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British austerity: Army chief treated Kapoor to £5-meal


Feb 19, 2007
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British austerity: Army chief treated Kapoor to £5-meal
Manu Pubby

Posted: Tuesday , Aug 25, 2009 at 0430 hrs

Army Chief General Deepak Kapoor was served cheap wine and food at an official reception hosted by his counterpart in London to cut government expenses, a scrutiny into records of money spent by top UK officials on entertainment of foreign dignitaries has revealed.

Official records, obtained by British tabloid News of the World under the Freedom of Information Act, show that General Kapoor and senior officials including Indian High Commissioner Shiv Mukherjee were “treated” to a £-5.15-per-head meal at a reception hosted at Kensington Palace by Armed Forces chief General Sir Richard Dannatt.

General Kapoor, it seems, was served a meal consisting of “pastry, cheese and salmon” that was bought off the shelf from a mass retail chain during his tour of the UK in August last year. Total expenses on the reception, including 23 guests, came to £123.58.

While expenses of politicians, including money claimed as food expenses, have kicked up a row, this is the first time that money spent by the armed forces chief have been made public. While Dannatt incurred official expenses of £19,290.77, Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth claimed £130,817 in expenses.

British austerity: Army chief treated Kapoor to £5-meal
Well not surprising.

We asians go overboard in hospitality , more so if the guest is a foreigner. The Armed forces have traditionally been known to ' lay it on thick' on official functions.

In the West my experience is that things are very matter of fact. Even though the traditions of Military Officers Messes were started by the brits, they do not follow them any more .

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