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BBC: China claims victory over India in Himalayan border row



BEIJING, Aug. 29 (Xinhua) -- Chinese border troops are continuing their patrolling and defending the Dong Lang (Doklam) area, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Tuesday.

"We will make an overall assessment of the weather conditions and all related factors, and according to the actual circumstances complete construction plans for the Dong Lang (Doklam) area," spokesperson Hua Chunying told a daily news briefing.

On June 18, over 270 armed Indian troops with two bulldozers crossed the boundary into Dong Lang (Doklam), Chinese sovereign territory, to obstruct infrastructure construction.

China Monday confirmed that India had withdrawn personnel and equipment from Dong Lang (Doklam) after a military stand-off lasting more than two months.

Dong Lang (Doklam), which borders India's Sikkim state to the west and the Kingdom of Bhutan to the south, is part of Chinese territory and has been under Chinese rule for a very long time.

Hua said for a long period of time, China has constructed infrastructure facilities including roads to meet the needs of soldiers and civilians, and improve their living conditions.

1) China did not withdraw
2) China will continue construction.


No wonder our Indian bhai are unusually quiet this morning.


GUYS, FROM NOW OWN INDIA SHALL BE KNOWN AS A COW WARD. We have proved to Bhutan, India is a paper cow.
You think BBC is sitting at Doklam ? o_O
do they have to "sit" in that area like clueless Indian in order to witness the obvious outcome?
Indian came, got stoned and kicked like chicken, and fled back unilaterally````and the PLA are still there```everyone with a common brain would tell who won
but considering your Vedic way of thinking, it might be different, as thats how you changed your pony GDP :lol:
do they have to "sit" in that area like clueless Indian in order to witness the obvious outcome?
Indian came, got stoned and kicked like chicken, and fled back unilaterally````and the PLA are still there```everyone with a common brain would tell who won
but considering your Vedic way of thinking, it might be different, as thats how you changed your pony GDP :lol:

I hope you understand what the BBC title says.

It says "China CLAIM victory" :lol: ......... they are mocking you for claiming a non existent victory.
I hope you understand what the BBC title says.

It says "China CLAIM victory" :lol: ......... they are mocking you for claiming a non existent victory.
there is another yet funny Indian explaination :lol:
Leaving it ambiguous allows India to take political mileage, which is happening already and so China looses a lot in terms of international politics. At the moment, it is all about who is the boss in Asia, and China has a lot to lose if India successfully challenges that. This is why I find it absolutely surprising that China would've allowed India to gain such a strong position so easily. I am waiting for the Chinese reaction. Nothing is confirmed until the Chinese side is clear.

Great point. China needs to come out with a clear statement on the matter. The ambiguity in Chinese spokeswoman's reply leaves too much wiggle room for Indian media to play around. One thing to note is that all the hoopla comes from the Indian chattering class rather than the Indian government.
If I was an Indian I would have hanged myself seriously.Its an utter shame.Why did they poke their nose?few days back a video surfaced where Indian Army was being kicked hard on their back like we do kick stray dogs when they bark for nothing on us in our streets.
Now Hindustan Army has nothing to say except coming up with lame excuses of diplomatic win and stuff.Everyone knows you lost.Shall we write this defeat in our history books1962 & 2017?
That's all based on Indian rumors. :lol:

See the actual statement given by the Chinese Foreign Minister, he said all construction activities, including the road on Donglang will be completed. :enjoy:

Very true and please check the actual statement given by our army chief , he said more doklam kind of stand off to continue in the future too i.e ( all construction activities, including the road on Doklam will be stopped again if you guys try to start it :enjoy:)
Great point. China needs to come out with a clear statement on the matter. The ambiguity in Chinese spokeswoman's reply leaves too much wiggle room for Indian media to play around. One thing to note is that all the hoopla comes from the Indian chattering class rather than the Indian government.

Again this is your state media,


" Although the Chinese foreign ministry sounded triumphant announcing that the Indian troops had withdrawn, experts say it was Beijing who had compromised by seemingly accepting New Delhi’s demand that it stop road construction in the disputed area where China, India and Bhutan meet.

“Despite Beijing’s deliberate ambiguity, China has apparently made substantial concessions in order to end the dispute,” Yue said
BBC masters wanted full blown war in the end BBC lost:lol:
BBC masters wanted full blown war in the end BBC lost:lol:

Q: Could you tell us that how many Chinese soldiers are still deployed at the Dong Lang area?

A: This is a very specific question. What I can tell you is that The Chinese border troops continue with their patrols and stationing in the Dong Lang area. China will adjust and deploy its military resources in accordance with the need of guarding the border and the situation on the ground.


Q: Could you tell us that how many Chinese soldiers are still deployed at the Dong Lang area?

A: This is a very specific question. What I can tell you is that The Chinese border troops continue with their patrols and stationing in the Dong Lang area. China will adjust and deploy its military resources in accordance with the need of guarding the border and the situation on the ground.



"Details remain sketchy of how the worst border dispute between the two countries in more than three decades was defused after both sides announced on Monday they had agreed to an “expeditious disengagement” of troops from a remote Himalayan plateau."

" Although the Chinese foreign ministry sounded triumphant announcing that the Indian troops had withdrawn, experts say it was Beijing who had compromised by seemingly accepting New Delhi’s demand that it stop road construction in the disputed area where China, India and Bhutan meet.

“Despite Beijing’s deliberate ambiguity, China has apparently made substantial concessions in order to end the dispute,” Yue said

"Details remain sketchy of how the worst border dispute between the two countries in more than three decades was defused after both sides announced on Monday they had agreed to an “expeditious disengagement” of troops from a remote Himalayan plateau."

" Although the Chinese foreign ministry sounded triumphant announcing that the Indian troops had withdrawn, experts say it was Beijing who had compromised by seemingly accepting New Delhi’s demand that it stop road construction in the disputed area where China, India and Bhutan meet.

“Despite Beijing’s deliberate ambiguity, China has apparently made substantial concessions in order to end the dispute,” Yue said
Bala, stop being so desperate. SCMP is a 100 year old HK paper started by a BRITISH. There are even Indians working there. So Indians are now our official state media?:rofl:

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