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BEST on the ground force the average soldier.

You lost the 71 war not because of India? You mean the Mukthi Bahini routed the Pakistan Army in then East Pakistan? Then I would say that Bengalis are the best soldiers!


Our soldiers were already trapped in a hostile territory you just took advantage.
Our soldiers were already trapped in a hostile territory you just took advantage.

If you win in such conditions as mentioned above then they can be called .....................BEST on Ground force.................
black hawk down but in real life pak army did really good and proved more than just capable solders.
Vietnam their fight against the US, during the Vietnam war.
The German Army during the WWII took on 4 powers and kept fighting for 5 years.
Currently American soldiers without a doubt.
Our soldiers were already trapped in a hostile territory you just took advantage.

and what happen in ''west pakistan''? :what: that was supa duppa free place , with all the power and resources.

Gurkhas are slaves, perfect slaves, how much can you hire them slaves for? Who do those slaves fight for at the moment? UK who else? Did Americans using them?
Gurkhas are a beast . Born and raised in High altitude climate and taught to be warriors from birth . In Falklands War they got Argentinians so scared that they blamed british of bringing Gurkhas who have Black magic powers . Gurkhas also Nailed Japenese soldiers and even now you hear random acts of Gurkha Bravery .

There are people who tell stories of Gurkhas in WW2 .One of the stories was about two Gurkhas who went on a behind enemy lines night recce with a British officer. They came accross three Germans asleep in a trench and the Gurkhas to the officer to keep quiet and then cut the heads off the two outer soilers and swapped them, leaving the middle soldier to find them next morning. That guy went mad screaming.

Some random bravery acts even nowdays

A Gurkha soldier, who fought 30 train robbers | Nepali Community

Gurkha soldiers brave hail of fire for comrade's body in Afghanistan | World news | The Observer

Brave Gurkha fights robber despite knife buried in arm | The Sun |News

Rambo-style Gurkha in solo Taliban blitz | The Sun |News|Campaigns|Our Boys



Brilliant slaves do they clean the white British soldiers aswell? They serve their white masters very nicely. Year 2012. Still slaves no honour in these people
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