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Azam khan statement proved ISPR is a fraud ?


Jan 20, 2010
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comprehension is a massive issue ...it is a fact, 99 percent of journalists never went to any professional journalism institution. Jang ma column likha and next day become journalist. Not like Arshad Sharif and a few others who went to Quad e Azam University and earn degrees in IR and journalism.
Who is liar ? Azam khan or DGISPR?

This is not even Azam Khan statement. The DG ISPR lied about cipher first. The military runs its own diplomatic channels. Its a state on its own. This is the first time its illegal channels were revealed. They were caught with their pants down conspiring with a foreign power to oust IK. IK got them by their balls. Since then, they have been trying to cover up.

Remember they stuck the nation into conspiracy vs interference debate? Its was unnecessary and meant to create deflection.
The cipher that we know only revealed one paragraph.

One wonders what other information is included.
The cipher that we know only revealed one paragraph.

One wonders what other information is included.
use of abusive language against bajwa ,maybe like this " r@ndi ka buchy huitay saly agar imran khan ko na hataya to tari maan ko Washington chowk par nanga karonga "

Editorial: It’s time for the state to disclose cipher facts to the public and put the matter to rest

With elections around the corner, it seems a last-ditch attempt is being made to knock Imran Khan out of the race.

THERE is little that can be described as revelatory in the ‘confessional statement’ being attributed to Azam Khan, principal secretary to former prime minister Imran Khan. It had been widely known, following the ‘audio leaks’ saga of last year, that he was privy to how the so-called ‘Ciphergate’ controversy came into being, as well as the PTI leadership’s actual motives for giving it air.

Leaked recordings of his conversations with Imran Khan on the matter had already established that the former PM had discussed the prospect of ‘playing up’ the contents of a diplomatic cable from Washington for political purposes, and it was evident that the move was aimed at building political momentum on PTI’s side at a time when the party was facing defeat in the vote of no-confidence brought against its government by the combined opposition.

With elections around the corner, it seems a last-ditch attempt is being made to knock Imran Khan out of the race. The means being adopted to do so are troubling. One of the senior-most officers of the state, Azam Khan remained missing for over a month after he disappeared soon after leaving his house in Islamabad for an appointment on June 15.

Hours after reports surfaced that he had ‘exposed’ his former boss, he was quietly returned home. His lawyer said he was “in no condition” to comment on the firestorm his alleged confession has kicked off. No one has satisfactorily answered where Azam Khan had been while the state searched for him as a ‘missing person’.

Instead, the FIA and interior ministry seem more concerned with nabbing the former PM. A statement made before a magistrate, if duly recorded, does have evidential value, but there are far too many missing pieces in this puzzle. Could this be why the interior minister has sought Imran Khan’s trial in a special court under the Official Secrets Act?

In a late-night address a day after Azam Khan’s supposed statement, the PTI chief said the cipher he received from Washington had alerted him to a conspiracy to take down his government.

To this day, only a handful of people actually know what it said. The public only knows it was problematic enough for it to be termed ‘blatant interference’ in the country’s affairs by the NSC on two separate occasions.

Imran Khan believes that a full inquiry into the matter will uncover a conspiracy in which key political leaders and the former army chief will be found involved.

Since it has once again dragged the matter into the limelight, perhaps it is time for the state to lay the facts before the public and put the matter to rest. It has already become an international embarrassment for the country.
Imran Khan himself admitted on public TV that he lost the official document, he was reffereing that video.
No one but bajwa khanzeer is responsible for theft, murder, espionage, treason & recording of videos ,audios of the PMs office
No one but bajwa khanzeer is responsible for theft, murder, espionage, treason & recording of videos ,audios of the PMs office
There is more Bajwa's sitting in the current set up which IK is not disclosing as they are in his way to getting into power. Why people of Pakistan doesn't realise the same policies of gaging, crushing and eliminating the PTI continued after the Bajwa as there perks and treacherous heads are next on the block. Our own army is working against the state and the constitution and they are getting away with it from the last 75 years until we don't bring them to firing squad the same drama will continues.
Bringing down a sitting government is not a one man job and its impossible. Thats the tragedy of Pakistan as these remaining tentacles grow latter on and save the culprit and themselves and vicious circle continues.

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