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Blast at Varanasi- please be respectful

yeaa there is hate bro.. but i dunno if its misplaced.. problem is it is parties like RSS which give me bigger reason to believe that Sikhs need their own homeland.. if according to rss muslims got pakistan and india belongs to hindus.. than ofcourse i guess that means Sikhs are totally right to demand Sikh homeland, right??

Your ideas about the RSS are very far from the truth. If you are relying on the media for your ideas, you will be misled. Best to listen to what RSS people themselves say.

Many of the good folks who saved Sikhs in 1984 were RSS volunteers.
Iqbal_Brar said:
problem is it is parties like RSS which give me bigger reason to believe that Sikhs need their own homeland

Please read history before posting, it was the RSS who helped Sikhs in the 1984 (Congress sponsored) riots.

"It was the Congress(I) leaders who instigated mobs in 1984 and got more than 3000 people killed. I must give due credit to RSS and the BJP for showing courage and protecting helpless Sikhs during those difficult days” - Khushwant Singh. (K. Singh: Publik Asia, 16-11-1989).

The current government ruling Punjab is an ally of BJP
IM is overseas branch of LET - So there will be paybacks.


your own homegrown terrorists so dont seek anyone outside for blaming it on them.

these shadow names are easy to make up and blame on instead of reaching to the real culprit.
RSS have never killed innnocent people. There is difference between RSS,VHP and Bajrang Dal.

I am a supporter of RSS but not of Bajrang Dal. And all these swear words just shows your misplaced hate.

They are all allies and hence groupies in many crimes and terror activities.

Their ideology is also one and same.
yeaa there is hate bro.. but i dunno if its misplaced.. problem is it is parties like RSS which give me bigger reason to believe that Sikhs need their own homeland.. if according to rss muslims got pakistan and india belongs to hindus.. than ofcourse i guess that means Sikhs are totally right to demand Sikh homeland, right??

India belongs to Indians and please give me one single link which says that RSS said India is only for Hindus. Atleast as far as I know they have never included Sikhs in the list of outsiders.

It seems if the RSS move on,you guys wont. :rolleyes:

They are all allies and hence groupies in many crimes and terror activities.

Their ideology is also one and same.

Then better seal of the offices and freeze the funds of the peaceful,charity group that calls itself JuD.
India belongs to Indians and please give me one single link which says that RSS said India is only for Hindus. Atleast as far as I know they have never included Sikhs in the list of outsiders.

It seems if the RSS move on,you guys wont. :rolleyes:

Then better seal of the offices and freeze the funds of the peaceful,charity group that calls itself JuD.

Oh how sweet you are supporting RSS and speaking about JuD in a alien topic here.

we have already have banned which has to be banned. Its your turn ban saffron brigade and look within such low intensity bomb making and bomb blasts in own areas is specialty of saffron.

Your own law enforcement agencies have found this out.
Oh how sweet you are supporting RSS and speaking about JuD in a alien topic here.

we have already have banned which has to be banned. Its your turn ban saffron brigade and look within such low intensity bomb making and bomb blasts in own areas is specialty of saffron.

Your own law enforcement agencies have found this out.

We will definitely ban them when they give full page ad in newspapers searching for potential suicide bombers and address huge public rallies in full public view about declaring 'Dharma Yudh' against Pakistan.

Till then. :wave:
India belongs to Indians and please give me one single link which says that RSS said India is only for Hindus. Atleast as far as I know they have never included Sikhs in the list of outsiders.

It seems if the RSS move on,you guys wont. :rolleyes:

funny how you first say give me link which says India is only for Hindus.. than you yourself talk about "outsiders".. which means you know very well of RSS discriminatory views against certain religions... and rss can include sikhs in list of outsiders.. please do.. because i certainly despise them and so does rest of sikh community.. that is why one of demands of sikhs is for indian government to not include sikhs under "hindu marriage act".. it is not only sikh demand but also jain and buddhist demand... rss is allied to terror groups.. and given choice i would rather support Dal Khalsa sikh radical group.. than these hindu radicals... because ofcourse if you can support hindu radicals.. than why should i not support sikh radical groups like dal khalsa?? i have perfect reason to...

Please read history before posting, it was the RSS who helped Sikhs in the 1984 (Congress sponsored) riots.

It was still religious based riots where one religion was singled out and massacred... and secondly.. thanks to all the good people who helped.. but that does not mean i will accept hindu radical groups.. it is like saying look dal khalsa never did anything against hindus they only want khalistan.. than why should hindus hate dal khalsa?? when daily the gurudwaras feed thousands of hindus aswell...

The current government ruling Punjab is an ally of BJP

because BJP is non-existant in punjab and Badal is a power hungry corrupt dynastic monkey.. to come to power he needs to ally with small parties like BJP... anyways.. downfall of Badal will come from his own nephew... Manpreet Badal!!!

Your ideas about the RSS are very far from the truth. If you are relying on the media for your ideas, you will be misled. Best to listen to what RSS people themselves say.

I have heard RSS.. they try to use sikhs against other religions.. it makes me hate them more.... all rss wants to do is absorb sikhism into hinduism because rss knows that they can never openly fight sikhism and win...

Many of the good folks who saved Sikhs in 1984 were RSS volunteers.

Thanks to those good folks.. but that is what they were.. good people.. im not going to paint a party colour on them.. because it is fact that rss is hate monger group in india.. and their goal is to kill sikhism and absorb it into hinduism..
funny how you first say give me link which says India is only for Hindus.. than you yourself talk about "outsiders".. which means you know very well of RSS discriminatory views against certain religions...

