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BBC - Is Trump losing the China trade war?


Jul 9, 2010
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22 May 2018

Donald Trump once claimed a trade war with China would be "easy" to win. But consensus is emerging that the president is losing the first battles.

His team has been trying to hash out a deal to boost US exports, but multiple rounds of negotiations have yet to yield progress on key priorities, like protection for US intellectual property.

Now the conflict has Mr Trump taking fire at home from two sides: those worried he is provoking a damaging trade fight, and those who fear he will give in too easily.

Mr Trump, citing a large trade deficit and unfair rules in China, says the US is starting from such a bad position that the country stands to gain no matter what happens.

But amid the sound and fury, what, if anything, is actually changing?

ZTE politics

The US last month barred Chinese technology firm ZTE from receiving US exports after the firm failed to comply with a settlement reached after it violated sanctions against North Korea and Iran.

Mr Trump, at the request of Chinese President Xi Jinping, said the US would take another look at the penalties. The measures have forced the firm, which relies on US parts to make smart phones and network equipment, to suspend major operations.

The two sides are still discussing details, but instead of the ban, the firm is likely to face fines and be required to shake up its ownership.

The potential reprieve has prompted critics, including some members of his own party, to accuse Mr Trump of caving in to a company that has raised national security concerns.

Some also alleged suspicious timing, pointing to a deal struck between a Chinese-owned company and one of the Trump Organization's business partners in Indonesia. :lol:

Bottom line: The situation remains fluid but the president has paid a political cost for his willingness to spare ZTE.

Tariff talk

The US treasury secretary said new tariffs are on hold, while negotiators work out a deal, in which China would purchase more American agriculture and energy products.

Mr Trump on Monday said the potential agreement could be "one of the best things" to happen to farmers, an important part of his base that has been worried about Chinese retaliation.

But analysts noted that the joint statement issued at the end of the most recent round of negotiations did not include a target for the increased purchases, despite earlier US claims the increase could amount to as much as $200bn.

They say China's growth would necessitate increased purchases regardless of trade talks.

Meanwhile, China made few concessions to the US concerns about intellectual property theft and government subsidies that triggered the stand-off.

Bottom line: The tariff dispute still remains primarily a war of words - and one the Chinese appear to be winning.


Remember when Trump said that China was "raping the USA" on trade, due to the huge deficit?

Well, it turns out that it's fine now (after Chinese investments in his family business).... I mean the huge trade deficit is still there, but now Trump says it is OK... so it must be OK, right?

@TaiShang @Cybernetics @Beast @rott @wanglaokan
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Similar story from the Wall Street Journal:


In Trade War With U.S., China Gets the Upper Hand

So far, Beijing hasn’t had to give up much to avoid the most punitive U.S. measures

May 22, 2018 5:30 a.m. ET

Among all the trade fights that President Donald Trump has picked, his hand against China is the strongest. That fight has economic, strategic and political logic that his confrontations with Canada, Mexico, Western Europe and Japan lack.

Yet China, incredibly, appears to be winning. Though it is still early days, China has thus far escaped the bulk of threatened U.S. tariffs while giving up almost nothing of substance.


Seems funny, China invests a small amount in a Trump family business project, and suddenly the USA seems to be giving up everything without demanding much in return. As if everyone has forgotten their original ridiculous demand of cutting the trade deficit by $200 billion.

Talk about some serious backtracking.

@Hamartia Antidote @F-22Raptor
There is no real trade war between US and China.Trump needs some political capital and we aid him for sure.As I had said Trump is a white version of Mao and we Chinese like him.
There is no real trade war between US and China.Trump needs some political capital and we aid him for sure.As I had said Trump is a white version of Mao and we Chinese like him.

Looks like Trump sold America out for two reasons:

1) China agreed to invest in his family's personal project

2) He recently tweeted that the agreement has helped American farmers

(Even though it was his actions that hurt American farmers in the first place).

So China gets to keep our $375 billion trade surplus with the USA, while Trump gets a few votes from farmers, and a bit of cash for his family
There is no real trade war between US and China.Trump needs some political capital and we aid him for sure.As I had said Trump is a white version of Mao and we Chinese like him.

lol. No one like Trump but we all need Trump because Trump is destroying USA and we all want that to happen. Trump is destroying the US justification of Global domination and that is what we all like. We all bash Trump and his policy and giving resistance and condemning it every day but we all want him to continue the path so that American image as a peace full dominant force is destroyed. To kill a legend you first have to kill his legacy and that is what is happening and yes USA is on the losing side.
lol. No one like Trump but we all need Trump because Trump is destroying USA and we all want that to happen. Trump is destroying the US justification of Global domination and that is what we all like. We all bash Trump and his policy and giving resistance and condemning it every day but we all want him to continue the path so that American image as a peace full dominant force is destroyed. To kill a legend you first have to kill his legacy and that is what is happening and yes USA is on the losing side.


Just go on the street in any country in the world, and ask people whether or not they like Trump's America. I think the only place in the world that has a favourable impression of Trump is Israel, and they don't like him either, they just think he is useful.

Now let's see how Trump tries to enforce new sanctions on Iran after being isolated by the P5+1. Even Europe is enacting new legislation that will ban European companies from complying with US sanctions on Iran.

Just go on the street in any country in the world, and ask people whether or not they like Trump's America. I think the only place in the world that has a favourable impression of Trump is Israel, and they don't like him either, they just think he is useful.

