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Assad regime did battleground deals with Isil, sources tell Sky News


May 9, 2007
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Assad regime did battleground deals with Isil, sources tell Sky News

Syrian regime forces gather at a palace complex on the western edge of Palmyra after retaking it from Isil Credit: REUTERS/REUTERS
2 May 2016 • 7:54pm
Sky News claimed last night to have evidence that Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) was actively colluding with the Syrian government to limit its losses.

Documents backed by interviews with Isil defectors were said to show that the Assad regime’s recapture of Palmyra was actively facilitated by the jihadists, who were allowed to pull out their heavy weapons and withdraw.

Sky News based its claims on further analysis of a leak of 22,000 Isil documents earlier this year.

Among them are what it says are agreements to exchange oil and fertiliser with the regime, and other signs of collusion between Isil and President Bashar al-Assad.

One of the documents gives an Isil fighter safe passage through checkpoints "until he reaches the border with the Syrian regime to exchange oil for fertiliser", according to Sky News.

Another is an order to "withdraw all heavy artillery and anti-aircraft machine guns from in and around Palmyra to Raqqa province", reportedly issued shortly before the Assad regime retook the city.
It has long been known that before the Syrian uprising the regime’s intelligence operatives co-operated with Isil’s predecessor movement in Iraq.

Opposition groups and western governments have claimed that the regime continued to encourage the rise of Isil and have done deals with the group as a way of weakening the moderate opposition to its rule.

A new study released on Monday suggests the group is carrying out more suicide bombings on civilian targets and other mass attacks as it tries to bolster its faltering position in both Iraq and Syria.

Mass attacks rose sharply in the first three months of the year in Syria and Iraq, according to the military consultancy IHS.

Leaked documents, defectors reveal ISIS, Assad regime schemed together

In this Thursday, April 14, 2016 photo, A Syrian soldier walks next to the damaged Lion of Al-Lat statue outside the museum with some broken pieces lying next to it at the entrance of the museum in the town of Palmyra in the central Homs province, Syria. (AP)

Staff writer, Al Arabiya English Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Leaked secret documents and witness accounts of ISIS defectors revealed that the militant group and the Syrian regime have been colluding with each other in deals, the London-based Sky News reported Monday.

Sky News made the revelation after it received new letters in addition to the massive haul of 22,000 ISIS files handed over in March. The news outlet said the authenticity of the latest documents is “impossible to verify” but all previous leaks have proved to be genuine.

In one of the new letters, which are copies of handwritten orders sent from ISIS’s headquarters, show a deal to hand back the ancient city of Palmyra in south-central Syria to President Bashar al-Assad’s forces.

The letter written shortly before the Syrian army recaptured Palmyra in early April after the city was occupied by ISIS for months, had some of its excerpts saying: “Withdraw all heavy artillery and anti-aircraft machine guns from in and around Palmyra to Raqqa province.”

The northern city of Raqqa is ISIS’s stronghold in Syria.


One of the letters obtained by Sky News.

ISIS defectors also confirmed this.

The defectors told Sky News that Palmyra was handed back to government forces by ISIS as part of a series of cooperation agreements going back years.

One of the defectors also claimed that ISIS was not only coordinating movement of its militants with the Syrian regime but also with the Russian airforce.

Arrangements to evacuate some areas by ISIS forces before the Syrian army attacked were also made.

Oil trade
Other deals include a request for a safe passage for a driver through ISIS checkpoints “until he reaches the border with the Syrian regime to exchange oil for fertilizer,” one letter showed.

The defectors claim this trade agreement between the two sides was going on for years.

Some of the defectors Sky News spoke to openly admit their prior allegiance to ISIS and admit that they only left because of internal disagreements with some of the militant group’s leadership but in reality they remain devoted to the militant group’s basic tenets.

The documents show that ISIS was also training its foreign militants to attack Western targets for much longer than security services had suspected.

Last Update: Tuesday, 3 May 2016 KSA 16:52 - GMT 13:52
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And what has Jordan ever done to fight IS? Nada. King Abdullah II posed in an F-16 for a photo op. That's it.
Leaked documents, defectors reveal ISIS, Assad regime schemed together

In this Thursday, April 14, 2016 photo, A Syrian soldier walks next to the damaged Lion of Al-Lat statue outside the museum with some broken pieces lying next to it at the entrance of the museum in the town of Palmyra in the central Homs province, Syria. (AP)

Staff writer, Al Arabiya English Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Leaked secret documents and witness accounts of ISIS defectors revealed that the militant group and the Syrian regime have been colluding with each other in deals, the London-based Sky News reported Monday.

