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Bangladesh likely to become member of BRICS in August: FM Momen

India is much smaller than China, thats true, but also comes with a multi-trillion dollar economy growing at 7.2%. China is the biggest and strongest link of the BRICS, but others in BRICS are as worthless as they can get except for resource rich Russia, leaving India the only one other than China to be the most important member.

What crap are you writing?

India cannot make planes and is buying planes from embraer of brazil.

Coming to your growth % nonsense, who cares about percentages.

China grew at 12% when her economy was same as India's.

Today a Chinese city has an economy of the whole country of India.

No wonder Indians are not only shameless but gullible too.
India cannot make planes and is buying planes from embraer of brazil.
Not many countries can, still we have a decent aviation industry.
Coming to your growth % nonsense, who cares about percentages.
Yup nobody, and give your history of (shit)postings absolutely nobody :agree: .
China grew at 12% when her economy was same as India's.
Yes, but that time is over now. Its India growing faster and reducing the gap with them albeit slowly.
Today a Chinese city has an economy of the whole country of India.
Like? Their richest city has a GDP of $680 billion, huge, but your post is BS. But then you're just a dumb guy with a history if shitpostings.
I guess we will find out.. I've heard varying things from different analysts, namely was reading an article in FP recently, the fact that so many states seem eager to join and see its potential would seem to point otherwise to me, but then again maybe you and I disagree on what constitutes a "talk shop"(for instance I don't consider the G7 and the G20 simple talk shops)

Even without India(although I don't see India leaving the grouping), its a formidable gathering, People might be downplaying Russia too much, its vast carbon reserves and other assets present quite a bit of influence. We will see how all this turns out post ukraine war. If Russia manages to not die, I suspect it will come out stronger, and with there being a significantly different geopolitical arena. Russia right now is a sick patient with a virus, but if it manages to come out of the sickness still alive it will have built up antibodies in the form a "resistance economy" on a bigger scale than Iran. There has been talk of a triangular axis between Iran, Russia and China, but we will see a lot of this stuff has yet to play out.

Why would India, Brazil and South Africa hydrocarbon importers enable an alliance with Russia and Iran who want to maximize hydrocarbon prices ?

I realize our resident PDFers are as clueless about economics as the ones who run the Pakistani government. That is a different discussion
I think its shaping up to be more than a simple talk shop.. especially if they pull off the reserve currency thing. The SCO is more the talk shop.
There is no possibility of BRICS currency challenging US Dollar. Chinese Yuan may play 2nd or 3rd fiddle but not BRICS currency. Even Euro adopted by majority of EU members as a common currency could not dent on US Dollar's dominance. Even if BRICS currency launched, it will be just a smokescreen of Chinese Yuan. BRICS countries have little trade with each others other than China. Nobody will trust a currency which will NOT be adopted by any of it's member as a national currency and none will be willing to take responsibility of it's inflation or other drawbacks.
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If Bangladesh joins BRICS, it purely will be for drawing more Chinese investments into Bangladesh.:enjoy:
Why do you think Chinese companies need to invest in BD that lacks all types of mineral resources? BD is of importance to China only because of its location. Chinese companies certainly do not feel any attraction to invest in BD.

China has for the last three decades heavily invested to build highways and other infrastructures in African countries because that Continent is full of mineral resources.

African countries are unable to repay the money China spend on their infra. So, they give China a kind of Ownership to their mines. Chinese companies bring the semi-processed minerals to China for further processing.

So, BD has little leverage to attract Chinese investments. Japan and Korea have more possibility to invest in BD because they want the same African minerals to process in BD where the labor cost is cheaper.
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Why do you think Chinese companies need to invest in BD that lacks all types of mineral resources? BD is of importance to China only because of its location. Chinese companies certainly do not feel any attraction to invest in BD.

China has for the last three decades heavily invested to build highways and other infrastructures in African countries because that Continent is full of mineral resources.

African countries are unable to repay the money China spend on their infra. So, they give China a kind of Ownership to their mines. Chinese companies bring the semi-processed minerals to China for further processing.

So, BD has little leverage to attract Chinese investments. Japan an Korea have more possibility to invest in BD because they want the same African minerals to process in BD where the labor cost is cheaper.
That's one way of looking at it but I have a different view on Japan. Like India, Japan is also a member of quad--- a forum created by the USA to contain China. Why is Japan so eager to invest in Bangladesh rather than in India-- a much bigger market than Bangladesh? Will Japan help Bangladesh in case of a war against India? Please be sure that China will go out of its way to help Bangladesh in a conflict situation with India. China has a strategic interest in South Asia and that's the reason why it wants to extend its helping hand to all countries that have borders with India.
Why is Japan so eager to invest in Bangladesh rather than in India-- a much bigger market than Bangladesh?

Please be sure that China will go out of its way to help Bangladesh in a conflict situation with India.


China has a strategic interest in South Asia and that's the reason why it wants to extend its helping hand to all countries that have borders with India.

There is no possibility of BRICS currency challenging US Dollar. Chinese Yuan may play 2nd or 3rd fiddle but not BRICS currency. Even Euro adopted by majority of EU members as a common currency could not dent on US Dollar's dominance. Even if BRICS currency launched, it will be just a smokescreen of Chinese Yuan. BRICS countries have little trade with each others other than China. Nobody will trust a currency which will be adopted by none of it's member as a national currency and none will be willing to take responsibility of it's inflation or other drawbacks.

Damm I didn't realize you were an economist. lol all these bold predictions of failure, I guess all these other analysts are dumb, only you know what will happen or could happen. lol

Why would India, Brazil and South Africa hydrocarbon importers enable an alliance with Russia and Iran who want to maximize hydrocarbon prices ?

I realize our resident PDFers are as clueless about economics as the ones who run the Pakistani government. That is a different discussion

BRICS is a bit more expansive than mere hydrocarbons, but Idk ask their foreign ministers who are putting out statements regarding the currency. lol, yes everyone of the analysts writing articles is clueless, only you understand economics.

here is an article by Joseph W. Sullivan, staff economist at the White House Council of Economic Advisers during the Trump administration. In the Foreign Policy magazine, I guess he must be a "clueless resident PDFer" as well talking about the changing market in reserve currencies.

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