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Australia set to unveil $270b military defence plan to protect nation

Vanguard One

Dec 20, 2019
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The nation's military defence assets will soon be bolstered by long-range anti-ship missiles made in the United States as part of a $270 billion plan aimed at "protecting and building Australia's future".

9News understands a strategic review of the threats in Australia's geographic region and the federal government's Defence 2020 Force Structure Plan are set to be handed down on Wednesday.

The plan is expected to detail how Australia's defence force will use the huge amount of money over the coming decade to increase the country's military protection amid growing
competition in the Indo-Pacific between the likes of the US and China.

The nation's military defence assets will soon be bolstered by long-range anti-ship missiles made in the United States as part of a $270 billion plan. (9News)

Part of the spend will also focus on cyberspace and how Australia can protect itself from online threats. (9News)
Part of the spend will also focus on cyberspace and how Australia can protect itself from online threats.

The Coalition will look to put $1.3b towards disrupting offshore cybercrime, improving intelligence sharing between government and industry, building better technology and increasing the cyber warrior workforce by 500 members.

"To ensure that we've got the people, we've got the technology, we've got the research and we've got the platforms to be able to combat these very serious and growing threats," Prime Minister Scott Morrison said.

The Coalition will look to put $1.3b towards disrupting offshore cybercrime, improving intelligence sharing between government and industry, building better technology and increasing the cyber warrior workforce by 500 members. (9News)

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the huge spend will help Australia fight off potential threats in its region. (9News)
Defence Minister Linda Reynolds also said those threats extend far beyond theft and espionage to include aspects of cyber warfare that could disable Australia's electricity grids and air traffic control systems.

"There are many malicious cyber actors active globally and here in Australia," she said.

"This is part of a much larger investment in defence, cyber and information warfare – a $15b package."

Jesus $270 billion for protection from China, their biggest customer, f**king unreal, LOL
good, happy spending aussies

The new goal with regard to Australia should be to impoverish them to the degree that they're basically Congo with white people. It is not enough to boycott Australia, they must be shut out of as many markets as possible. Previously the policy of win-win didn't work because they mistook generosity for weakness and fear.

They are a nonindustrialized resource economy just like Congo. Time to turn them into what they really are. Then US have to either finance the entire country of Australia or allow a major ally to slide into poverty.
This could be spent on their citizens who cry “no jobs for australians in australia” but i guess not.
I wonder when all 99% Chinese intellectuals will wake up and boycott all commerce from this obviously Lowlife RACIST small SLAVE nation and turn it into a DUST bowl hyper POOR and SICK nation ??
Australia is great and people here are decent. Its a very small minority of racist idiots and bogans as well as the federal government led by the Pentecostal Morrison that's fcuking everything up.
Australia's GDP is $1.4 trillion. They are going to spend 20% of their GDP on the military?
no way AUS is actually going to spend that much. US will sell cheap or give away - AUS is basically going to be the American proxy & forward base of the upcoming throw-down on SCS if that happens.
Australia is great and people here are decent. Its a very small minority of racist idiots and bogans as well as the federal government led by the Pentecostal Morrison that's fcuking everything up.

Australia has compulsory voting. It is the fault of the people of Australia. You can't blame this on a minority like Trump in the US.
The nation's military defence assets will soon be bolstered by long-range anti-ship missiles made in the United States as part of a $270 billion plan aimed at "protecting and building Australia's future".

9News understands a strategic review of the threats in Australia's geographic region and the federal government's Defence 2020 Force Structure Plan are set to be handed down on Wednesday.

The plan is expected to detail how Australia's defence force will use the huge amount of money over the coming decade to increase the country's military protection amid growing
competition in the Indo-Pacific between the likes of the US and China.

The nation's military defence assets will soon be bolstered by long-range anti-ship missiles made in the United States as part of a $270 billion plan. (9News)

Part of the spend will also focus on cyberspace and how Australia can protect itself from online threats. (9News)
Part of the spend will also focus on cyberspace and how Australia can protect itself from online threats.

The Coalition will look to put $1.3b towards disrupting offshore cybercrime, improving intelligence sharing between government and industry, building better technology and increasing the cyber warrior workforce by 500 members.

"To ensure that we've got the people, we've got the technology, we've got the research and we've got the platforms to be able to combat these very serious and growing threats," Prime Minister Scott Morrison said.

The Coalition will look to put $1.3b towards disrupting offshore cybercrime, improving intelligence sharing between government and industry, building better technology and increasing the cyber warrior workforce by 500 members. (9News)

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the huge spend will help Australia fight off potential threats in its region. (9News)
Defence Minister Linda Reynolds also said those threats extend far beyond theft and espionage to include aspects of cyber warfare that could disable Australia's electricity grids and air traffic control systems.

"There are many malicious cyber actors active globally and here in Australia," she said.

"This is part of a much larger investment in defence, cyber and information warfare – a $15b package."


lol ...
Australia has compulsory voting. It is the fault of the people of Australia. You can't blame this on a minority like Trump in the US.

And like all democracies, there are no real options and only the illusion of choice.

Labor party or the coalition.

What choice is there? Both are rubbish. No one could have foreseen how bad Morrison would be at foreign policy and how far he would go to be Trumps lapdog.
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