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Innocent folks don't go around burning and destroying things. These goons could instead have helped in that building tragedy of yours but being goons why would they do that. They got what was coming to them, any civilized country would have dealt with them with an iron rod :undecided:.

They didn't destroy anything. They have been attacked from the start. 16 of them were killed in the morning by police and awami cadres while they were approaching their rally. And in the middle of the night they were sleeping and never expected 150000 + bullets, grenade and tearshell by thousands of awami cadres & 10K police who live on their tax.

And WTF do U know about helping in building collapse? It was Hei activist who were in forefront of helping in the rescue ops along with commoners and army.

And civilized country? Lol. Here 1000s of opposition activist had been abducted over the last 4 years while their is a defacto ban on opposition rallies. Many top tier BNP leaders are still in jail for NO apparent reason. May I know why U loons bother to spew all sorts of BS on something U have 0 idea off. Go suck up to your modi and his chanakyan fart.
No body destroyed anything. They have been attacked from the start. 16 of them were killed in the morning by police and awami cadres while they were approaching their rally. And in the middle of the night they were sleeping and never expected 150000 + bullets, grenade and tearshell by thousands of awami cadres & 10K police who live on their tax.

And WTF do U know about helping in building collapse? It was Hei activist who were in forefront of helping in the rescue ops along with commoners and army.

And civilized country? Lol. Here 1000s of opposition activist had been abducted over the last 4 years while their is a defacto ban on opposition rallies. Many top tier BNP leaders are still in jail for NO apparent reason. May I know why U loons bother to spew all sorts of BS on something U have 0 idea off. Go suck up to your modi and his chanakyan fart.

Everyone saw what these guys were doing destroying and burning public property. All hooligans should be dealt with Iron bamboo :coffee:. And no you need not bother to know, permission denied.
Everyone saw what these guys were doing destroying and burning public property. All hooligans should be dealt with Iron bamboo :coffee:.

When hooligans run state affairs its the commoners that face iron bamboo.

And no you need not bother to know, permission denied.

Yeah I know. U folks have psychopathic obsession about BD.
When hooligans run state affairs its the commoners that face iron bamboo.

Yeah I know. U folks have psychopathic obsession about BD.

We just wish well for our neighbour :cheers:. Cant afford to have another Taliban like state in the neighbourhood.
Loki bhai,I think we have enough proof to know by now what actually happened or according to some ppl what did not happen. This lemon is sour now no juice left.To respect the dead we and our friends (?)from across the boarder should stop mud slinging for now.if you think its OK ,plz close this thread.

The thread will stay open. No reason to close it.

If anyone mud slinging that should not be an excuse for closing the thread. Rather, I would suggest to clean up lots of garbage posted by madx and gang. I would absolutely disagree for closing this thread. Closing the thread does NOT show respect to dead. This thread has relevant information and archival value and should be preserved.

Meh...they are fun to watch :P
BHAI,SHIKHITO MURKHO JATIR OBHISHAP.Needless to say it does not matter how many times we give proof of this murders the likes of you will always come up with absurd arguments. You AL supporters are as bad as Jamat supporters.Both are equally harmful to us and BD.but you should remember: ONNAE JE KORE,AR ONNAE JE SHOHE,DUJONEI SHOMAN PAPI.with your carefully thought out questions you are trying to cover ALs bloody trail.in the process you just colored your hand with innocents ppls blood.I wonder how you sleep at night?

Which proof you have given to support the 2500-3000 dead people the propaganda that jamaatis and BNP are trying to spread.

No proof of such a high number of dead bodies let alone even more then 30.

Inu challenged BNP to provide list of people who dies which BNP claimed over 2500 within 48 hour?? Did BNP even were able to provide list of 50 people???

If such a big number of people really died where are their relatives claiming the dead bodies if such a high number of dead bodies has been dumped???

Stop all of you lunacy and jamaati style propaganda of high number of dead without showing any proof of it.

If you have proof which shows big pile of dead bodies post the proof here else stop all of your nonsense. Whatever I posted based on live video footage and all available picture and it is enough to show what really happened that day. Only the hard code HeI activists and Jamaati within them those who went into clashes with police/rab got injured and around 10-15 at that night died which could easily be avoided if BNP would not offer minister position to the HeI leaders and they wont utilize Islam for their own political gain and would leave the place by 6 pm as they promised before arranging the meeting .
All the statistics you posted were half true.#1:the announcement for evacuation lasted less then 1/2hrs.

