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Yup. I totally agree with you. However, this is the only language PM Khan and his PTI understands unfortunately.

Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf was never supposed to be a party that promotes political agitation or it's leader lies habitually just to grab the kursi but instead it was supposed to be model party.

A PM who openly brags about doing u-turns just to grab the kursi and loses Kashmir in his first year has no right to rule Pakistan.

If he had an iota of shame , he would've resigned already.

Let PMIK decide what to do as long as his term remains. Let people wait for the next opportunity to vote. That is what is best for the country.
PM Imran Khan has lost his moral standing to govern Pakistan after losing Kashmir. He should resign.


PM Khan is the floppiest PM in Pakistan's 72-year history. Even inexperienced President Zardari wasn't this hapless.
As I said earlier, if IK lost Kashmir then per your logic Xi Jinping lost Laddakh and the communist party should execute the President :lol:
This is just foul propaganda by PMLN operatives like you.

Article 370 was annulled by Indian Parliament - which IK doesnt lead - and there has been no change in LOC or disputed nature of the areas.

About your liking for Zaradri ... wo jesay lateefa hai na, ka agar baat Zaradri tak aa gaye hai to bhai IK se sula hi kar lo.
HUGE....does someone have the trump meme to post?

PM Imran Khan has lost his moral standing to govern Pakistan after losing Kashmir. He should resign.


PM Khan is the floppiest PM in Pakistan's 72-year history. Even inexperienced President Zardari wasn't this hapless.
And what has that fat arse done for Kashmir? If I'm not wrong he was a traitor in the kargil conflict and poured water on all of the armys plans. Have some shame and get out of the country because there is no space for traitors like you.
Let PMIK decide what to do as long as his term remains. Let people wait for the next opportunity to vote. That is what is best for the country.

By locking up opposition leaders, muzzing the media, PM Khan is trying to ensure no one can vote against him.

It's actions like these that has brought about this situation.

I was a member of Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf until he started the 2014 dharna and cost Pakistan to lose 2% GDP Growth Rate.
By locking up opposition leaders, muzzing the media, PM Khan is trying to ensure no one can vote against him.

It's actions like these that has brought about this situation.

I was a member of Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf until he started the 2014 dharna and cost Pakistan to lose 2% GDP Growth Rate.

PMIK will be held responsible for his decisions in office by the people at the time of the next elections. It is as simple as that, since such tactics never work.
A PM who openly brags about doing u-turns just to grab the kursi and loses Kashmir in his first year has no right to rule Pakistan.

If he had an iota of shame , he would've resigned already.
Amazing. Imagine what you just said - Indian Parliament changes their laws, and per you Pakistani PM resigns saying “I have lost Kashmir - I am resigning as PM, its my fault ... :cray:“.

PS. Since you and your party now has developed a liking for PPP and Zaradri, Bhutto was PM when east Pakistan was lost - resign to kya Bhutto to abhi bhi zinda hai !!!!
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By locking up opposition leaders, muzzing the media, PM Khan is trying to ensure no one can vote against him.

It's actions like these that has brought about this situation.

I was a member of Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf until he started the 2014 dharna and cost Pakistan to lose 2% GDP Growth Rate.
Your gonna be answering to god for who you voted for. All thset children in thar that died, all those I docents that died in terrorist attacks and all those that died of hunger and illness, during his tenure. You are as equally to blame and you will answer to Allah. So have fun
Sir G the correct second phrase specific to Pakistan should be like
کچھ کھا نہیں سکتے تو اتر کیوں نہیں جاتے

Ineptness is bigger corruption than stealing.
This liar and hypocrite regime have out lived their share of hurting Pakistan.
This gang has inflicted Pakistan loss of $billions, but the justification is ''niat saf he'', so basically they are only here for protocol.
One kilometer ride of ministers and advisers (100s of them) cost perhaps 10 million to state exchequer. All of bureaucracy has one job,,, and that is to serve PTI and make sure they get due protocol. That's tax payers money, bloody billions of it. This is why suddenly every state service has stopped, even garbage collection is not working. Leading to sickness and diseases.
Public is extremely angry, and i will be surprised if this regime completes its tenure. If they did, than they are surely not coming back. Provided no rigging. Last time, Hassan Askari rigged elections in favor of PTI. Where ministries and presidency was decided even before elections.

Your gonna be answering to god for who you voted for. All thset children in thar that died, all those I docents that died in terrorist attacks and all those that died of hunger and illness, during his tenure. You are as equally to blame and you will answer to Allah. So have fun

Everyone who voted and took part in elections of 2018, is going to answer to God for endorsing an unfair system of election & governance.
Most of above that judge, who declared Mr. hypocrite as sadiq /amin and those who are not asking for audit of Imran Khan and cabinet.
Then what happened to the same Americans against Taliban. Where did all the technology go.

After 19 years they are negotiating for a withdrawal against a military who did not even have a single surface to surface missile.
US invaded Afghanistan to dismantle Al-Qaeda Network in this region, and this objective is fulfilled.

Nation-building in Afghanistan was not a smart idea to begin with because Afghanistan is internally split on ethnic lines as well as due to warlordism, and it was better for Afghans to decide what kind of rule they desire. US underestimated Afghan Taliban's support base and decided to establish democracy in Afghanistan and now it find itself embroiled in Afghan Civil War. Point is that democratic reforms are unlikely to work in every country.

Afghan Taliban have utterly failed to oust US-led forces from Afghanistan as well as to take over Kabul by force - they are not victorious actually. However, they have surprised many with retaining a credible support base in the country and are likely to have a say in the political affairs of Afghanistan. But how is this impressive? True success is in defeating an adversary at the borders.

US have not only fought in Afghanistan but also in Iraq, Somalia, Libya and Syria for different ends. No country is capable of replicating these moves to similar extent.
Everyone who voted and took part in elections of 2018, is going to answer to God for endorsing an unfair system of election & governance.
Most of above that judge, who declared Mr. hypocrite as sadiq /amin and those who are not asking for audit of Imran Khan and cabinet.
What about supporting Musharraf who gave free hand to MQM to kill innocents on 12 May 2007?
What about supporting Musharraf who gave free hand to MQM to kill innocents on 12 May 2007?

No he did not, and facts are opposite. Still, i reject your justification for the mess created by BS ministers of PTI. All of them got to go.

So you are saying Pakistan Army went out of the way to help PTI win 2018 elections?
Are you sure, you are not sick ?
No he did not, and facts are opposite.
I have seen videos of him showing his fist during an address telling the crowd to see his power in Karachi.. I am sure you have also seen them but don't want to accept.

What about surrendering to the demands of United States and giving routes to supply NATO goods to Afghanistan? What about handing over Aafia Siddiqui? What about providing bases to US forces so that its easy for them to kill fellow Muslims?
Still, i reject your justification for the mess created BS ministers of PTI. All of them got to go.

I am not making any claim here.. you are giving fatawa openly..
Everyone who voted and took part in elections of 2018, is going to answer to God for endorsing an unfair system of election & governance.

Since you are a Mufti, I was just asking your fatwa on Musharraf.. I don't know why you shy away of giving fatawa when requested.. but give them when not asked..

Are you sure, you are not sick ?
I am sure I am not... I am asking you questions to increase my knowledge sir..

If PTI doesn't have support now, of course it didn't have enough support in 2018 elections.. How on earth it won the elections? Of course I will take the line of opposition which says IK is selected.. selected by whom? Of course Pakistan Army, right?

Or you are saying that PTI lost all the support on ground, but it still has support on social media?

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