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Beijing Opposes Sanctions against Iran: Chinese Official


May 25, 2010
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Fars News Agency :: Chinese Official: Beijing Opposes Sanctions against Iran


TEHRAN (FNA)- Deputy head of China's Youth Federation in a meeting with Head of Iran's National Youth Organization reiterated his country's opposition to the adoption of sanctions against Tehran, saying that boycotts will never solve problems.

"China is always opposed to sanctions against Iran," the Chinese official said, and stressed, "The sanctions method does not help settle the problems as China developed its defense industry in time of sanctions."

Noting that no power can stop the Iranian nation's progress, he reiterated that all nations can choose their path towards growth and progress regardless of other countries' opposition.

Head of Iran's National Youth Organization Mehrdad Bazrpash, for his part, downplayed effects of sanctions on the Iranian nation, and said that international sanctions and unilateral boycotts have provided the ground for the further progress of the country which relies on the power and talent of its youths.

Iran is under four rounds of UN Security Council sanctions for turning down West's calls to give up its right of uranium enrichment, saying the demand is politically tainted and illogical.

Yet, after the UN Security Council ratified its fourth sanctions resolution against Iran on June 9, the United States and the European Union started approving their own unilateral sanctions against the Islamic Republic, mostly targeting the country's energy and banking sectors.

Tehran has always dismissed West's pressures, and stressed that sanctions and embargos merely consolidate Iranians' national resolve to continue the path of progress.

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