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bilawal is going india next month

trade with india was not in pakistani favor anyways ..

Mu first post after a small rest from PDF.

Does trade with china favor to Pakistan... Just asking
Deal. Sindhis are lacking representation in Indian politics after the step-grandfatherly treatment meted out to Advani ji by Modi ji and Mota bhai.

I have given you the search keywords already. Add in Omar, Kiran Yusufzai and s** and you are bound to hit the relevant articles. Most are short articles, but there is an ultra long one with all the details. Make some effort and keep scrolling to find it.
Mu first post after a small rest from PDF.

Does trade with china favor to Pakistan... Just asking
china is 1st friend of pakistan and india is arch enemy of pakistan how can you compare both ?

even many countries are neutral with paksitan nor friends not foes we can give them trade surplus . but giving arch enemy trade surplus is biggest stupidity one can do

for example Australia paksitan trade in 2021

pakistani exports 346mn$
austalia exports 758mn$
Sellout traitor lgbtq slave.
Hope he stays in endia and never comes back.

Every politician in Pakistan should have to do mandatory 2 years military service in war zones sow these beghairat kusras learn a thing or two.
If it would have been SMQ in his place, whole PDF would be erupting fire right now ...... on the failure of foreign policy of PTI, but since he is Company's home grown project ...... its ok.


I wonder what he will write in this entry card?..

No do not wish to disclose

This will mark the first visit to India by a Pakistani leader since 2014.

leader?.. of what ?

he is just a army tool
Bilawal is just a front, he is being sent by Asim Whisky and Khuusra Anjuman to let
India know that they are willing to surrender Kashmir. Asim Whisky is also willing
to pull his tambi down to accomodate Modi, as long as he is allowed to impose
Martial Law in Pakistan.

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