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Breaking: Iran detains U.S navy soldiers entering Iranian territorial waters

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They should look at the positives they might get new suits. :D
It doesn't seem to have been anything of the sort though. It seems the US ship simply entered into Iranian waters, took the Iranians by surprise, and fell to the mercy of mechanical troubles:

US officials told the Associated Press that the ships experienced mechanical failures during their journey, which caused them to drift into Iranian territorial waters.

According to official US statements and every independent media report, the sailors are not prisoners or hostages.

Rather, the Iranians have detained them temporarily and are set to release them. The exact release date isn't clear yet; senior defense officials told the Daily Beast that the sailors will be held at least through Wednesday. Obama administration officials reportedly said Iran would not release the sailors immediately because it is currently the middle of the night in Iran and doing so would be "unsafe."

Multiple statements from US officials to press say that the sailors' detention is only temporary. "We subsequently have been in communication with Iranian authorities, who have informed us of the safety and well-being of our personnel," a US official told CNN. "We have received assurances the sailors will promptly be allowed to continue their journey."

Reportedly, this was secured (at least in part) by a top-level conversation between Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif. Kerry "personally engaged with Zarif on this issue to try to get to this outcome," a US official told the AP.

Based on these quotes and other publicly available information, the narrative of events looks to be as follows: Two US boats on a training mission experienced a mechanical failure, which caused them to drift into Iranian territory. The surprised Iranians picked them up and detained the US sailors while they figured out what the Americans were doing there.

From Iran detains 10 US sailors: what we know - Vox


If you think otherwise, let's see your evidence and sources. It's not a message to the US, it seems to just be a normal case that's been seen before and will end without further problems or complications.

The current US government are playing it down as usual. The Democrats are doing everything to keep the nuke agreement unscathed. They cannot afford to lose any face during election fever because the Republicans will be pouncing on their face all year long. These are definitely detained navy soldiers. Let any other country detain a US citizens let alone ten navy soldiers and get away with it like the Iranians have thus far.

I still remember how Pakistan detained Raymond Davis the killer and how the Americans blackmailed 200 million people for his return...
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Reminder: You are inside a thread about exactly such an example. ;)

Sorry, but I don't see it that way. This was not an act of hostility, and all media reports suggest minor issue has been settled. Iranian authorities and US authorities communicated. Iran and US have diplomats currently in talks/consultations to make sure deal gets implemented soon. I have argued since 2 years ago that US views Iran as strategic asset in region. It is essential for the make up of the region. Iran can't collapse, if it collapses this will be major danger to US national interests. Since the 'Shia crescent' will break apart and a Sunni crescent will fill that void. The world has yet to experience a 'Sunni crescent' in this region. My assumptions were correct, US assisted Iran in Iraq and are on similar pages in Syria. This is not going to suddenly change any time soon.

If you see this as an example of 'standing up', it's still nothing in comparison to Iraq direct wars with US. Saddam had two direct wars with the US. Iran never got in any confrontation with the US. Again not that I would favor that, I'm not in favor of more wars.
US never armed the rebels

And yet there is even a bigger picture. That Iran does it without any help from others. While Turkey did it knowing fully well that it is a NATO state with NATO power behind it.

See an opthalmologist as your sight seems blurry.
In our case, Russia couldn't say anything 'cos they knew that they were mistaken after repeatedly violations and warnings it was a well deserved action by us. Turkey have capability to protect himself without Nato's help.

In your case if US Marines violated your water waters then you have right to protect it. As a Turkish national I can say this but when we downed Russian jet all we have seen were a bunch of Iranian cheerleaders of Russia.

You guys need to stand tall every single time against same incidents. Otherwise it's just called hypocrisy.
It doesn't seem to have been anything of the sort though. It seems the US ship simply entered into Iranian waters, took the Iranians by surprise, and fell to the mercy of mechanical troubles:

US officials told the Associated Press that the ships experienced mechanical failures during their journey, which caused them to drift into Iranian territorial waters.

Multiple statements from US officials to press say that the sailors' detention is only temporary. "We subsequently have been in communication with Iranian authorities, who have informed us of the safety and well-being of our personnel," a US official told CNN. "We have received assurances the sailors will promptly be allowed to continue their journey."

Reportedly, this was secured (at least in part) by a top-level conversation between Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif. Kerry "personally engaged with Zarif on this issue to try to get to this outcome," a US official told the AP.

Based on these quotes and other publicly available information, the narrative of events looks to be as follows: Two US boats on a training mission experienced a mechanical failure, which caused them to drift into Iranian territory. The surprised Iranians picked them up and detained the US sailors while they figured out what the Americans were doing there.

From Iran detains 10 US sailors: what we know - Vox

If you think otherwise, let's see your evidence and sources.

You certainly do not know what we are talking here. You have brought in only one side of the story, the story Americans are telling. It is almost unbelievable that two boats experience mechanical failure simultaneously in the same location.

The other aspect of this, which you are oblivious to, is that such an incident in many countries of the world, in which US roams around would not result in detaining the crew. They either turn a blind eye and pretend they did not see the Americans or that they just help Americans to get out as fast as they can since they do not have the spine to stand up to US. And the implication of this is huge on the streets of these countries. People will give example of Iran, for a decade to come on how their country's military should behave if such an incident occurs, and this is the benefit Iran derives from this incidence. Kind of like the story of David and Goliath.

As for the rest, watch this to confirm it to yourself that this is not the first time:

On a serious note, the Americans might very well be lying.

How can two sophisticated military grade boats with two independent propulsion systems each, fail at the same time in the same locality?

There are just too many coincidences there to be a believable story that Americans are saying about "mechanical failure".
of course they are lying. they are looking for excuses to not end the sanctions.
good for Mr Rohani and Zarif.
See an opthalmologist as your sight seems blurry.
In our case, Russia couldn't say anything 'cos they knew that they were mistaken after repeatedly violations and warnings it was a well deserved action by us. Turkey have capability to protect himself without Nato's help.

In your case if US Marines violated your water waters then you have right to protect it. As a Turkish national I can say this but when we downed Russian jet all we have seen were a bunch of Iranian cheerleaders of Russia.

You guys need to stand tall every single time against same incidents. Otherwise it's just called hypocrisy.

Go sell your veggies somewhere else. Standing tall on the shoulders of NATO brings no significant patriotism for Iranians. It might only for you.

of course they are lying. they are looking for excuses to not end the sanctions.
good for Mr Rohani and Zarif.

They can't. Iran has the upper hand in the region.
I'll let you know before anyone else next time I screw with my account credentials and forget to write them down... on purpose:partay:.
tbh i made an account here too but i forgot my account details. that was in 2009
I quoted the signature of @haman10 . Iran is more complicated than Bedouin's one dimensional thought processes. Iran has a complex culture.

By the way, Iranians believe Cyrus to be Dhul-Qarnayn as do others for example some Pakistani Islamic scholars: Cyrus the Great in the Quran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


You still do not get it. Sovereign and independent states are not friends with each other. Only national interests bring them together and drives them apart. Only vassal states and protectorates call their masters, their friends.
We call him Zulkarnain ... It's a common boy's name here too.. Zulkarnain is also mentioned in the Holy Quran.
Go sell your veggies somewhere else. Standing tall on the shoulders of NATO brings no significant patriotism for Iranians. It might only for you.

Sorry my bad.. I don't think you have that skeleton to stand tall.. You are just some one else from where taqiyya has invented.
Sorry my bad.. I don't think you have that skeleton to stand tall.. You are just some one else from where taqiyya has invented.

What is taqiyya..? I've heard that term a lot here... And only on PDF.
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