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Bangladesh Airforce To Purchase FC-20/J-10 From China

I think there also possibility of second hand PLAAF J10A( very economical price and comparatively new fuselage )coming to BAF with improved radar, avionics and power plant.
I dont think bd will go for 2nd hand anymore.


As per forces goal 2030, i would like to see in BAF fleet..........
1. SU 30 - 3 sqd
2. j 10B/C - 3 sqd
3. Su 35 - 2 sqd
4. J 31 - 2 sqd

A great combination of Russian & Chinese birds total 10 sqd.

India would be envious of your AF as they won't have any fifth generation birds even then.
india;s sdq number is dwindling.... from the required... and cost of planes going up isnt helping em either.... the new purchases every now and then is barely holding up to replace but not expand.... 5th gen is something that this region won't see before 2025....
No one wins a two front war.

There won't be a two front war (Himalayan passes tremendously favour India on Eastern front, which will be defensive oriented, just like they were in 1971, which was very important reason why you are even alive sitting in front of a computer now - but possible why a lot of you have inherent inferiority complex as well since you owe your basic existence to Dada...and always will).

BD wont even be involved in such a conflict, given farakka will simply be opened....and pilkhanas unleashed front right and centre on much larger scale.

Unsupported, un-networked hypothetical 10 squadron far in the future talk is fun to read about though. :D I guess it helps to distract from what BD military is right now today. Talking about each 12 plane purchase like its the most important news ever lol.
There won't be a two front war (Himalayan passes tremendously favour India on Eastern front, which will be defensive oriented, just like they were in 1971, which was very important reason why you are even alive sitting in front of a computer now - but possible why a lot of you have inherent inferiority complex as well since you owe your basic existence to Dada...and always will).

BD wont even be involved in such a conflict, given farakka will simply be opened....and pilkhanas unleashed front right and centre on much larger scale.

Unsupported, un-networked hypothetical 10 squadron far in the future talk is fun to read about though. :D I guess it helps to distract from what BD military is right now today. Talking about each 12 plane purchase like its the most important news ever lol.
All you need to realize is that Bangaladeshis are not ragtag. If the starting point is wrong, the whatever you do will damper your relationship.
All you need to realize is that Bangaladeshis are not ragtag. If the starting point is wrong, the whatever you do will damper your relationship.

Point is whether they are ragtag or not is not relevant (Indian agents in their military and govt have much better idea of that than any BD poster here). They simply will not join any multi-front war against India because they understand that just brings their own destruction too...for no gain. The two non-WMD damocles swords I mentioned are just two examples....there are many more....and BD highest level thinkers know of them quite well.

Neither is it much use for them to discuss about such a hypothetical war in the first place given they have next to no understanding about Indian capabilities and the environments in the borders of such hypothetical conflict which will dictate the strategy (two things they benefited from immensely during their liberation - but seem to have forgotten or be oblivious about - i am talking about just the amateur BD posters, there are a cpl veterans that know better).

So as long as they focus on improving their country and developing deterrence against Myanmar, reality checks will not be required. I am definitely not calling them "rag tag" by any stretch of its definition.
Our target is 10 squadron. India will be flying 35/40 squadron.
Enough for conventional parity considering the geographic area.
10 squadron will be enough for us to deny any Indian possible misadventure as they have to maintain edge on western front against Pakistan as well as China.Currently out of 35 squadron, all but 3 are deployed in Western India where they manage a barely edge over Pakistan.Most of their fighter aircraft will need replacement in coming years.So I don't think it will go beyond maximum 40 squadron by 2030.

We also need to order a battalion of S-400.If we place them in Dhaka,it will cover whole BD.India is getting 6 battalion.Considering our compact geographic size one battalion is enough for us.10 squadron 4++ generation fighter aircraft plus one battalion of S-400,it will create a nightmare for any invading enemy.;)
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Looks like the idiot didn't even see the geography of where aksai chin is (tibetan plateau)....nor the pitiful amounts deployed.

After all is it surprising?:

Geography not going to deter the dragons. Next push going to be even more lethal. I dont think they have to wait for lunch in gowhati but breakfast is the possibility. Bangladesh will also join the fray and bring back our historical geo and populace within our fold.

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