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Featured Balakot and Pulwama inside job: More evidence emerges

Are you guys accepting that airstrikes did happened in Balakot from Indian side??

Andh bhakt like you stay miles away from reality. DG ISPR tweet about Balakot strike,

Would you suck it up and accept that only for PR stunt Modi pushed two nuclear armed countries in to a war??
It was only Imran Khan's vision that sanity prevailed and Pakistan didnt escalate the situation. Indian military was in hiding after PAF's swift retort operation. The entire top Indian military in occupied Kashmir could have been wiped out in PAF's surprise air strike.

But we all know Indians can only lie and feed their ego with fake news. Reality is too tough for you people. Live in your little bubble.
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Andh bhakt like you stay miles away from reality. DG ISPR tweet about Balakot strike,

Would you suck it up and accept that only for PR stunt Modi pushed two nuclear armed countries in a war??
It its Imran Khan's vision that sanity prevailed and Pakistan didnt escalated. Indian military was in hiding after PAF's swift retort operation. The entire top military in Kashmir could have been wiped out in PAF's surprise air strike.

But we all know Indians can only lie and feed their ego with fake news. Reality is too tough for you people. Live in your little bubble.

Bro in all honesty, if the indians stop lying then we have to start worrying.
How did you deduct that? This whole thread is nonsense, Pulwama happened on 14th of February, there is no conversation of it, neither on 13th, or 14th. This conversation is at best can be classified as some OSINT sources convening over something that happened in Pulwama, a revenge attack coming, which was sure at that point, especially when it was election time, everyone thought it's war, but fortunately better sense prevailed as India did an airstrike.
Big deal! Even we were talking about a major strike on Pakistan post-Pulwama.

1/10 for an attempt at deflection.

You have tried your best to defend a defeated and humiliated army and BJP's election PR stunt.

You can take screen shots and claim few bucks from your masters. All the shity points you made are absurd.
You have tried your best to defend a defeated and humiliated army and BJP's election PR stunt.

You can take screen shots and claim few bucks from your masters. All the shity points you made are absurd.
Are you reading a transcript from UN?
bhai if this was posted on indian channels as some Pakistani anchors leaked footage we would have been making fun of this most probably

i will take this with a pinch of salt
Indeed the life of an Indian soldier is cheap. Very cheap.

Transcript of WhatsApp messages between them, which is part of additional charge sheet filed by police probing TRP tampering case, reveals
Three days before the Indian Air Force’s Balakot strike, Republic TV Editor Arnab Goswami told his friend and former Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC) CEO Partho Dasgupta ‘something big will happen’, indicating that he knew about the confidential military action, transcript of WhatsApp messages between the two, which is part of the supplementary charge sheet filed by the Mumbai Police investigating the TRP tampering case reveals.
On February 26 2019, the IAF hit a Jaish-e-Mohammad training camp in Pakistan’s Balakot town. The government claimed that this was in response to the February 14 terrorist attack in Pulwama in Jammu and Kashmir, where 40 Central Reserve Police Force personnel were killed after an explosive-laden car driven by a suicide bomber rammed into their bus.

TRP scam | Bombay High Court extends protection to Arnab Goswami, other ARG employees
At 10 p.m. on February 23, three days before the Balakot strike, the conversation begins with Mr. Goswami boasting about Republic TV bagging then Home Minister Rajnath Singh’s first-ever interview after the Pulwama incident.

Mr. Goswami during a conversation texted to Mr Dasgupta, “On another note something big will happen”. To which Mr. Dasgupta asked, “Dawood?”. Mr. Goswami responded, saying, “No sir Pakistan. Something major will be done this time.” Mr. Dasgupta, in response, said that “it’s good for big man in this season” and that “he will sweep polls then.” The 2019 general election was just a few months away. Mr. Dasgupta pressed for further clarity, asking Mr. Goswami, “Strike? Or bigger”. And Mr. Goswami responded, saying that it would be “bigger than a normal strike”. Then he went on to add, “And also at the same time something major on Kashmir. On Pakistan the government is confident of striking in a way that people will be elated. Exact words used.”
Congress leaders raise questions
The Congress party, did not hold an official press conference on the issue, but few senior leaders have raised questions on this conversation. Party spokesperson and senior supreme Court lawyer Abshishek Manu Singhvi said, “Arnab's chats dated 23.02.2019 refer to sharing of Intel reaction along the Pak border. It means someone very senior in Govt is leaking highly confidential info which may endanger the lives of our soldiers and so that mercenary considerations can add to TRPs.”
Party general secretary and Assam in charge Jitendra Singh in a tweet called it a major breach of “national security”. “Arnab Goswami is not only the mouthpiece of the government but has access to defence secrets as if he was the Chief of Army Staff himself. This is a major breach of national security. Furthermore “people will be elated” just goes to show the intent of the BJP behind the attacks, he tweeted.

