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Azerbaijani authorities rather than foreign invaders?


Dec 13, 2012
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Azerbaijani authorities rather than foreign invaders? :cray::lock:

"Today, a large part of the Azerbaijani people nostalgic of the time until independence! But that's not all. Many people openly and say that Russian dominance better than dominion yapistov ("YAP" - the ruling party "Yeni Azerbaijan".. - Ed.)! You brought the country to handle, to such a desperate situation! You yourself admit that some people see their salvation in the Iranian sovereignty "- the article says Shahveled Chobanoglu published on the website of the Azerbaijani service of" Radio Liberty ".

The author notes that the ruling New Azerbaijan Party ascended, so that did not see anyone around. "You did not care that people are struggling in the grip of injustice. You denied the hell turned the life here, and proud new buildings, new roads and bridges, rejected the criticism and alternative views, and even just the facts! "- Writes Chobanoglu.

It is stated that the Azerbaijani authorities do not want to see what the problems are hidden behind the construction of buildings and roads, and do a favor to the people and the creation of a park, with a five-fold excess of the cost.


"Thanks to you reigned in the country robbery and false. People have become afraid of their deputies, police, courts and the president. It is no secret that in our country today are afraid of their citizens the same state. At the first opportunity run away aimlessly. Is all of this - not your own doing? Do you still give out the fear of the people in front of their president as a love for him. Who does not know the scale of bribery and corruption in Azerbaijan? Do not we know share, issued to officials in a supplement to the salary of the bribes? Is society does not know that each area has its own master? Maybe you think that the secret to the world, which way your wealth produced? "- The article said.

The author writes that the ruling party of Azerbaijan are appointed to positions of responsibility incompetent and dishonest people, and created a new wave of discrimination, regionalism and factionalism. "You pressed people are decent, honest, strangled anyone who tried to say something, anything, repressed the opposition and the media. You scoff at people who tried to do something for the freedom of the country. You will unleash police to beat us - those who first carried the banner of independence to the area. You required from us obedience and flattery. This is your understanding of independence and statehood? "- Asks the analyst.

Continuing the series of rhetorical questions, a columnist wrote: "Why is corruption and injustice are eating away from within the country, already has consumed? If all four sides by enemies, why this nation oppresses its own power? Why NAP yapisty become a "fifth column" in the country, and not hidden and explicit? Why the policy of the ruling party creates the most favorable conditions for the policy were pressing on the four sides of enemies? "

The author notes that Azerbaijan is deprived of right living, good governance, the right course of domestic and foreign policy. The article says that the power, which is not based on the people, taking the country to the dangers and hazards. For these reasons, said the analyst, the opposition brings to the European situation in Azerbaijan. "And you want all the silence? Want to create your own little world closed? Want to overseas friends with everyone, and in the country to conduct fraudulent elections, to oppress the people and plunder the country? This is your dream? "- Refers to the author of the New Azerbaijan Party.

"You still ask yourself at - what differentiates you from foreign invaders? Does your great difference to them? You are better than the invaders to oil, a man past and future of the country, its education, health, the economy? "- According to the material.

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Azerbaijani authorities rather than foreign invaders?

Azerbaijani authorities to organize secret "punitive Division"
Azerbaijani authorities to massively colonize the Kurdish area of historical residence Talysh
Dubai's government for more than a week does not issue visas to men from Azerbaijan
"Azadlig": Azerbaijani authorities plundered tomb Albanian period in Gabala and assigned treasure
Ideological bankruptcy, the power crisis?

lezgistan tv/ novosti/chem-vlasti-azerbajdzhana-luchshe-inozemnyx-zaxvatchikov/
janarmenian ru

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