Sky News made the revelation after it received new letters in addition to the massive haul of 22,000 ISIS files handed over in March. The news outlet said the authenticity of the latest documents is “impossible to verify” but all previous leaks have proved to be genuine.

In one of the new letters, which are copies of handwritten orders sent from ISIS’s headquarters, show a deal to hand back the ancient city of Palmyra in south-central Syria to President Bashar al-Assad’s forces.

The letter written shortly before the Syrian army recaptured Palmyra in early April after the city was occupied by ISIS for months, had some of its excerpts saying: “Withdraw all heavy artillery and anti-aircraft machine guns from in and around Palmyra to Raqqa province.”

The northern city of Raqqa is ISIS’s stronghold in Syria.


One of the letters obtained by Sky News.

ISIS defectors also confirmed this.

The defectors told Sky News that Palmyra was handed back to government forces by ISIS as part of a series of cooperation agreements going back years.

One of the defectors also claimed that ISIS was not only coordinating movement of its militants with the Syrian regime but also with the Russian airforce.

Arrangements to evacuate some areas by ISIS forces before the Syrian army attacked were also made.

Oil trade
Other deals include a request for a safe passage for a driver through ISIS checkpoints “until he reaches the border with the Syrian regime to exchange oil for fertilizer,” one letter showed.

The defectors claim this trade agreement between the two sides was going on for years.

Some of the defectors Sky News spoke to openly admit their prior allegiance to ISIS and admit that they only left because of internal disagreements with some of the militant group’s leadership but in reality they remain devoted to the militant group’s basic tenets.

The documents show that ISIS was also training its foreign militants to attack Western targets for much longer than security services had suspected.

Last Update: Tuesday, 3 May 2016 KSA 16:52 - GMT 13:52
years ago there were reports aboput assad and isis teamwork and oil deals.. and if you look assad is the one who benefits from IS
Asadists you may proceed further :D
@jamahir @2800

the op is a known supporter of the jordanian royalty ( anti-democracy ) and of nato ( oldest global terrorist organization ) so there is no reason to believe him... this kind of disinfo news has been put on pdf since 2014.

firstly, it is illogical that the op and his source ( sky news ) and the source's master ( british government and mi6 ) are accusing the syrian government and the syrian president of collaborating in palmyra with the same isis who killed so many syrian civilians and soldiers including when isis captured palmyra mid last year[1] :
Published time: 5 Jul, 2015 04:01

A contingent of teens and boys shot 25 Syrian troops dead at a UNESCO world heritage site in Palmyra, a video published by a group affiliated with the Islamic State reportedly shows. A crowd of men and children can be seen watching the mass killing.

The video shows over two dozens Syrian soldiers loyal to Syria’s President Bashar Assad brutally murdered by adolescent executioners in a Roman-era amphitheater in the city of Palmyra, located in the Syrian desert, according to reports.
In the video, Syrian soldiers are seen kneeling in green and brown military uniforms on the stage of the amphitheater stage just before being shot dead from behind by the young militants, according to reports. There is a huge IS flag displayed in the background.

isis kills any syrian citizen it accuses of co-operation[2] with the syrian army :
Published time: 17 Jan, 2016 05:17

Islamic State jihadists have reportedly slaughtered up to 280 people in the Deir ez-Zor province, killing “whole families” for alleged cooperation with the Syrian troops. The killings are said to have taken place a day after Russian humanitarian aid was airdropped in the region.

Local residents told Sputnik news agency the massacre happened in al-Bagilya settlement, an area which received Russian airlifted aid earlier.
“The horrific massacre carried out today by ISIL militants in al-Bagilya in Deir ez-Zor. 280 victims, including women, children and old people. Reason – cooperation with the Syrian army,” a Sputnik source said.

