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Assam violence death toll rises to 21, shoot-at-sight order issued

As I said, we cant take in them as our country men and their country as our 30th state. Sorry.

Maybe they are longing for joining India, but we dont want to touch them with a barge pole.

We know you are scared, very scared. LMAOF
@Luffy: I have many questions..but gotto hit bed now. I'll ask them tomorrow. In the meantime please research who was the Prohpet who brought down the message in Tamil.

Its not possible to know as Allah(swt) didn't reveal it. Its irrelevant actually as we just need to
follow the final message now. People may know it after the end of time. But the fact remains that there were 125000 prophets, righteous human beings chosen to deliver the message that
was later corrupted by their followers i.e in Tamil's case , your tamil ancestors just like prophet Musa (PBUH) message were corrupted by the Israelis.
It is you who is trying to absorb them and their prophets into your religion. Not the other way around. Jews claim Judaism has an exclusive patent over divinity and not Islam or Christianity.

Well, if history stands correct, Jews were supposed to propagate God's message. They didn't do it properly.

Instead, they allied themselves with the pagans. All for materialism, power and glory for their own. That wasn't what God's message was all about.

Jesus tried, along with many others. Many of them died, although Muslims believe that Jesus is still alive in Heaven and shall return on The Day. The Christian one is a different interpretation though (i.e. he died on the cross).

The Jews at the time were politically, and economically extremely powerful.

Muhammad had the military might to complete that message. Whereas, the others didn't.

What about Eve ?

Included her. Islam was delivered way back in Adam's days. The religion was distorted along the many ages.

So its perfect in theory..but useless in real world..correct ?

Could be. It all depends on the intentions of Muslims. In today's world, Muslims aren't doing too good.

But then, it is a duty and responsibility of every Muslim to follow the Five Pillars and least maintain good relations with other Muslim communities. Considering Bangladesh's young existence, we have done well in the regard to relations with Muslim nations.
Its not possible to know as Allah(swt) didn't reveal it. Its irrelevant actually as we just need to
follow the final message now. People may know it after the end of time. But the fact remains that there were 125000 prophets, righteous human beings chosen to deliver the message that
was later corrupted by their followers i.e in Tamil's case , your tamil ancestors just like prophet Musa (PBUH) message were corrupted by the Israelis.

Fact and belief are two different things.
I think you did not get my question - ok let me rephrase it, if Islam is an universal religion and knows no boundaries (Luffy claimed) why was the Prophet of God chosen to be born among Arabs ?
He was born amongst the Arabs because ignorance, cruelty, and tyranny was the most prevalent amongst them.

Refer Luffy's post (Its NOT AN ARABIC RELIGION BUT A UNIVERSAL ONE and arabic was only chosen as
a mode of language in which the message is being passed to entire mankind)
...Is there anything special with Arabic, for it to be chosen ?

Since Islam was first spread amongst Arabs so obviously its going to be in Arabic, also since the Prophet (PBUH) was an Arab and spoke Arabic therefore the language does hold a religious value in Islam just as say Latin does within Catholics (for whatever religious reason they have).

Anyways, this was just my input, i'm no religious scholar of Islam so its best to ask these questions to people of knowledge, and only God knows best.
Well, if history stands correct, Jews were supposed to propagate God's message. They didn't do it properly.

Instead, they allied themselves with the pagans. All for materialism, power and glory for their own. That wasn't what God's message was all about.

Uh oh:eek:, Anti-Semitism, somebody get the mods. :mod: :lol:
Looking at her two children playing with a toy-gun on the floor in the auditorium of Commerce College, Kokrajhar, 20-something Jamuna Basumatary has no expression in her eyes. For, her thoughts are on what could have happened and what ought not to happen to her husband and father-in-law, who have been missing ever since her Baswary village, on the outskirts of this Assam township, was attacked by miscreants on Tuesday.

Jamuna is not alone. There are many other women in this camp who complain of missing male members of their families. Adding to their anxiety are daily reports of more bodies being found on fields and in rivers. Jamuna said a 500-strong mob entered her village in broad daylight, forcing the people to flee. Clutching her two children, she ran for life. Her only prayer now is to see her husband Soga and father-in-law Dumay alive and well.

Stories of such horror are repeated in this camp. The reason: 26 villages with a predominantly Bodo population have been burnt, and many more ravaged. And it is not that innocent Muslims have not fallen prey to this mindless cycle of violence. As many as 22 families living at Chandamari Bagicha (tea garden) here suffered the same fate, as their Hindu neighbours settled old scores. Here again, the attack took place around 1 p.m. on Tuesday, and — as it has become a common refrain by now — security personnel were nowhere to be seen.