If police can take control of Shapla Chattar in 10 minutes, 30 minute announcement was more then enough for them to leave the premise but they had no interest of doing so.

#2:if you new there are children what kind of ppl that make you if you shoot them with rubber bullets?

I did not see any children got injured in this event. This is the goons that went into clashes with police/rab were the main victims.

I am reversing the question to you. Dnt you think HeI leaders and the Jamaat leaders who encouraged them to bring such children into the rally just to increase their number by hook or crook and to use them as shield should be charged with criminal offence?? You were using US flag few days back. So can you tell me what is the punishment for such crime in US??

Just check the earlier pictures how the children were allowed to go away and how some of them even taken shelter to police.

Many of this children were fooled to bring them at shapla chattar as many were not even aware of the fact that the hujurs were bringing them to a political rally which could endanger their life.

#3:plz check the actual amount of ammo used that night.

I checked and replied to Munshi. At night around 40000 were used where more then half were tear shell and others were sound grande and bulk of the bullets were used for open firing.

#4:there is no rational logic you can give for the evacuation to carry out at night.unless any body can prove your hypothesis .every one nows SHORKAR FELE DEBO.is a political CHAPABAJI.even AL couldn't do it.they had to wait for election or 1/11 farce of a care taker gov:

The issue was not "shorkar fele dibo" only but definitely there was such a conspiracy at that night. If government would allow them to stay there for another day it would be much more destructive and bloody then the earlier day as thousands of BNP and Jamaat supporters were supposed to join them on the next morning. So the logical situation was to take control of Shapla Chattar before that happen and it happens in front of all the media. All video footage are available. If HeI would stay the night and government would take action on the next day and if the casualty would be much higher then that night who would take the responsibility for that?? BNP or Jamaat??

As that was the big plan for BNP and Jamaat and it was wasted as police took control of shapla chattar. Have you seen any tough program by BNP or Jamaat after that??? But earlier BNP gave 48 hour ultimatum. Now taking control of shapla chattar even defused the upcoming agitation program which was declared by Jamaat and BNP which saved more life and public property from destruction.

#5:and you lie about destruction of public /gov properties by Hfazat only it was openly done by Jamat and AL both.

I already posted that but main culprit was Jamaat. The whole drama of HeI has been coined by them and later by offering some of their leader the minister position by BNP. There were no islam on them as it does not allow greed which was/is there at the hearts and mind of HeI leaders.

Regarding Hefazat they were not angel either. What sort of destruction that they carried out the whole day and at that night is well documented. They even cut the trees. What was the fault of the trees??? But on the next day they lied saying they did not do it but even diganta Tv aired that.

#6:in the last line-So you do believe that killing and murders did happen?

Definitely at least 10-15 people died and there is no doubt about that where some died in the morning of May 5. It is unfortunate and regrettable. Jamaat needs to be blamed for using the madrasah student and hujurs for their own political advantage. But this is utter disgusting when jamaatis launch more propaganda with these unfortunate souls and dead bodies by increasing the number of dead people and inventing many mythical stories like their dead bodies were taken by truck and blah blah blah. It was easy to fool people with such propaganda decade back but not now.

#7:all political parties hire men for rally and other public activities. Its not something new.cousins from my father side regularly supply men to BNP and AL both in Khulna and shatkhira.even my driver got 300tk for staying in shahabagh.

Not when someone using religion Islam as the reason for the protest.

#8:And about the entire operation not being pre plan is big fat lie.we are not a country at war.10k police and other armed force just happened to be passing from shapla chottor with fully ready for killing spree is utter rubbish.and you know that better than me.

Obviously it was planned. All government take such precaution before such rally or protest to check the situation if it goes uncontrolled. RAB/Police were not in killing spree then how come they kept one side open so that HeI can leave the premise and used teal shell mostly and used rubber bullet which was not meant for killing people. If they have carried out any crime show proof for that instead of whining around and launching jamaati style cheap propaganda which can be exposed any time.
Moral man Moral.you are completely devoid of .its a very cheap trick to call someone Jamati,because I don't support AL?AR KOTO SHAK DIE MACH DHAKBEN.
While Awami League and their cheerleaders are chest thumping why Awami League committed genocide victim families are not claiming bodies. Aljazeera already revealed one mass grave where 14 bodies were dumped with bullet in their head.There is no way genocidal regime will admit its massacre and reveal where bodies are dumped and reveal identity to these grieving families.

