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04 June 2020

Senior journalist Ata-ul-Haq Qasmi recently through his column “انصاف کا جادو گھر“ tried to make aware the ordinary masses, who in effect themselves are already fully aware of, about the existence of the Federal Ombudsman Office which provides جادو گر style justice to the aggrieved from the acts of mal-administration through the hands of functionaries

2. In 1995 first time I visited the Sindh Ombudsman Secretariat Karachi. I was guided to a spacious bright room with approximately 30-35 waiting chairs all occupied. In a corner an officer behind a large table was attending the visitors one by one. It took about an hour my turn coming during which I observed the officer was a smiling face, friendly and patient listener. I was highly impressed with the unexpected way he dealt me. Later, every year whenever I went home on leave, I visited him in his Secretariat just to pay my honest regards when he reciprocately attended me always over a cup of tea. Sometime in 1990-92 on my visit, I found the spacious room occupied by some 6-7 staffers. I was guided to go to another room to meet that officer. He was sitting in a small room dealing with routine files. On my enquiry where went that waiting-room welcoming system and why there were today hardly a very few visitors seen. The officer’s words always are fresh in my mind. “Mr. Javed when people know today this office has nothing to offer them in reality, why would they visit”? remarked he. This reply was self speaking and applied not just to Sindh Ombudsman but is applicable today on the whole costly ombudsman system which in effect today is like a re-employment exchange for the retired influentials. Take an example, Federal Insurance Ombudsman refused to entertain a complaint from a Pakistani low paid labourer who had purchased a mandatory Overseas Pakistanis Immigrants Insurance Policy from the State Life. The Federal Insurance Ombudsman refused to entertain the complaint on the plea that the State Life was out of his ambit. State Life is Pakistan’s biggest state insurance company dealing with public. If it is out of jurisdiction of an Insurance Ombudsman, then keeping on a huge recurring annual expense an insurance ombudsman is nothing but a cruel joke with the already debit ridden nation. There can only one convincing truth that it was established only to provide good jobs to an influential army. The whole ombudsman system in Pakistan, today, fits in this picture. The then President Asif Ali Zardari on floor of the National Assembly expressed his grave concern on Federal Ombudsman “having become ineffective”. If an Ombudsman is so successful, as Atta-ul-Haq Qasmi’s article tries to paint, then what about corruption, law & order, indiscipline, destruction of institutions, people helplessly wandering in offices for their genuine jobs about all of which we hear daily in evening talk shows?

3. As becomes usual with our journalists, anchors and so called senior writer-intellectuals who with stroke of luck get extraordinary fame, that if they wish to praise “someone” no negativity would come under their microscope and if they want to be negative for “one” no good in that person would likewise come under the scope of their eyes. For an example, Nawaz Sharif as PM once and only once drove his car himself without any protocol. Atta-ul-Haq Qasmi wrote three columns in one year on that “incidental” happening but never touched about the rickshaw driver whose wife delivered in rickshaw on road side due to traffic halt by police to let Nawaz Sharif pass driving. The driver attended the court monthly for about two years as he was challaned by Police for attempting to reach hospital in panic tearing off the traffic halt.

4. The Federal Ombudsman, according to his website provides “free” and “at door step” justice. The Ombudsman reconfirmed this last month in a press conference. My wife for “her door” step delivery of justice filed a complaint with the Federal Ombudsman against a single issue namely “non response to her communications by the Focal Person SBP - Focal Person named and displayed on the Federal Ombudsman’s website”. The Ombudsman’s final verdict read that the complainant was required to attend Hearings in his “انصاف کا جادو گھر ” in Karachi Secretariat on 03rd, 10th & 17th March 2020 which, according to the verdict, she did not attend “all”. My wife never received any hearing notices. She has only now understood that free justice means “approx. Rs. 6 lac prescription to her for 3 travels to Pakistan @ Rs, 2 lac each to attend three Hearings and “at door step” delivery means door steps of the انصاف کا جادو گھر not at her’s.

5. My wife was required to attend first hearing on 3rd March reaching Karachi, in the absence of restricted international flights, through the ombudsman office “invented” mode of international transport, three days to remain quarantined at Karachi airport waiting her “corona test” results (if not 14 days full quarantined), after the Hearing return back to Bahrain on 4th March to be retained for 5 hours at Bahrain airport for testing, then go home for 14 days under strict quarantine till 19th March with an Electronic SIMed steel bangle around her wrist for monitoring her movement that she does come out of her home whereas in the meantime on 10th & 17th March she was again required in the Ombudsman Karachi Office. My wife, a housewife sitting in Bahrain knew about 3 days Karachi airport inside stay, an Ombudsman office was rightly expected to know such restrictions at least in his own home if not abroad.

6. The Final Order of the Federal Ombudsman reads that the complainant did not attend “all” three weekly Hearings but does not quote what modus operandi for her travel to Karachi was made thrice in presence of increasing international flights eliminations.
7 Atta-ul-Haq Qasmi introducing the wonderful working of the Federal Ombudsman, wishes that the masses at large should have awareness about existence of this انصاف کا جادو گھر. He wonders indirectly in a “silent suggestive and in an advisory” that in presence of such a “انصاف کا جادو گھر“ delivering “cheap” and “at door step”, why should (masses) not go to this “انصاف کا جادو گھر“ rather than spending (paying) lacs on the Black Coats (which could better be paid to the airlines and other travel related expenses to “collect” delivery of free justice at door steps of “انصاف کا جادو گھر“.

04 June

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