years of Egyptian rule in Gaza life expectancy grew by less than 2 years.
* During next 20 years of Israeli rule in Gaza life expectany grew by 20 years.
Do you mean that : if the Palestinians did not fired there Primitive rockets from populated areas The Israeli army will not kill Palestinian civilians ? ? ?
Palestinian rockets are primitive and cant harm military. But they are good to kill and terrorise civilians.

Yes if they will not fire rokets they wont be killed. As I said reduction of rocket fire from Gaza led to drastical reduction of number of killed.

then how do you explain the use of the Israeli army of Palestinian civilians as human shields ? ? ?
Palestinian is behind the wall soldiers exposed. Strange human shield.
Here few statstics:

in 1967:
Population of israel where - 2745 K
Life expectancy of iarael - 72years

Israel in 2005:
Population - 7112 K
Life expectancy of israelis - 82years

This is normal growth . . what is the point?:cheesy:
Palestinian rockets are primitive and cant harm military. But they are good to kill and terrorise civilians.

Yes if they will not fire rokets they wont be killed. As I said reduction of rocket fire from Gaza led to drastical reduction of number of killed.

Do you want to remind you of all cease-fires that was committed by Palestinians while the Israeli army continued bombing of civilians ? ?

Palestinian is behind the wall soldiers exposed. Strange human shield.

How much does this funny :rofl: Are they going on a trip and took him with them for fun . . This is ridiculous . . the Chinese who said : that the image is enough for a thousand words will suicide when he heard your explanation :bunny:

:coffee: :no:
Here few statstics:

When Israel entered Gaza in 1967:
Population - 390 K
Life expectancy - 45 years
Infant mortality - 179 per 1000
No. of universities and colleges - 0

Wait till we enter you, and see your life expectancy fall to ZERO !
Just a couple more years you know we are coming :azn:

When Israel left Gaza in 2005:
Population - 1400 K
Life expectancy - 72 years
Infant mortality - 21 per 1000
No. of universities and colleges - 7

Oh you mean to say, when Israel put a seige around Gaza and made sure life turned into hell ?

Or are you referring to when Israel used force on poor Palestinians.

* During 20 years of Egyptian rule in Gaza life expectancy grew by less than 2 years.
* During next 20 years of Israeli rule in Gaza life expectany grew by 20 years.

See, your habits don't change.
Your elders used to made changes in God's books like that
Take this from here, and that from there, and made your own religion.

Your blood line has been playing the game of words and deception forever.
This is normal growth . . what is the point?:cheesy:
Problem is that during the Arab rule of West Bank and Gaza growth was very little, whie during the Israeli rule growth was very fast.

Wait till we enter you, and see your life expectancy fall to ZERO !
Just a couple more years you know we are coming :azn:
So it was true that we will all die in 2012? :frown:

Oh you mean to say, when Israel put a seige around Gaza and made sure life turned into hell ?
Israel always allowed humanitarian goods in Gaza. Here pics from Gaza 2006-2009:

See, your habits don't change.
Your elders used to made changes in God's books like that
Take this from here, and that from there, and made your own religion.

Your blood line has been playing the game of words and deception forever.
Every religion believes they are right and others wrong. Same goes with sects.
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Every religion believes they are right and others wrong. Same goes with sects.

You are either of the tribe, or you are not of the tribe
Yours is the only religion which is based on race.

Yours is the religion based upon Children of Israel being God's chosen people ( we agree to it partly) and that the children of Israel will be salvaged.

The rest of the human race .. ????

Talk of 2012 ! ... you will not, you will never, even wish for death ... you love life, cherish it.

Have you forgotten how Jerusalem was returned to you in peace, by Umer and then Sallahudin ?
and you teach us humanitarian aid, and siege !
You shameless hypocrite
I can not believe you are still trying to debate, I suppose it is in your blood ... twisting words and play for time.
You are either of the tribe, or you are not of the tribe
Yours is the only religion which is based on race.
Everyone can became a Jew. We just dont proselyte.

Yours is the religion based upon Children of Israel being God's chosen people ( we agree to it partly) and that the children of Israel will be salvaged.

The rest of the human race .. ????
We believe that every good person will be salvaged, not necessary to convert to Judaism for that.

Talk of 2012 ! ... you will not, you will never, even wish for death ... you love life, cherish it.
Yeah, I am not Emo kid, I love life.

Have you forgotten how Jerusalem was returned to you in peace, by Umer and then Sallahudin ?
and you teach us humanitarian aid, and siege !
You shameless hypocrite
I can not believe you are still trying to debate, I suppose it is in your blood ... twisting words and play for time.
Today 240 thousand Muslims live in Jerusalem and have very hight life standards since they got Israeli citizenship.
IDF is trying to avoid civilian casualties as much as posible, thats why 95% of killed Palestinians are male.

But impossible to prevent civilian casualties completely, since Palestinians fire rockets from dence populated civilian areas:




Since the end of operation in Gaza in january 2009 rocket fire reduced and as result number of casualties from both sides drastically reduced as well. Today Gaza is more calm than Pakistan, Caucasus region in Russia or Yemen. Not talking about Afghanistan, Iraq and Somali.

BS let me direct you to the facts of the GAZA bombing.

Total killed 1417

of the total killed this is how it breaks down

Palestinian combatants 236

Palestinian non-combatants 926 Women 116 Minors/Children 313

Police officers 255

Here are the names, ages, ***,address and occupation of all those killed

BS let me direct you to the facts of the GAZA bombing.

Total killed 1417

of the total killed this is how it breaks down

Palestinian combatants 236

Palestinian non-combatants 926 Women 116 Minors/Children 313

Police officers 255

Here are the names, ages, ***,address and occupation of all those killed


thats between 27 December 2008 and 18 January 2009

thats mean only 23 days

in 23 days israel killed 1417 Palestanian from them:

116 Women + 313 Children

thats means every day israel killed 61 Palestanian

How many israelis killed in those 23 days !!!
Total Israelis killed from the many rockets fired during the war was as follows

3 civilians

10 soldiers were killed in the conflict but 4 of them by friendly fire.
don't mind 500 he is a part of the zionist hasbarah network
Heck if they ethnically cleanse ALL palestinians from the Holy land, they would say they went on a vacation.
It's a disgrace that a whole people of adults can lie as much as they do.
Why not for once try the truth. They suffer from neo-goebbelism, "lie and lie, until you believe it yourself or it gets into the minds of the masses".
Total Israelis killed from the many rockets fired during the war was as follows

3 civilians

10 soldiers were killed in the conflict but 4 of them by friendly fire.

thats 141.7 Palestanian kill for every 1 Israeli kill . . .The Israeli killing machine is superior, when a rocket lands in Israel and make 50 cm wide hole in the ground, The international media broadcast bulletins for several hours about this story, But when the Apache and the F-16 Bombing civilians and Merkava tanks Destroy the Palestinian cities the international media Silenced
don't mind 500 he is a part of the zionist hasbarah network
Heck if they ethnically cleanse ALL palestinians from the Holy land, they would say they went on a vacation.
It's a disgrace that a whole people of adults can lie as much as they do.
Why not for once try the truth. They suffer from neo-goebbelism, "lie and lie, until you believe it yourself or it gets into the minds of the masses".


this is what we have been saying,

Jews are the people who used to lie to God, and debate with God as if to
confuse issue.
This is why I quoted the Jewish dialogue regarding the calf, when God told them to sacrifice it.

The day you start "talking" to a jew, is the day you loose the battle.
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