Goswami knew about Balakot 3 days before it happened, police probe in ratings scam suggests
Dawn.comPublished January 16, 2021Updated about 3 hours ago
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Arnab Goswami was in the know about several planned actions of the Indian government well before their execution, purported WhatsApp messages by him reveal. — AFP/File

Arnab Goswami was in the know about several planned actions of the Indian government well before their execution, purported WhatsApp messages by him reveal. — AFP/File
Firebrand Indian television anchor Arnab Goswami knew of the Modi government's plan to stage a strike in Pakistan days before the Feb 26, 2019, Balakot episode between the two countries, evidence submitted by Mumbai police as part of an ongoing investigation on manipulation of television ratings suggests, multiple Indian media outlets reported on Saturday.
Police have included purported WhatsApp conversations between Goswami, chief editor of Republic TV, and Pratho Dasgupta – the incarcerated head of ratings company Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC) – in a transcript that is part of a 3,400-page supplementary chargesheet filed in their investigation into the alleged ratings scam, The Hindu reported.
The police investigation began in October last year after TV channels in the western state of Maharashtra, of which Mumbai is the capital, were accused of rigging the ratings system.
According to excerpts of the purported conversations published by scroll.in, Goswami texted Dasgupta on Feb 23, 2019, saying: “On another note something big will happen.”
After a few messages on other matters, Dasgupta asked, “Dawood?”, referring to a notorious gangster who is wanted in several cases.
The conversation continued:
Arnab Goswami: “No sir Pakistan. Something major will be done this time.”
Partho Dasgupta: “Good.”
Partho Dasgupta: “It’s good for big man in this season.”
Partho Dasgupta: “He will sweep polls then.”
Partho Dasgupta: “Strike? Or bigger”
Arnab Goswami: “Bigger than a normal strike. And also on the same time something major on Kashmir. On Pakistan the government is confident of striking in a way that people will be elated. Exact words used.”
Three day after this purported conversation, on Feb 26, Indian jets trespassed into Pakistani territory and dropped their payload in Balakot, bringing two nuclear armed nations on the brink of war. Pakistan's response the next day led to the downing of two India jets and the capture of an Indian air force pilot whose fighter plane fell inside Pakistani territory after being struck.
A day after the episode, excerpts from the alleged chats show, Dasgupta texted Goswami asking whether this was what he was hinting at.
Answering in the affirmative, Goswami added: "More to come".
According to TheWire, these purported conversations, which cover topics from the Pulwama attack to Kashmir's annexation, are just a part of the mammoth transcript which shows Goswami was aware of the the Indian government's plans well in advance.
Soon after the Pulwama attack on Feb 14, 2019, in which 40 soldiers were killed, Goswami allegedly wrote to Dasgupta acknowledging how the attack had helped his channel. “This attack we have won like crazy,” he allegedly wrote the same evening at 5:43pm, according to excerpts published by TheWire.
Some of these conversations also reveal that the ratings agency boss, Dasgupta, wanted to use Goswami's connections in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's office to get a position as the PM's adviser.
"If you can please get me a media adviser kind of position with [the] prime minister office," said Dasgupta in one of the purported WhatsApp messages published by Indian media.
Dasgupta was arrested last month and is currently under police remand. He was charged with "misuse of his official position to manipulate ratings of specific news channels broadcast by ARG Outlier Media Pvt Ltd such as Republic Bharat Hindi and Republic TV English".
Police also arrested Vikas Khanchandani, the chief executive officer of Republic TV, last month on charges of rigging the ratings system. He was later released on bail.
But these latest reports are particularly damning for Goswami, who is known for aggressively backing up Modi and his Hindu nationalist policies during his nightly shows, often shouting down opponents.
Critics have long accused Republic TV of pandering to Modi's agenda at a time when other media channels say press freedom is under threat.
This is the biggest news of the century... It's as big as credible verified evidence being exposed that 9/12 was an inside job!

I don't see how Pulwama is an inside job via those texts, rather i see a person who is hyper nationalistic and overly zealous initially thought IA had scored big or something. Also Balakot? It was literally a state sanctioned strike, where is the inside job in there?

All this before an an actual occurence of the event?... Is he also a fortune teller , a magician, and also a journalist???

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