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At least 14 soldiers martyred in Gwadar ambush

They are not even sure if it was an attack on police or the army.
@PanzerKiel any credible info on this incident.

What does it matter if they are army, police, or heck even some laborers?

Does it make the loss of life any less serious or an act of terrorism any less henious?

You really need to get out of your chest thumping phase man and see things for what they are. Not everything can be countered or argued against with the same old 'India main toilet nhn', 'Youthiay spreading propaganda', or any of the other responses you have written over the years.

Criticizing the top brass or mentioning a terror attack does not mean everyone here is against the country. Everyone wants the country to improve and progress, but we sure as hell aren't going to do that if any hint of criticism is shut down.

@DESERT FIGHTER , same for you sir.
No armed drones cover for convoys, no armoured vehicles and no planning. These generals and their patwari side kicks can go cry a river.

Until generals are made to pay for their loot maar, their incompetence and their political manipulation, this sadly will just get worse.
Its probably a retaliation to the SSG ambush couple of days ago in which many terrorists were killed along with a HVT.

If the terrorists could conjure up a counter this quickly after getting ambushed themselves, then it means they either have been monitoring personnel movements since looooong and have it down to a T, or they can operate with absolute impunity and strike wherever they want whenever they want with minimal planning.

Either way, not a good outlook.

The Balochistan problem requires a very hard look, and having a puppet PM and Interior minister from Balochistan in no way resolves the issue.

Maye the shuhada rest in peace and Allah give their families sabr.
Now pressure on the sardars is increasing

BLA is anti sardar.

Need mechanisms to identify members of terrorist orgs and their recruitment grounds before they can build up any capacity.

Black Vigo any of their sympathisers

Lol bro there’s people in Islamabad and elitya class who openly support BLA.

I remember one journalist called a female BLA suicide bomber a hero and there was no repercussions for that.

Meanwhile people who try to protest peacefully like Maulana Hidayat-ur-Rahman and who are anti BLA get thrown in jail and faujeets are too busy going after PTI and cooking up fake May 9th masala 😂
If 14 American soldiers died to Marxist terrorists in mainland America many commanding officers would be fired and politicians would resign.

Asif Ghafoor is probably attending another wedding in Bahria Town right now, Asim Munir is busy staking out a plan for Nawaz Sharif, no friggin accountability.
Why aren't these dumb generals learning from their mistakes?

Why aren't these dumb soldiers not learning from their mistakes? They
need to turn their guns on the Generals. Until that doesn't happen then carry
on getting killed like this.
After more than a decade of insurgency and still the patrolling troops being given toyota hilux’s , I don’t think any amount of casualties will turn decision makers focus on acquiring even locally made hamza APC. Year after year budget spent on big ticket items and then it’s stored in a forward base near Indian front. While where an active insurgency is happening in the western side we hand out hiluxs.
I remember during talks of buying VT-4 there were also keen interest shown in acquiring a big number of DongFeng Mengshi 4x4s. But only a few were acquired and the FC were given a middle finger. Even if they were acquired they would not make it to the FC .
Yeah keep sending them in Toyota pickup , armed with a measly kalashnekov , to their death.
Don't expect any more sympathy for this incompetence , lack of training and equipment, and complete neglect of soldiers safety by top brass.
After more than a decade of insurgency and still the patrolling troops being given toyota hilux’s , I don’t think any amount of casualties will turn decision makers focus on acquiring even locally made hamza APC. Year after year budget spent on big ticket items and then it’s stored in a forward base near Indian front. While where an active insurgency is happening in the western side we hand out hiluxs.
I remember during talks of buying VT-4 there were also keen interest shown in acquiring a big number of DongFeng Mengshi 4x4s. But only a few were acquired and the FC were given a middle finger. Even if they were acquired they would not make it to the FC .
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You don't understand, Bajwa's and ISI's new G-IV is a much higher priority.
Why aren't these dumb soldiers not learning from their mistakes? They
need to turn their guns on the Generals. Until that doesn't happen then carry
on getting killed like this.
There is certainly a need to provide better equipment to troops but expenditure has to be weighted and reduced at top levels but the status quo culture of spending on extravaganzas is well established. Nobody wants to give up on these luxuries. The pain will be transferred to the downtrodden. Besides Pakistan Army is so big that it has no choice but to create its own revenue streams.

But I am not sure how mutiny solves the problem.
Well we r neutral so dnt really care. But that's what happens to a military thats only good to rule unarmed civilians. If real civilians rise up, they wont stand a chance.

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