Now let's see how Trump tries to enforce new sanctions on Iran after being isolated by the P5+1. Even Europe is enacting new legislation that will ban European companies from complying with US sanctions on Iran.

Here is the truth if you like it or not but this is truth. We all want Trump to sanction Iran. Why?

Because If EU complies with USA that means EU is out of business in Iran and that give China Pakistan and Russia to fill the void and if EU goes against Trump that means that there is divide between EU and USA and that void is good for China and Russia. Now tell me am I wrong here?

If there are sanctions on Iran till December this year EU is out because that is the maximum EU can play and that also means India is also out of Iran and that void will be filled by China and Pakistan in terms of regional diplomacy. Both China and Pakistan went forward in the past 2 years to make currency swap and banking integration with Iran so that reliance on US banks will be minimum this shows that China and Pakistan calculated the move that was coming from USA and their anticipation made them the winner in the situation.

Iran will face sanctions till the end of 2018 and there will be a new deal in 2019 and thing will be back to normal with EU and India losing foot hold. that is the actual game and that is where it will all end. The crown of peace maker will go from Obama to Trump and we will give him that If Trump continues to destroy USA this is all we want. lol

@Chinese-Dragon look at image below. EU know what is coming and they are desperately trying to avoid it.

Here is the truth if you like it or not but this is truth. We all want Trump to sanction Iran. Why?

Because If EU complies with USA that means EU is out of business in Iran and that give China Pakistan and Russia to fill the void and if EU goes against Trump that means that there is divide between EU and USA and that void is good for China and Russia. Now tell me am I wrong here?

If there are sanctions on Iran till December this year EU is out because that is the maximum EU can play and that also means India is also out of Iran and that void will be filled by China and Pakistan in terms of regional diplomacy. Both China and Pakistan went forward in the past 2 years to make currency swap and banking integration with Iran so that reliance on US banks will be minimum this shows that China and Pakistan calculated the move that was coming from USA and their anticipation made them the winner in the situation.

Iran will face sanctions till the end of 2018 and there will be a new deal in 2019 and thing will be back to normal with EU and India losing foot hold. that is the actual game and that is where it will all end. The crown of peace maker will go from Obama to Trump and we will give him that If Trump continues to destroy USA this is all we want. lol

@Chinese-Dragon look at image below. EU know what is coming and they are desperately trying to avoid it.


It looks like Europe is serious this time, they are already writing the legislation that will ban EU companies from complying with American sanctions.

And Trump's giant U-TURN on ZTE shows that companies can continue trading US technology to Iran and North Korea with no real long-term consequences.

Washington Post - China is winning Trump's trade war

I'm waiting for some of the members here to come in and say that the BBC and the Washington Post, and ABC news, The Wall Street Journal, and every other Western news media are all Chinese propaganda. :rofl:
It looks like Europe is serious this time, they are already writing the legislation that will ban EU companies from complying with American sanctions.

And Trump's giant U-TURN on ZTE shows that companies can continue trading US technology to Iran and North Korea with no real long-term consequences.

[/url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...redirect=on&utm_term=.8e092fe845a5]Washington Post - China is winning Trump's trade war[/url]

I'm waiting for some of the members here to come in and say that the BBC and the Washington Post, and ABC news, and every other Western news media are all Chinese propaganda. :rofl:

First of all I was really shocked at the ZTE U-TURN. Trump just used sanctions as bargaining chip. This all show that Trump is there for his fame and political and financial gain and gives a shit about every thing else so it is really simple just give Trump what he wants and get from him what you want. The world just became more easy to live in.
First of all I was really shocked at the ZTE U-TURN. Trump just used sanctions as bargaining chip. This all show that Trump is there for his fame and political and financial gain and gives a shit about every thing else so it is really simple just give Trump what he wants and get from him what you want. The world just became more easy to live in.

What is really interesting is how much Trump's voter base (including farmers) were affected by China's sanctions on buying American soybeans.

And now he is so happy that China might resume buying American soybeans, which is a raw agricultural product with very little value added.

American politics is funny. So much for a bunch of soybeans, which can be easily bought from anywhere in the world.
What is really interesting is how much Trump's voter base (including farmers) were affected by China's sanctions on buying American soybeans.

And now he is so happy that China might resume buying American soybeans, which is a raw agricultural product with very little value added.

American politics is funny. So much for a bunch of soybeans, which can be easily bought from anywhere in the world.

Keep buying stuff from Republican dominated states and Trump will agree to every thing that is the key US diplomacy.

This is the very method Israel uses and it is time world should learn it as well. lol The true face of democracy.
No I mean this is how Israel has controlled USA for so many years, through it's politicians. World needs to use the same strategy. USA is in political enslavement.

That's a good idea actually.

We've seen how much pressure we can put Trump under simply by sanctioning American soybeans.

We should determine what his other voter bases are, and use sanctions to impact them specifically to get additional benefits from Trump (above and beyond what he has already provided).
That's a good idea actually.

We've seen how much pressure we can put Trump under simply by sanctioning American soybeans.

We should determine what his other voter bases are, and use sanctions to impact them specifically to get additional benefits from Trump (above and beyond what he has already provided).

That is not a hard thing to do here is map lol


Another good strategy could be to give competitions directly to Trump business. He has business in many countries like Trump towers just make towers in competition. He will run to the table.

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