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BBC newsnight programme 22nd August 2017

The Afghan Mujahideen and the modern day terrorists operating in Afghanistan are not the same. The supporting of the Muhajideen was for a just cause. It drove out the invading USSR forces of a fellow Muslim country and the US and their Western allies supported us. If we apply logic to just these facts, it makes no sense that they should then turn their backs on us.
They were hired mercenaries then, they are hired mercenaries now.
The contractors have changed and along this, the motives of the contract have also changed.
It goes to highest bidder. The terrorists trained are bought to wage war against Pakistan. Pakistan provided the finished product and used against itself. The irony.
This was a complaint I submitted to the BBC. Perhaps other Pakistanis in the Uk can do the same. We have had enough bias.

"I was disappointed to see that Newsnight invited two guests to comment upon the President's Trumps new Afghan policy and in particular his statements about Pakistan. The two guests that were Carlotta Gall - the author of the book The Wrong Enemy: America in Afghanistan and Christin Fair - who has written many anti Pakistan publications such as Can United States secure an Unsecure State. Both are vehemently anti Pakistani in their views and rhetoric and both were in a 'very happy agreement' with each other. What about the Pakistan's prospective? A nation of 200 million striving to stem the extremists since helping the American's thwart the Russians in Afghanistan and then being a conduit for the American war there. Their territory used for transport of American weapons to Afghanistan and without it's assistance how could the American wage the war. The one billion dollar assistance each year has been mentioned but how much is that the cost of the Pakistani logistics help. What about the geo-political compulsions and the interest of Pakistani state for it's survival against an increasingly hostile Afghanistan and India. For an impartial channel and in a country that has at least one million Pakistani descendants, programmes such as these do need to have an unbiased narrative other than espoused by the American policy establishment. By being the strongest power on earth does not mean it's interests need to trample on other smaller nations. There was no one to give Pakistan's perspective."
send me a link, i will also complain.
This was a complaint I submitted to the BBC. Perhaps other Pakistanis in the Uk can do the same. We have had enough bias.

"I was disappointed to see that Newsnight invited two guests to comment upon the President's Trumps new Afghan policy and in particular his statements about Pakistan. The two guests that were Carlotta Gall - the author of the book The Wrong Enemy: America in Afghanistan and Christin Fair - who has written many anti Pakistan publications such as Can United States secure an Unsecure State. Both are vehemently anti Pakistani in their views and rhetoric and both were in a 'very happy agreement' with each other. What about the Pakistan's prospective? A nation of 200 million striving to stem the extremists since helping the American's thwart the Russians in Afghanistan and then being a conduit for the American war there. Their territory used for transport of American weapons to Afghanistan and without it's assistance how could the American wage the war. The one billion dollar assistance each year has been mentioned but how much is that the cost of the Pakistani logistics help. What about the geo-political compulsions and the interest of Pakistani state for it's survival against an increasingly hostile Afghanistan and India. For an impartial channel and in a country that has at least one million Pakistani descendants, programmes such as these do need to have an unbiased narrative other than espoused by the American policy establishment. By being the strongest power on earth does not mean it's interests need to trample on other smaller nations. There was no one to give Pakistan's perspective."

People like Christine fair and Carlotta Gal like the smell of their own farts

These people cannot fathom or swallow the fact that Pakistan has defended itself against all the odd stacked against it
Hai jurm e zaifi ki saza merg e mafajat.(Penalty of weakness is sudden death)
some people in britain they call bbc, british brainwashing cooperation. zionist Christine getting alot of shekels from rockfellers/george soros. it called fund a think tank which has so called academics experts who talk lies all day and get lime light to project bad image of a target country.
Indian C.nts love to derail threads. This is very important people. All British Pakistanians should complain, it takes 10 minutes at most. Get your friends and family involved to. Believe me when I say there are many Indians employed at the BBC and they do their part to push their agenda.
My friend, every media house is there to earn money, they are not free utility services. Money can only be earned by following an agenda,a purpose in sight.

Why expecting anything pro Pakistan or even something neutral from BBC ? They have to take care of British govt interests, which are very much US interests also.

It's duty of drugged Pakistan govt to come up with their own powerful media houses, like Putin's Russia Today to counter anti Pakistan broadcasting.

Even Mulla in Iran has come up with something at international level.

What are you talking about, we have PTV that has been fighting the Amerci Sundi for years.

Also just in from PTV, Malakand division mai barish kai imkan hai

You raised mujaheedins on US behalf and funding and now they are biting you. What do you expect?

Nah actually they are biting the US in Afghanistan and the US is blaming us because they have failed to control it.

Watch this video

Indeed, but BBC purports to be fair in its programming. It has a robust editorial policy unlike many other news organisations. It is also protective of its reputation.

Sir ji, BBC is a propaganda machine of very high levels. Please don't get sucked into this 'fair programming' mantra of theirs.

Let's see though how far they go with Pak bashing. This is not the first time.
Sir ji, BBC is a propaganda machine of very high levels. Please don't get sucked into this 'fair programming' mantra of theirs.

Let's see though how far they go with Pak bashing. This is not the first time.
I accept, to an extent it is. But the bias and prejudice flows through its employees and those in charge of programming. Naturally, if you have an Indian origin person at the helm and in charge, I would expect an inevitable bias. The only way to counter this bias is to ensure that when unfair reporting happens it is reported and BBC feels the heat and accountability from the Pakistani diaspora. For all it's faults I feel it is still one of the better media outlets as compared to the gutter media such as Fox and others. We Pakistani are such a docile lot that we just allow ourselves to be trampled on so easily. An example of this was recent removal of Tommy Sandhu from the radio 1 morning programme. He was a memeber of Indian Wattsapp group comprising employees of BBC who deliberately excluded Pakistani music content. There I was thinking where's the Pakistani music all this time. Well we also pay the licence fee! Things have improved since the removal of these cretins lol
I accept, to an extent it is. But the bias and prejudice flows through its employees and those in charge of programming. Naturally, if you have an Indian origin person at the helm and in charge, I would expect an inevitable bias. The only way to counter this bias is to ensure that when unfair reporting happens it is reported and BBC feels the heat and accountability from the Pakistani diaspora. For all it's faults I feel it is still one of the better media outlets as compared to the gutter media such as Fox and others. We Pakistani are such a docile lot that we just allow ourselves to be trampled on so easily. An example of this was recent removal of Tommy Sandhu from the radio 1 morning programme. He was a memeber of Indian Wattsapp group comprising employees of BBC who deliberately excluded Pakistani music content. There I was thinking where's the Pakistani music all this time. Well we also pay the licence fee! Things have improved since the removal of these cretins lol

They will do the minimal corrective actions not to rattle the Pakistanis too much. But it will continue.
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