Funny thing is that you dont understand my post and then jump on my throat with a meaning that you think is right.

Every religious party is discriminatory because if they were not dicriminatory to their religion then there was no need to form them in the first place.

Now I demand the link which says 'RSS said India is for Hindus only'.

and rss can include sikhs in list of outsiders.. please do.. because i certainly despise them and so does rest of sikh community.. that is why one of demands of sikhs is for indian government to not include sikhs under "hindu marriage act".. it is not only sikh demand but also jain and buddhist demand

Is RSS blocking the constitutional amendment in the Parliament ?? :hitwall: I dont have words to explain this.

... rss is allied to terror groups.. and given choice i would rather support Dal Khalsa sikh radical group..
than these hindu radicals... because ofcourse if you can support hindu radicals.. than why should i not support sikh radical groups like dal khalsa?? i have perfect reason to...

Go ahead , make my day -- I care the least for terror doesn't pay. It only makes you pay.

It was still religious based riots where one religion was singled out and massacred... and secondly.. thanks to all the good people who helped.. but that does not mean i will accept hindu radical groups.. it is like saying look dal khalsa never did anything against hindus they only want khalistan.. than why should hindus hate dal khalsa?? when daily the gurudwaras feed thousands of hindus aswell..

If in a hypothetical situation RSS supports secession from mother India,I myself will not think twice before shooting any RSS guy fighting against India and hang him from the nearest tamarind tree and that is for all.

I have heard RSS.. they try to use sikhs against other religions.. it makes me hate them more.... all rss wants to do is absorb sikhism into hinduism because rss knows that they can never openly fight sikhism and win...

Who wants to absorb you into Hinduism. ? Before I go into that myth please reserve your preaches to the plenty of Sikhs who visit Hindu temples and are as devout ,if not more than me.
Varanasi Blast: Hindus & Muslims show united face

AYODHYA: Hindus and Muslims here today condemned the Varanasi blast and termed it as a conspiracy to sever cordial ties between both the communities and instigate communal feeling.

"We are worried over the blast in the religious city of Varanasi. Extremists are targeting the religious town to widen the gap between Hindus and Muslims... they want to demolish the communal harmony and Hindu-Muslim brotherhood to create an atmosphere of instability. We deeply condemn the inhuman act in Varanasi," Jamiat Ulema Hind leader Afzal Ahmad Khan told PTI.

While a teacher Abdu Qaiyum said blasts in Malegaon, Ajmer and now in Varanasi prove that extremists are trying to instigate communal riots by targeting Muslims and Hindus separately.

Similarly, Hindu saints here condemned yesterday's blast which killed a child and injured 37 others. While protesting against the incident, they burnt an effigy of "Atankvaad" (terrorism).

Led by former MP Ram Vilas Vedanti, saints staged a protest in Ayodhya and condemned the Centre's "appeasement policy", which has led to spurt in terror activities by encouraging terrorists, VHP spokesman Sharad Sharma said. They also demanded immediate hanging of Afzal Guru, convicted in 2001 Parliament attack case, and Ajmal Kasab, lone surviving terrorist in 26/11 Mumbai attacks.

A crowded bathing ghat was rocked a day after anniversary of Babri Mosque demolition on December 6.

Mohammad Hashim Ansari , in the lone surviving petitioner in the Ayodhya title suit case, said "demolition of Babri Masjid that was done 18-year ago and the memories of that black day has been faded from our minds. Who are those who want to renew this wound? An unbiased enquiry must be done by some secular personalities."

Mufti Ubaidur Rahman, Imam of city Jama Masjid Sarai, said "Our brotherhood and Hindu Muslim unity is so strong that those communal or extremist forces want to break it cannot success. Government must act immediately to find out the real culprits."

Echoing demands of Muslim representatives, Sharma said "terrorists, who are inspiring such attacks, must not be spared as it is not in the interest of the country."

He, however, regretted the parallels drawn between RSS and SIMI by Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi and said Home Minister P Chidambaram's 'saffron terror' statement has actually encouraged the terrorists to carry out their activities.
^^^^What a big slap on the face of those who are trying to destroy the religious harmony trying to be different as so called Muslims. These terrorists can't survive any longer. More our economic and military power grows the more they nearer to extinction.
i respect khalistani fighters a lot because never did they kill single innocent.. they only fought army paramilitary and police force.. but these cowards are too big loosers to come out openly and fight so they have to kill unarmed people... and look at this forum and everywhere.. what is different between those hindus and you??? you are all at the same low levell.. no honour at alll.... hindus openly killed so many sikhs in delhi.. yet not a single hindu was killed in Punjab which is Sikh majority... but look at both your sides... always only killing the weak and helpless and than talking so much filltthh.....

Iqbal, if you think Khalistanis were wonderful folks who did not kill innocent people then you should study the bombing of the Air India Kanishka 747 plane. There have been many, many such incidents.

Thanks to those good folks.. but that is what they were.. good people.. im not going to paint a party colour on them.. because it is fact that rss is hate monger group in india.. and their goal is to kill sikhism and absorb it into hinduism..

On one hand you say you are not going to "paint a party color on them" ... yet in on your previously cited post you were talking about "Hindus" openly killing Sikhs. Who led the mobs? Are you aware that Congressman Jagdish Tytler is a Christian. Why do you think Kushwant Singh specifically thanked the RSS.

Anyway, that is getting off-topic ... let us focus on the Varanasi tragedy.
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