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Biden shuts down CIA’s Iran Div. Tehran: Operations transferred to Mossad

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Biden shuts down CIA’s Iran Div. Tehran: Operations transferred to Mossad
Oct 12, 2021 @ 12:29
President Joe Biden is reported by US intelligence sources on Tuesday as having ordered the shutdown of the CIA’s Iranian division, without explanation. While Western sources ascribe the step to a gesture of appeasement for Tehran, the Iranian media slam the step as “a tactical move” by the US to “apply more pressure” on Iran as part of “covert and overt” changes in its approach to the region. Conservative Iranian publications editorially accuse Washington of an intention “to use the capacities and capabilities of other intelligence and security bodies, particularly, the Mossad, against Iran.”


If cia fails give a chance to mossad.
What a lannati characters.
If mossad comes to follow pakistan than the greatest match begins.
It's Iranian press who talk about Mossad.

USA just say they close NK and Iran sections to integrate it in Asia and Middle East sections.

It's not the same blame CIA than blame Mossad.
First means attack to USA troops in the zone as retaliation.
Second means war against Israel.
Well, according to America own media, CIA footprint in this region are removed by regional intelligence agencies like ISI.

This might be an enforced outcome.

That claim makes no sense whatsoever.Do you seriously think for even a moment,that the us is just going to turn over responsibility for all of its intelligence gathering on iran to a foreign country?,thats just idiotic.

Debkafile is the military website equivalent of the old weekly world news....

......in other words,its a JOKE!:sarcastic:
Democrats seem to love Iran, while Republicans hate it.

But I don't think they are gonna completely remove their foothold from the region.
Democrats seem to love Iran, while Republicans hate it.

But I don't think they are gonna completely remove their foothold from the region.
You might want to re-check your facts there buddy.
It was under the obama regime [a democrat],and directly thanks to it,that iran had un sanctions levied against it.
The biden regime[another democrat] has continued his republican predecessors policy of "maximum pressure" against iran.
President rouhani got precious little out of his attempts at appeasement,regardless of whether it was a democrat or a republican regime in power in the us.
When it comes to the us government,it matters not a damn what regime is in the white house,because ultimately you`re just talking about 2 sides of the same worthless plugged nickel.
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