While so far most of those killed have received injuries from sharp weapons, there have also been instances of gunfire used by the miscreants.

Neelkamal Basumatary, who reached the camp along with his wife and four children three days ago, said the mob that invaded his Bamungaon Halipara village near the Dhumbri district border set fire to all houses. “They had come with the intention of looting and burning. We just ran out and fled. I have come with only this dhoti and T-shirt,” he said, tears rolling down his eyes. “We spent the first night at a police camp and then came here.”

Sushanto Nargary, Head of the Department of History at Government College, alleged that in some cases, the police watched as the houses of Bodos were torched. “Why were they supporting them? Who knows?” He has been working as a volunteer at the camp for the past many days.

In fact, there are others like Manik Chandra Basumatary and Masewary Arwary who have been spending time at the camp as volunteers, distributing medicines. Those at the camp insist that government aid has been grossly inadequate. “But for the water tanker they have stationed here and the fact that the government school has been opened up, nothing has been done to provide those affected with clothing or monetary aid,” alleged a volunteer adviser.

A few kilometres away, at Magurmary High School, the violence has brought Bodos, Adivasis, Nepalis and Bengalis together like never before. For, they have a common enemy in the invaders who made them flee their homes. Bebo, who studied in the same school and who resides at Seshapani, said it was around 8 p.m. on Saturday when the village was raided. “We heard gunshots and fled. First, we ran to the police camp and stayed there overnight, and then we came here.”

Educated up to Standard VII, Bebo wants to pursue her studies and return home. But she will be happy to be in the camp till such time normality returns. “At least, we have safety and food here.”

It appears that this is the case with almost each of the 89,812 refugees who have reported in the 75 camps opened in the Kokrajhar, Gossaigaon and Parbatganj areas.

Of the 27 camps in Kokrajhar, 21 are being used by Bodos and five by Muslims. The remaining one is occupied by others. Of the 33,517 people residing in these camps, 26,117 are Bodos, 5,700 Muslim and 1,700 others. This just gives the magnitude of the scale of human suffering.

The Hindu : News / National : In Kokrajhar, anxiety mounts with every body found
I hope this violence grows n grows more..let the country know wat congress is doing there by flooding more n more Bd's there.
How much time congress n media will hide it from rest of india???
kill those illegal Bd's n throw them in bay of bengal...we are here for indians not for illegals..

why m cursing Bd's? :hitwall: when our morons sitting in parliament are responsible for it.

You know what i noticed about indians (not all indians, but most of them), when they want to gain sympathy from the West (in particular America) against Pakistan and China they boast about how they are the World Biggest Democracy and the only beacon of light in Asia that can stand up to "terrorist Islamist military state of Pakistan" and "Red Totalitarian China", but now that it comes to illegal immigrants taking over their territory these same indians, which if they could, would not hesitate to slaughter all of these immigrants and "dump them into the bay of Bengal", something they purport to stand up against when it comes to China and Pakistan yet they would not hesitate to do it to those whom they consider unimportant and of no value.


are we incapable of teaching them a lesson ?

What kind of a Marxist are you? Marxists are for immigration and a globalist agenda, ie mixing with everyone and completely opening borders. Throw everyone into the mix, destroy social order.
marxism is a degenerate ideology which still obviously holds much sway in that eastern neighbour

A true Marxist would completely open indian borders to Bangladeshis instead of trying to keep them out through the fencing and BSF check posts.
You know what i noticed about indians (not all indians, but most of them), when they want to gain sympathy from the West (in particular America) against Pakistan and China they boast about how they are the World Biggest Democracy and the only beacon of light in Asia that can stand up to "terrorist Islamist military state of Pakistan" and "Red Totalitarian China", but now that it comes to illegal immigrants taking over the territory these same indians, which if they could, would not hesitate to slaughter all of these immigrants and "dump them into the bay of Bengal", something they purport to stand up against when it comes to China and Pakistan yet they would not hesitate to do it to those whom they consider unimportant and of no value.


What kind of a Marxist are you? Marxists are for immigration and multiculturalism/assimilation with everyone, no matter who they are.

when did i show sympathy with the illegal immigrants in pak or in china?? never...
Send them where they belong and we already thousands per killometer :lol: ..wat u want more?
u people shamelessly label us poor,open toilet :blah: :blah: ..do u know who are responsible for that??
we are the neighbors of nepal,Bd..They come n do work here n spread in different cities and u ppl call them or consider them indians and label us as poor...

when we say there are 20 million Bd's here..u ppl say that we are hiding poverty n throwing blame on others..
so tell us what shud we do?? we have enough poors already n these are adding more n more... :lol:

They loot the families n take their girls n rape them...so if we pick up guns,you ppl call it as terrorism against islam ..
wat u want den?

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