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"BRICS" open the doors to 4 senior Arab countries

Well, India might be kicked out in the end if it continues to go against the group expansion and other group agendas, only looks after its narrow self-interest not the whole group.
Are you a COMPLETE idiot. First India is an ORIGINAL member of the group from inception. In fact the group was conceived as a grouping of fast growing large developing economies with just 4 members India China Brazil and Russia.
There is NO MECHANISM for kicking anyone out. Pakistan cannot join as it's NOT a fast developing economy nor is it a country with vital resources or a vast landmass.
Are you a COMPLETE idiot. First India is an ORIGINAL member of the group from inception. In fact the group was conceived as a grouping of fast growing large developing economies with just 4 members India China Brazil and Russia.
There is NO MECHANISM for kicking anyone out. Pakistan cannot join as it's NOT a fast developing economy nor is it a country with vital resources or a vast landmass.
Fool, India is the spoiler in the group, so what if it's one of the original members, the group won't let India hold hostage of the group agendas forever. You think India can do whatever it wants in the group since it is one of the original members, lol, fool.
all a plan to coax Pakistan into it, If arabs are in then we might be more inclined. We should remember we are closer to Nato and we stood with them during the cold war.
They should include asali arab , i mean more arab than arabs nation which happens to be a nuclear power . I will vote and support for you .
Fool, India is the spoiler in the group, so what if it's one of the original members, the group won't let India hold hostage of the group agendas forever. You think India can do whatever it wants in the group since it is one of the original members, lol, fool.
Can you share any BRICS document that lays down conditions to ‘kick out a member state’?

Oh wait never mind. Just follow the CCP memo to post non sense here and increase your social credit points :lol:
Can you share any BRICS document that lays down conditions to ‘kick out a member state’?

Oh wait never mind. Just follow the CCP memo to post non sense here and increase your social credit points :lol:
Stop your fool's BS talk, you think India get a veto to do whatever it wants to the group agendas and so all the members should bend their will to supa powa India ? Lol, keep dreaming that the members won't take some action if India behaves that way.
What is the world is a "Senior Arab country"? :lol::lol::lol:

With countries like Egypt, Saudi and UAE (all dictator ruled) joining, this organization will end up being like any other old Soviet aligned blocks.
Egypt will be always "neutral" when it comes of West and East conflict. During the Cold War, Egypt was one of the founders of Non-Aligned Movement with Nasser (Egypt), Jawaharlal Nehru (India) and Tito (Yugoslavia). Egypt plays with both side to achieve the max from the 2 bloc.
Stop your fool's BS talk, you think India get a veto to do whatever it wants to the group agendas and so all the members should bend their will to supa powa India ? Lol, keep dreaming that the members won't take some action if India behaves that way.
I asked a simple question, what happened to your high IQ :lol:

Let me repeat it for you:
Can you share any BRICS document that lays down conditions to ‘kick out a member state’?
Egypt will be always "neutral" when it comes of West and East conflict. During the Cold War, Egypt was one of the founders of Non-Aligned Movement with Nasser (Egypt), Jawaharlal Nehru (India) and Tito (Yugoslavia). Egypt plays with both side to achieve the max from the 2 bloc.

Unfortunately Egypt failed to gain much benefit from any of the blocks. And the test is it's state of development. It's not a shot against Egypt, many countries including mine are same.
Unfortunately Egypt failed to gain much benefit from any of the blocks. And the test is it's state of development. It's not a shot against Egypt, many countries including mine are same.
Partially true, Russians are building our nuclear power plant in cooperation with South Korea, heavy investments in renewable energy (as we saw the results of COP-27) also in Suez Canal from East and West.

Egypt will be always "neutral" when it comes of West and East conflict. During the Cold War, Egypt was one of the founders of Non-Aligned Movement with Nasser (Egypt), Jawaharlal Nehru (India) and Tito (Yugoslavia). Egypt plays with both side to achieve the max from the 2 bloc.
The original founders of NAM, as an ancient civilization it will always try to make a niche space among the two super blocs just like India!!
There should be 5 billion dollar fees for joining this group so that unnecessary crowd does not come .
I fell like this is to keep certain country out of the group :p:

Any way BRICS was simply term coined by Goldman Sacs for the fast developing countries, which was eventually made by Russia China India as an economic platform. There was not much trade even after the commencement of the group as it simply was a platform for some economic discussion, without much value( looking objectively).

But recently China and Russia have started to see it as a counterbalance to G7, thus making it a more political bloc. We will see how the BRICS is going to evolve in coming years. If there is not much increment in the trade and commerce, than it will remain as a chai biscuit forum without much value addition/influence to the world!!

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