Islamic State (IS, previously ISIS/ISIL) militants reportedly carried out executions of “whole families.”
Syrian state news agency SANA initially reported that IS fighters murdered dozens of civilians, without providing any further details. Meanwhile, the Lebanon-based Al-Mayadeen TV said that 280 people were killed, including children and women. The TV channel added that the dead bodies were dumped in the Euphrates River, while 400 survivors were taken hostage.

point is the op and the jordanian government and its nato masters are displeased because the legitimate syrian government still stands and has the support of majority of syrians whether they are in syria or among the refugees ( watch a 'refugee' vid of 'syrian girl' ).

about the jordanian government itself, in 2012 british army expeditionary invasion force meant for syria was flown into jordan[3] with special forces of usa military and french military already there :
Global Research, October 14, 2012

According to ANSA, the Italian News Agency, “several hundred British soldiers and military advisors are in Jordan to monitor the Syria situation, Western diplomatic sources said on Thursday.”

One hundred US troops are already stationed on the Syria-Jordan border. They were deployed on the orders of the US president and commander in chief without seeking the approval of the US Congress.
Sources do not indicate the composition of these US and British troops, as to whether they are regular troops or in large part special forces.

The New York Times confirms the presence of 150 British troops,: The Times of London reported “on an undisclosed number of British troops. The troops have been in Jordan since participating in joint military maneuvers in the past months. They remained on concerns over Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal, Jordanian military sources said, adding that French troops might also be in place. ANSA, the Italian News Agency, October 11, 2012, emphasis added)

he's also not telling you about the latest nato invasion force[4] presence in jordan and meant for syria though nato will say otherwise :
More than British 1,600 troops will head to the Middle East to practise an Iraq invasion-scale operation for the first time in more than a decade.

The logistics war game in Jordan aims to ensure the Army can still deploy a 30,000-strong force of tanks and troops to a crisis zone anywhere in the world, despite sharp defence cuts in the past five years.
More than 300 military vehicles are being shipped to the Jordan, where logistics, medical, intelligence and bomb disposal experts will practise supporting a massive British military expedition.
Late last month more than 80 vehicles including heavily armoured Mastiffs were loaded at the Marchwood military port near Southampton aboard the MV Anvil Point bound for the Jordanian Red Sea port of Aqaba.
The UK has a long military connection with Jordan, many of its officers are trained at Sandhurst and a British Army team is attached to the King’s Army headquarters as instructors.


a british 'mastiff' armored vehicle bound for jordan... note the cage amor ( slat armor ) that is meant for urban combat.

and remember the 'black september' where zia's tanks helped the jordan king, hussein, to massacre plo fighters and syrians... our op would have been happy about that event too. :)


[1] https://www.rt.com/news/271741-isis-execution-syrian-soldiers/

[2] https://www.rt.com/news/329214-syria-isis-massacre-deir-ezzor/

[3] http://www.globalresearch.ca/british-troops-joined-us-forces-on-the-jordan-syria-border/5308154

[4] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/ukn...itish-troops-head-to-Jordan-for-war-game.html
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While rebels are playing hide and seek with ISIS (their former allies) in northern Aleppo over 5 villages, SAA is the force responsible for most of ISIS terrorists' deaths.

Only a fool believes these conspiracies. We all are watching what is happening on the ground and who is killing the most from ISIS.
I didn't waste time in reading the full article but if Syrian gov and ISIS are BFFs, why did they then make, as per the article, a deal with each other, where ISIS would withdraw from Palmyra and retreat for the advancing army? That is, why wouldn't Assad just ignore Palmyra completely and let it be in the hand of his friends?

If I was a commander in ISIS, and was faced with an approaching, overpowering Syrian army, I would, OF COURSE, try to find a way out and retreat. As a commander in the advancing Syrian army, an offer of retreat from the defenders would be good news, and if I was in their place, I would have accepted it. This doesn't mean they are bed buddies, but something that has been the norm in warfare since wars were invented.

Some of you guys need to read a book or two on war. All your understanding from warfare seems to come from national anthems and facebook emotional posts.

Of course, it's not even as simple as that. Let's go through that conflict again,

Read the wiki page. No matter what source you go by, at least hundreds of ISIS militants died. What was exactly the secret dealing? "Assad habibi, let's pretend you are attacking us, we will fight for two weeks, you kill a bunch of our guys, we will kill a bunch of your guys, then we will retreat, and NO ONE WILL KNOW HEH HEH HEH. "
Beside this fact that Palmyra opened SAA path toward Raqqa known as capital of Isis .. therefore there was a deal ...
Asadists you may proceed further :D
@jamahir @2800
We should replace Turkey with Assad and add "for 5 years" then it is 100% true.

I'm anti Wahhabi terrorism and American imperialism and it's ME puppets therefore I prefer popular Syrian regime over jihadi blood suckers.

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