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Breaking: Petrodollar Cracks: Saudi Arabia Considers Accepting Yuan For Chinese Oil Sales

True, the US multinationals cannot find another well-organized 1 billion population to be the world manufacturing hub.

For the sake of their pocket, they don't care about their national interests anymore.

No matter it is Trump or Biden, all their effort to contain China's rise will be in vain.

Their strategy is to ask China to be pervert as well. 改变政治体系

China say soclalism is good. US say you must change to democracy, and this is codeword that China must be pervert, junkies, land of female militant, land of BLM.

US elite class know their fking governance is fkup, but US elites must moronized their people. Else US elites will face a slave revolt.

US is bad, so they want others to be bad.
Their strategy is to ask China to be pervert as well. 改变政治体系

China say soclalism is good. US say you must change to democracy, and this is codeword that China must be pervert, junkies, land of female militant, land of BLM.

US elite class know their fking governance is fkup, but US elites must moronized their people. Else US elites will face a slave revolt.

US is bad, so they want others to be bad.

The US multinationals love the Dengists, and they hate President Xi guts.

Soros has openly said that he wants China to go back to the era of the Dengism, and wants President Xi to step down.

The main opposition of President Xi is still those Dengists who are backed by the US multinationals.
Honestly, after what the US and EU did to Russia economically by pulling one plug has raised many eye brows.

Depency on dollar is now being dependent on a gunpoint.

The breakaway from USD should most likely be the next goal of many nations in the following decade.

Everybody in power on non-western nations feel unsafe with their wealth now.
The US multinationals love the Dengists, and they hate President Xi guts.

Soros has openly said that he wants China to go back to the era of the Dengism, and wants President Xi to step down.

The main opposition of President Xi is still those Dengists who are backed by the US multinationals.

Don't tell me you don't like a compliant North Korea in your bordering regions?

Americans want the same deal, all over the world. Compliant countries.

Just that other countries don't accept such a deal in some cases, that's when Americans call them names, start malicious propaganda campaing, subterfuge, deceit, lies, invasion, sanctions and such.
Don't tell me you don't like a compliant North Korea in your bordering regions?

Americans want the same deal, all over the world. Compliant countries.

Just that other countries don't accept such a deal in some cases, that's when Americans call them names, start malicious propaganda campaing, subterfuge, deceit, lies, invasion, sanctions and such.

Obviously the US has split into two factions; the globalists and the MAGA cults.

The globalists believe that the 1.4 billion disciplined Chinese are the best slave workers that they could ever find in this planet, and the Dengists (CCP's pro-West faction) would be their best puppet to directly control over these 1.4 billion slave workers.

The MAGA cults believe that both US and Russia are the two most powerful white christian nations, and the two nations should unite together to bring down any power that could potentially threaten the white christian domination over the world, so the main focus should be to destroy China.

The MAGA cults hate everything from China, no matter you are a hawkish Maoist or a pro-West Dengist.

Obviously the globalists still control all the money and technology, that's why you can see that Trump is now socially dead, and the US elites wouldn't let him to win another election.

Anyway, both side are evil; one is lawful evil, and the other one is chaotic evil.
Obviously the US has split into two factions; the globalists and the MAGA cults.

The globalists believe that the 1.4 billion disciplined Chinese are the best slave workers that they could ever find in this planet, and the Dengists (CCP's pro-West faction) would be their best puppet to directly control over these 1.4 billion slave workers.

The MAGA cults believe that both US and Russia are the two most powerful white christian nations, and the two nations should unite together to bring down any power that could potentially threaten the white christian domination over the world, so the main focus should be to destroy China.

The MAGA cults hate everything from China, no matter you are a hawkish Maoist or a pro-West Dengist.

Obviously the globalists still control all the money and technology, that's why you can see that Trump is now socially dead, and the US elites wouldn't let him to win another election.

Anyway, both side are evil; one is lawful evil, and the other one is chaotic evil.

All Americans always, without fail, will side with their government when faced with any outsider enemy. You can say they are more brainwashed than North Koreans. North Koreans know the Kim Dynasty rule them, and their media is censored.

Most Americans don't know who rule them (the Jews) and that their media is censored and controlled.

North korea is as democratic as Americans.

In North Korea if you criticize the rules, you suffer.

So you do in the United States.

Obviously you can criticize front men like Biden or Trump since they do not get to rule. The rulers are those who you can not criticize. Goes without saying, really.
All Americans always, without fail, will side with their government when faced with any outsider enemy. You can say they are more brainwashed than North Koreans. North Koreans know the Kim Dynasty rule them, and their media is censored.

Most Americans don't know who rule them (the Jews) and that their media is censored and controlled.

North korea is as democratic as Americans.

In North Korea if you criticize the rules, you suffer.

So you do in the United States.

Obviously you can criticize front men like Biden or Trump since they do not get to rule. The rulers are those who you can not criticize. Goes without saying, really.

The US elites' goal is still crystal clear; it is to subjugate China and destroy all anti-West factions within the CCP.

Still use those 1.4 billion Chinese slave workers to run this world.

President Xi started his career as a Dengist, and later he starts to lean more toward Maoism.

Because he believes that the Maoism is the true Sinicized Marxism, and the only way to restore China's national pride.

He is a moderate Maoist right now, and that's why the US elites hate him as much as their hatred for Trump and Putin.
We are more calculated than you imagine.

We still add 2-3 trillion of GDP annually, and we will soon dominate the US in every domains.

Why we have to be distracted by Taiwan?

It is the US who will do everything to disrupt our development, and they may try to push Taiwan's independence if they could find no other solution to stop China.

If Taiwan wants to remain the status quo, China will be patient and wait for few more years when China has surpassed the US in every domains.

The problem is that the US cannot wait any longer, the more desperate they become, the more likely they will push for Taiwan's independence in order to disrupt China.

It’s been a long time Tiger, but thank you for the laugh once again. :lol:
Ukraine crisis and US arrogance, blessing in disguise for overwhelming majority of the world's population! Finally there seems to be an upcoming alternate to the world's real dictator who has had complete monopoly over world's financial system. If it is successful, we'd be thankful to China and hard work of the Chinese people who have built their national strength by working with so much discipline for decades!
Much Appreciated!
The US elites probably took too much cracks and pot. Without Chinese goods and Chinese backing up dollar, there will be hyperinflation in US.

The only way for US to go against China is to impose discipline on her people. Ban drug, ban sex, ban feminism, ban BLM.....etc. Build discipline workers.

They wont do it.
At this point, it is completely impossible to impose discipline on the American people. The zionist media machine has been promoting drug use, pornography, sex, the breakdown of the family for so long that discipline is impossible. The only reason why things have continued to stay relatively smooth is because the USD is king and this allowed easy money to keep the party alive. But just look at the cracks introduced by a small crisis like Covid. Just imagine how bad things will get when we run into a massive crisis like hyperinflation, food shortages, etc.
Hunter Biden Meth teeth. This guy spend his whole life getting high on drugs and fking every women around him, including sister in law, niece......etc

This is what US elite class behave.

fk fk fk fk, drug, incest and even worship satan.


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