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Bangladesh army 'foils coup' against Sheikh Hasina


Dec 22, 2011
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The Bangladesh army says it has foiled a coup planned against the government of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

Military spokesman Masud Razzaq said in a statement that the attempt had been thwarted by the "whole-hearted efforts of army soldiers".

He said the officers planning the coup were in active military service and had "extreme religious views".

Bangladesh has a history of military governments. The army ran the country for 15 years until 1990.

Sheikh Hasina took over power from a military-backed caretaker government in early 2009. Officials say she has since faced threats from Islamists and other radical groups.

'Heinous conspiracy'
"A band of fanatic officers had been trying to oust the politically established government. Their attempt has been foiled," Brig Gen Razzaq said.

He said that "specific information has been unearthed" that some officers in military service - who had been identified - were involved in the December conspiracy.

He said that a group of up to 16 hardline Islamist military officers - including at least two retired officers - were involved.

Some had been detained, he said, and would be presented before a military court.

Brig Gen Razzaq said that the "heinous conspiracy" was instigated by Bangladeshi conspirators living abroad.

In 2009, Bangladeshi paramilitary forces staged a revolt soon after Sheikh Hasina took office. It began in Dhaka and spread to other cities.

More than 70 people were killed, including 51 army officers, before it was crushed.

Correspondents say that last year's changes to the constitution - to make it more secular - by the government of Sheikh Hasina angered hardliners, even though Islam was retained as the state religion.

The move sparked a series of angry demonstrations by Islamist activists.

Army coup foiled in Bangladesh, top officers involved in conspiracy

DHAKA: A bid to topple the Bangladeshi government led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has been foiled, the Bangladesh Army said on Thursday.

The Bangladesh Army said efforts by some officers to topple the government have been foiled and that the process to bring the culprits to justice has begun.

"Specific information has been unearthed that some officers in active military service have been involved in the conspiracy to topple the system of democratic governance," bdnews24.com quoted army spokesman Brigadier General Muhammad Masud Razzaq as saying at a press briefing.

Razzaq branded the accused officers as having extreme religious views.

"Some unruly military officers have been actively engaged in the execution of the heinous conspiracy through maintaining contacts with fugitive Major Zia (Syed Mohammad Ziaul Huq) by mobile phones and internet," Razzaq said.

"On Dec 22 last year, Major Zia met a senior officer and tried to provoke that senior officer into using the army against the state and democracy," Razzaq said.

"The senior officer immediately informed the appropriate authorities and his (Maj Zia's) leave and transfer order was cancelled."

"But he did not return to work and has still kept himself engaged in trying to organise subversive activities against the army," he said.

On Dec 28, a court of inquiry was established.

"Stern legal measures will be taken against those involved," Razzaq said.

"Recently, at the instigation of some of non-resident Bangladeshis, some serving as well as retired officers with extreme religious views have tried to create disorder in the army, riding on the religious sentiments of other officers," he said.

Army coup foiled in Bangladesh, top officers involved in conspiracy - The Times of India

These extremists and radical elements in the BD army want to destabilize the region and wants that Bangladesh remains a third word country.

But by the blessings of Allah the one and only, brother Bangladesh will prosper democratically and develop into a great nation inshallah.

May Allah bless India-Bangladesh friendship.
Awesome news. Kudos to Bangladesh Army leadership! The major was apparently ultra religious. I do want to get rid of AL/BNP, but AL/BNP >>>>>> pseudo talibans!
This coup drama was designed by India itself. Especially I was convinced, when I read the following article in Weekly Blitz newspaper:

Title: What is wrong with government in the Bangladesh?
By: Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury

Should begin this write up with two of the most significant incidents, where, for sure, political and diplomatic bankruptcy of the ruling Bangladesh Awami League has been completely exposed. At the same time, for some reason, policymakers in New Delhi are continuing to give an impression to people that the current government in Bangladesh is their own planted one.

Bangladesh high commissioner in New Delhi, Tariq Karim invited a few reporters from Indian media on February 7, 2012 and said, "Bangladesh may have foiled a coup by army officers aligned with the fundamentalist outfit Hizb ut Tahrir, but is worried about the entrenched presence of men and officers with radical religious views in armed forces. The coup, plotted to derail the trial of "war criminals" [those who had sided with Pakistani Army in the 1971 liberation war] and put a spanner in Sheikh Hasina-led government's efforts to strengthen ties with India, has alerted the authorities to a festering danger in its cantonments."

He explained, "As Bangladesh moves closer to election, the possibility of agent-provocateurs deliberately triggering incidents along the border cannot be ruled out."

Hasina's pro-India stance has dented her popularity at home. "Imagine if the present dispensation is replaced by a non-secular Islamist regime. Our borders are porous figure out the risks involved," said Karim.

If we will closely scrutinize the entire statement of the Bangladeshi envoy in New Delhi, it will be proved that, he has tried in his own way to frighten India about the consequence, if Awami League is out of power and he even reminds the Indian policymakers stating "Our borders are porous figure out the risks involved". It means, the envoy wants India to make sure, Sheikh Hasina's government continues in power as long as possible, not for the sake of Bangladesh's interest but for the sake of interest of India. Because, the envoy has categorically mentioned that Sheikh Hasina's pro-India stance has dented her popularity at home. So, in this case, how the envoy suggests continuation or re-electing of an unpopular party? Either through election manipulation or through undue Indian intervention! We all know, by now, comprehensive preparations have already been made with the technical support from an Indian IT firm to manufacture Electronic Voting Machine, which can be easily hacked and results manipulated.