According to following investive report this is how Awami League supressing dead count and genocide victim families

1) Awami League genocide victim families are hounded by same Awami genocidal force so that they don't make come forward and look for their loved one.

2) Awami League even forcing adminstration to make false statement about killed students.

3) Newspaper investigation also found out Awami League thugs and genocidal force even threatening not to reveal their loved one being killed by Awami League genocide.

???????? ??????? ?????????? ??????? ??????-??????? ?????? ?????? ???? ????????
Please post articles in English. If in Bengali, simply translate them.

If only it was so easy. It takes me half-an-hour just to translate a single paragraph from Bangla to English. A entire article would take me the most of the day. Since you are the Bangladeshi moderator here you can remove posts in Bangla if they are inappropriate in some way.
‘Special tech’ to control Facebook

Staff Correspondent, bdnews24.com

Published: 2013-05-19 10:47:45.0 Updated: 2013-05-19 10:47:59.0

The government of Bangladesh is planning to apply ‘special technology’ to prevent display of ‘objectionable’ content on social networks used in the country, Information Minister Hasanul Haq Inu said on Sunday. “This technology will help in keeping out offensive contents on Facebook,” he said. “So there will be no need to shut down these social networks.” He however, did not detail how the special technology would work.

The judicial probe committee formed to investigate the violence at Ramu last year recommended control over social websites like Facebook and Twitter. The decision to use ‘special technology’ follows from that recommendation, the minister said. Replying to a question, Inu said the 'special technology' will be in place within two months. “Afterwards, YouTube will be opened.” Popular video streaming site YouTube is currently off-limits in Bangladesh. Since Sept 17 last year, after an abusive video on Prophet (PBUH) was uploaded there and the site failed to expunge it leading to tensions .


Ban on rally for 1 month

Prime News Desk

Chittagong: No political parties will be allowed to hold any rally for next one month, said Home Minister Dr. Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir on Sunday. The decision has been taken to avert any subversive activities, he told the reporters after inaugurating the Jorerganj Police Station in Chittagong. Those who resorted to violence, vandalism and arson attack will not be allowed to hold rally, he said. Earlier on Saturday Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) imposed ban on National Press Club in the capital for indefinite period. According to DMP press release, all types of rally are banned in front of Press Club till further notice. Activists of several organizations came to police obstruction when they gathered to hold rally in front of Press Club on Saturday.

The judicial probe committee formed to investigate the violence at Ramu last year recommended control over social websites like Facebook and Twitter.

The Facebook image was a fake.
Ban on rally for 1 month

Prime News Desk

Chittagong: No political parties will be allowed to hold any rally for next one month, said Home Minister Dr. Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir on Sunday. The decision has been taken to avert any subversive activities, he told the reporters after inaugurating the Jorerganj Police Station in Chittagong. Those who resorted to violence, vandalism and arson attack will not be allowed to hold rally, he said. Earlier on Saturday Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) imposed ban on National Press Club in the capital for indefinite period. According to DMP press release, all types of rally are banned in front of Press Club till further notice. Activists of several organizations came to police obstruction when they gathered to hold rally in front of Press Club on Saturday.

Ban on rally for 1 month

Ban on rally for 1 month

Prime News Desk

Chittagong: No political parties will be allowed to hold any rally for next one month, said Home Minister Dr. Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir on Sunday. The decision has been taken to avert any subversive activities, he told the reporters after inaugurating the Jorerganj Police Station in Chittagong. Those who resorted to violence, vandalism and arson attack will not be allowed to hold rally, he said. Earlier on Saturday Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) imposed ban on National Press Club in the capital for indefinite period. According to DMP press release, all types of rally are banned in front of Press Club till further notice. Activists of several organizations came to police obstruction when they gathered to hold rally in front of Press Club on Saturday.

@Loki, to avoid loss of consistency plz consider merging the 5th of May thread with this one now.
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