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Baluchistan Operation against Terrorist Hideouts

kill them bastards!!!!

may Allah be with out boys!
to gauge success of operation keep an eye on tweeper if NGO babies cry loud that would mean we are kicking BLAs behind hard!
The next logical step should be to capture the planners and break away their will to live. Our side has been a pacifist towards a bully and bullies don't understand pacifism they only understand a kick in the gut.
RIP BLA, BLF, UBA BRA and for some reason ISIS. No one likes isis. Not even the other terrorists...

Also where is areesh? I always see him when soldiers embrace shahadat, cursing the leadership but never when an op is happening?
Simply drop (small radius) bioweapon gas grenade to smoke them out. Go next day, ID dead bodies and dispose them off. No one is standing there inspecting air samples for bio weapons .
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Knew that you will come up with another what.
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hold on there are people who are behind them, sitting comfortably in their lush houses and getting paid by the western embassies. Like nida kirmani!

there handlers like nida kirmani need to be dealt with. otherwise you are chopping the tail off and not the serpent's head.
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The next logical step should be to capture the planners and break away their will to live. Our side has been a pacifist towards a bully and bullies don't understand pacifism they only understand a kick in the gut.
The culmination of all of this effort is the fencing of the Baluchistan and NWFP border with defended and monitored entry points and set areas for bartering trade with Afghanistan and Iran. This way the Baluchis/Pathans that trade there will not be effected, as long as it remains monitored. There is not other way round it than to cordon off these areas and break the support chain from Afghanistan. I know this is labour, cost and time intensive but needs to be done. Additionally every 80 to 100 miles we should establish barter trade areas on Neutral soil so trade can go on.

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