On January 28, 2012, India Today magazine carried an article titled 'Dhaka Conspiracy', where it said, "In late December last year, a secret letter went from New Delhi to Dhaka. It was delivered directly to Sheikh Hasina, the prime minister of Bangladesh. It warned her that Islamist radicals embedded within the Bangladesh Army were planning a coup. Hasina had reason to fear coups."

In the same article India Today further said, "Along with the letter, India had worked out a contingency plan to evacuate the prime minister, her cabinet and key figures of her Awami League party in the event of a coup. There was a military plan as well. Indian helicopter gunships would be launched from two airbases in West Bengal and Tripura into Dhaka to provide air cover for the operation. Landing zones and evacuation sites were identified in and around the capital for the air corridor."

The India Today also commented on New Delhi's "help" during the February 25-26 massacre in 2009, where at least 73 army officers were brutally murdered. The newspaper said, "Hasina has been under threat since she swept to power in early 2009. More than 1,000 paramilitary border guards of Bangladesh Rifles, now renamed Border Guards Bangladesh, revolted against the military's hegemony over their institution. It was symptomatic of the unrest in the armed forces. India helped even then. Sources in the prime minister's office said that as soon as the mutiny broke out, India kept its special forces 50 Parachute Independent Brigade on standby to fly into Dhaka in case of an emergency. New Delhi's support for Hasina is clear. In her third stint as prime minister, Bangladesh has ceased to become a safe haven for militant groups operating in India."

In this article, India Today has raised several serious issues, which not only goes against the sovereignty of Bangladesh but also evidently proves that, the current government of Bangladesh Awami League is under constant directive and dictation as well as protection of New Delhi. The article has raised the following points:

1.It said, "Islamist radicals embedded within the Bangladesh Army", which once again shows to the world that, it is prime time for the global community especially the United Nations to actively consider if they would continue allowing members of Bangladesh Armed Forces in the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces [UNPF], as there might have already been "Islamist Agents" of Bangladesh Army mixing with the remaining members of UNPF. In that case, for sure, members of armed forces from Hizbut Tahrir's prime enemy United States, Israel and Arab countries are at huge risk.
2.The article confessed that the 'coup' was first invented by the Indian intelligence and according the Bangladesh government was briefed through a 'secret letter'. The article also comments "Hasina has reason to fear coups", where natural question may come in anyone's mind if New Delhi is cashing this 'fear' of Bangladeshi Prime Minister and continuing their actions against Bangladesh Army?
3.The article says, "India had worked out a contingency plan to evacuate the prime minister, her cabinet and key figures of her Awami League party in the event of a coup." What does this mean? Does it mean, that the Bangladeshi law enforcing agencies and the patriotic armed forces are ineligible in ensuring protection to Prime Minister and her cabinet members? Are they [the PM and her cabinet] enemies of the people?
4.The article said, "There was a military plan as well. Indian helicopter gunships would be launched from two airbases in West Bengal and Tripura into Dhaka to provide air cover for the operation. Landing zones and evacuation sites were identified in and around the capital for the air corridor." Does this mean, India was conspiring to launch an occupation attempt in Bangladesh and finally turn Bangladesh into another state of India and then plant their own government here?
5.It said, "New Delhi's support for Hasina is clear. In her third stint as prime minister, Bangladesh has ceased to become a safe haven for militant groups operating in India." Third stint? Everyone knows this is the second term for Sheikh Hasina to be the Prime Minister, and how calm the Indian newspaper considers it to be third term. Is that the ultimate game plan of New Delhi in keeping this government for the next term, if not eternally?
6.The India Today article said, "Bangladesh Rifles, now renamed Border Guards Bangladesh, revolted against the military's hegemony over their institution." Hegemony? Well, this clearly indicates that, India was behind the Bangladesh Riffle's massacre and it might have given instigation to the killers in taking revenge by murdering officers of Bangladesh Armed Forces and by humiliating their family members to stop "military's hegemony".

Neither Bangladesh mission in New Delhi nor the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Dhaka reacted to any such comments or newspaper reports. It certainly shows that policymakers inside the ruling party were extremely delighted seeing such statements both from the Bangladeshi high commissioner as well as the Indian news magazine. And for sure, such silent endorsement to these extremely objectionable comments exhibit the political and diplomatic bankruptcy of the current government and their tendency of being delighted of getting labeled as Indian agents.

The current government has also seriously hurt the sentiment of the language movement and visibly showed total dishonor to the martyrs of this movement by hiring Indian artists such as Bappi Lahiri, Shan, Bipasa Basu, Malaika Arora Khan etc as well as their band of half nude Indian galls in singing Hindi songs and dancing with erotic moves openly in public with LIVE coverage of a local television channel. The entire show surely was a huge insult to the Bangladeshi people and their language movement. Critics say, while Pakistani leader Jinnah failed to enforce Urdu as the state language of the people of the then East Pakistan, now New Delhi's masters of the ruling party have been clearly successful in injecting Hindi right during the sacred month of language movement. I am sure, now those so-called social elites and cultural activists will not utter even a single word, simply because of the reason that, the show was participated by their "loving dolls" from India. Should any such event take place when Bangladesh Nationalist Party was in power, those activists as well as leaders of Bangladesh Awami League would have declared statement war against the government.
India-Bangladesh friendship? You call it friendship, when Indian Border Security Forces continue to kill Bangladeshis on a regular basis? You call it friendship, when BSF jawans continue to enter Bangladesh territorry and rape our women? You call it friendship when BSF killed Felani line an animal? You call it friendship, when BSF soldiers and officers assaulted a Bangladeshi citizen by making him nude?

Shame of India and its hostile regiment!
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