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BDR disbanding was revenge - says Shekhar Gupta in a letter to Naren Modi

how many bangladeshi think india was responsible for mutiny?

All non-political people think so. But political like BAL supporters don't think though I met some who also believe so. And defence guys on a whole think that BAL and india did it because they have concrete evidence. Don't get confused seeing the pet army officers of Hasina, they also know the fact.
All non-political people think so. But political like BAL supporters don't think though I met some who also believe so. And defence guys on a whole think that BAL and india did it because they have concrete evidence. Don't get confused seeing the pet army officers of Hasina, they also know the fact.

I know of an ex-army colonel who said that it was the AL who did it :angel:
Hmmmm. A and B do not like each other as B is trigger happy and infected with communistic and jihadist ideas. B and C fight; given B's ideology, B targets senior officers and their wives and families. C finally wins and disbands / renames B. A is happy that C turned out to be the winner. From this sequence of events, how can one one conclude that A is responsible for B's facination with communistic and jihadist ideas.

Your name tells me that you are an Assamese. Glad to see so many from my state here!!
Your name tells me that you are an Assamese. Glad to see so many from my state here!!

Where..on PDF Bangladesh section? Yeah man...after all we Bangladeshi spontaneously support your freedom movement.
Where..on PDF Bangladesh section? Yeah man...after all we Bangladeshi spontaneously support your freedom movement.

Where else? These NEIs don't get a chance in Indian forum.That's why they are always swarming in BD forum.:cheers:
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